
Clicks “Done for You” (DFY) Ad Templates 2.0

Original price was: ₹4,050.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.


Clicks “Done for You” (DFY) Ad Templates 2.0
And hiring someone to create an ad design for you can be EXPENSIVE, (and you still might not be happy with the end result).

“This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”And hiring someone to create an ad design for you can be EXPENSIVE, (and you still might not be happy with the end result).

Clicks “Done for You” (DFY) Ad Templates 2.0

You want to start new campaigns and get more leads – but here’s what’s setting you back… 

Designing professional looking ads that don’t cause people’s eyes to glaze over and ignore is not easy.

It takes a lot of time to DIY – and if you are like me (and you probably weren’t happy with the end result anyway).

And hiring someone to create an ad design for you can be EXPENSIVE, (and you still might not be happy with the end result).

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