Clearing Statements – Home Study – Julie Renee


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: Total sizes: 1.29 GB – include: Buy now $59 $179, Clearing Statements – Home Study – Julie Renee Course.Clearing Statements – Home Study – Julie ReneeHow Clearing Statements Get Created: Nature of & More​This very special program is designed to help you in understanding the meaning of Right, Permission and Ability, than learning how to create a powerful statement that will yield an amazing result with the clearing and understanding both the importance and the meaning of ‘the nature of’ which is always at the end of a clearing statement.If you’ve been part of our trainings for a while you’re very familiar with the statement at the top of any clearing chart that sets the clearing ‘intention’. Perhaps at some point you’ve wondered about it, the significance and meaning of it all, and then perhaps let it go trusting the statement and the chart to do its work.In our very special 2-part training we’ll be getting you set up to have the skill to create a clearing statement, that can be used on its own or with a details chart.You’ll learn why the words Right, Permission and Ability are used always at the beginning. And who has had the power to take away these for you if they’re missing and need to be restored.You’ll also be trained in how to assemble the words in the statement, which is similar to what we do in our wealth trainings with mock ups, but slightly different. You’ll get advice also on the length and breadth of what you are intending to clear, should it be all one be bundle or would you be better off with multiple clearing statements? You’ll learn about the unique difference of creating a statement in the positive, or in the negative, and when it is important to use one or the other.Finally we’ll go over the 22 words we use to define the nature of. In previous years we simplified and always used removing domination suppression and control, but now as we have advanced our skills and understanding we can get an even deeper clearing by accurately including the nature of the problem specific to each statement and each chart.Training One: You’ll receive a detail chart explaining your Right, Permission and Ability, what it is and where it came from. We look at where the blocks were developed in different areas and how it anchors in and continues to cause problems for you as you live your life. As we go through the details you’ll learn why it is so important to always start a clearing statement, and ultimately a clearing chart with this permission right and ability cleared. I will do a blueprint clearing as well on ability.Training Two: In this very important and impactful day you will learn how a clearing statement is made. You’ll train on statement making for the most effective and powerful clearings. We’ll go over 3 possible drop-in formats for clearing statements so you’ll have a template you can refer to as you begin your journey in statement making and clearings. We’ll be practicing, I’ll be coaching you on a clearing statement. One of the big things here is to not make it too wordy and to get to the heart of the issue with a few different angles.Training Three: We’ll go through the first 11 nature of’s that are at the end of a clearing statement. We’ll look at a definition for each one and why they may show up on a chart. These words that describe the nature of the problem you’re designing a way to clear. All these descriptions are part of perception in the blueprint, and considered ‘mental anomalies’ unique to the challenge at hand.Training Four: Completion day tackles the remaining 11 nature off categories with full explanation of what they are and why they may be showing up in your clearing chart. We’ll be wrapping up our training reviewing all the topics we covered during the program and doing a final Q&A to insure all your questions have been fully answered. An important foundational class to build off of through the coming year!Support MaterialsCharts:Right, Permission and Ability to learn these concepts and integrate the wisdom rapidly and with great easeUnderstanding Right, Permission and Ability ChartUnderstanding the Nature of Chart4 statement templatesQuantum ClarityClarity is the gift of success you give to yourself. It allows all things to happen with grace and ease and helps you to focus on what you have come to bring into the world.Having pristine clarity is the secret to every successful endeavor and is the foundation for the wealthy self made individual. What could you do if you had crystal clear clarity?Highlights:Grounding and Releasing Competition, Control and healing ProjectsCrystal Ball Clarity ~ Diamond, Ruby and EmeraldTruth and Discernment on Your Golden ThroneAura ClearingBeing able to enter the Quantum Pleasure FieldBrilliant brain Meditation and audio training Bring your crystalline focus to a place of centered ownership as you assume direction with clarity from your golden throne and out from the center of your head. Clarity stimulates momentum along with a magnetic force to encourage positive movement.