Clint Turner – Land Marketing Masterclass


Land Marketing Masterclass for Land Investors

Land Investors At Any Age Or Stage Of Your Real Estate Journey…

If You’re Ready To AMPLIFY Your Sales, REDUCE Your Time Spent On Follow Up, and ELIMINATE the “Tech Headache”…

If you…

frustrated & disillusioned
by land marketing strategies from the “experts” that never seem to work.

confident on sales calls
& are tired of dealing with the
endless flow of tire-kickers

Have spent your hard-earned money on all sorts of strategies & “guaranteed” or “guru” courses but
never see any results

KNOW you could be
selling more land
, if only you had the right marketing & sales processes in place.

Feel like you just need someone to lay it out for you step-by-step, in a plan
designed specifically for land investors

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, keep reading because this may be the most important page you visit all year.

The Land Marketing Masterclass
is unlike any other program or course you’ve ever taken. This is a hands-on, step-by-step training geared specifically toward land investors like you.

What Will You Gain From The Land Marketing Masterclass?

Marketing and sales processes that get RESULTS

More time and freedom with a repeatable/scalable marketing process in place

A system to take a lead from “cold” to “warm” with minimal effort from YOU!

Better, more qualified leads so you’re no longer drowning in follow-up from tire kickers

The skills and resources to hire the right people and train them efficiently

Support from a community of like-minded land investors who are actively trying to grow their businesses (networking, anyone?)

Join our
Learn Land Mastermind
for immediate access to The Land Funnel Method Course (The only place you can now access the course).

Click Here to Learn More About The Mastermind

The Land Marketing Masterclass Is Everything You Need to Build a Profitable Sales Funnel

Get the training, tools, templates, and systems to sell more land.

What You Get When You Join

Traffic Strategies for Land Investors

You will receive the EXACT traffic strategies Clint uses to generate hundreds of leads a month from Facebook, Craigslist, Zillow, and Paid Traffic Sources!

Clint’s ENTIRE Land Sales Funnel

You will get Clint’s exact marketing and sales funnel that automatically captures customer information, does initial follow up, and builds your buyers list while you sleep!

Custom Built Tools for Ads

Access to the custom-built tools Clint’s team uses to schedule hundreds of ads per month and easily communicate with your VAs.

Sales Script & Objection Handling Techniques

No more sales call stage fright: you’ll have the exact script you need for sales calls, as well as techniques to handle any objections your leads may have.

Email, Text, & Autoresponder Templates

These templates will allow you to engage your database and handle new leads without worrying about what you need to say.

Trainings for Your Whole Team

Done-for-you VA trainings will benefit everyone on your team and in the system so that you don’t have to spend countless hours training new hires.

Wisdom & Mindset Shifts

Learn from Clint’s years of experience as a successful land investor, and receive expert coaching to shift your mindset for success.


If you hired a digital marketing or operations agency to take care of all of this for you, it would EASILY cost over $15,000. (No, that’s not an exaggeration.) This program was designed specifically for land investors like you to solidify your marketing and sales processes, build a better team, and grow your income.

Join the Learn Land Mastermind for Immediate Access to
The Land Marketing Masterclass
. Click Here For More Info on The Mastermind

About Me

Hey there! It’s Clint. I’ve been there and it sucks. Rolling up your sleeves, mustering up all your grit and setting out to find buyers for your land. You’re ready to do whatever it takes to make this work but it’s HARD. Around every corner is another problem or objection.

I’ve been there. I’ve tried it all. Craigslist, Facebook, Zillow, cold calling neighbors, snail mail, begging, pleading and praying. It’s not fun. It’s desperate and it leaves you looking for a better way.

Well, good news. Your better way is here and it’s called
The Land Marketing Masterclass
. What is it? It’s the culmination of all of the knowledge and experience I gained while closing over 250 land deals over the past two years. Trust me, this powerful course experience will give you a way out of all the headaches (and heartaches) you’ve had trying to find highly qualified land buyers.

It’s simple, I want you to have what I have: unlimited access to qualified buyers… EVERY SINGLE MONTH! It’s all here and ready for you, so join me and finally achieve what you’ve been working for:

More Time. More Money. More Freedom. More Impact.

– Clint Turner, Head Coach and Founder of Learn Land

What Are People Saying?

The Land Marketing Masterclass Gets Real People, Real Results



Delivery Method

Upon completing your purchase, we will send you
download link, through or Telegram.

Given that this is a digital copy, we recommend downloading and saving it to your hard drive. Should the link become broken for any reason, please reach out to us, and we will promptly resend a new download link.

If you are unable to locate the download link, there’s no need to worry. We will update and notify you as soon as possible, typically within 24-72 hours.

Thank You For Shopping With Us!