
Clayton Makepeace – 2 Hours to More Profitable Sales Copy

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Clayton Makepeace – 2 Hours to More Profitable Sales Copy

From Clayton Makepeace

Publisher & Editor, THE TOTAL PACKAGE
Two Hours to More Profitable Sales Copy – is more than a 276-page book. It’s a tool designed from the ground up to add dollars to your bottom line.
Now, if what I’ve told you about Two Hours to More Profitable Sales Copy so far has your finger itching to click an “order now” button on this page, PLEASE DON’T. Not yet, anyway.
Because to live up to my reputation – “underpromise and overdeliver Makepeace” – I’ve added much, much more to this volume. And when you order, you’re going to get more than a book.
You’re going to get a complete history of direct response copywriting to help you see how these techniques have evolved over the years and how they’re likely to evolve from here.
You’re going to get a bonus report designed to pour even more power into your sales promotions.
And you’re going to get a 120-minute CD that will challenge everything you think you know about copywriting today.
More on all of that in a moment; first, let’s take a look at just a few of the money-making gems awaiting you in your copy of Two-Hours to More Profitable Sales Copy …
You’ll discover, for example:

How to tap into the power of your subconscious mind to organize your thoughts, get off to a fast start, and create better copy. A simple process …
How to turn a leisurely visit to your local bookstore into the most profitable three hours of your entire year: A treasure trove of response boosting ideas at your fingertips …
The truth nobody tells you about focus groups: Why relying on them to learn about your prospects could cost you a small fortune …
12 steps to writing million-dollar sales copy: My easy-to-follow process for creating bigger winners more often …
Four crucial requirements of great writing: And why paying attention to them can send your results soaring …
How to write better sales copy faster: My secret for cranking out compelling ad copy in less time than most writers take to plan their strategy …
The single most important quality all great copywriters share: Hint: We weren’t born with it; we developed it – and you can, too …
Three “inconvenient facts” self-appointed copy gurus never tell you: Forget even one of these shockers and it’ll cost you – big time!
How to write headlines that make reading the rest of your message mandatory: Drives readership and response through the roof …
Six common copy mistakes that make prospects stampeding for the exits: And why most copywriters spend their entire careers making them …
How organizational tangles and fuzzy logic kill great sales copy: A simple solution you’ll love …
What it takes to go from zero to hero in the direct response industry today: You’ll be stunned at how little it takes …
Eight preliminary sales you must make in every ad and sales letter you write: Why your response will only be as strong as the weakest link in this chain …
Six powerful persuasion strategies and how to use each one to rocket your response: Simple secrets for structuring sales arguments that instantly make even skeptical prospects ready, willing, and eager to buy …
The astonishing power of the “scientific demonstration:” How I recently used this simple technique to sell more than $50 million in health products in a single direct mail package …
Eight perfectly legal ways to turn a dull, boring testimonial into a credibility bonanza for your product: A step-by-step, “do-this-then-do-that” guide …
Beyond testimonials: How to create “proof elements” that instantly convince your prospects of every sales argument in your promotion …
Common opening copy mistake that sends your ad or sales letter right to the trash. Makes your reader think you’re pulling some kind of a bait and switch scam designed to trick him into reading your copy …
Navigate the body copy minefield without getting blown to smithereens. How to keep your prospects hanging on every word you say – no matter how long your copy is …
How to make your product benefits sparkle. Five simple steps …
Are “faux benefits” killing your sales copy? The single most common mistake rookie copywriters make – and how to avoid it …
Product features aren’t that important, right? Wrong! Yes, benefits are key, but features are critical to higher response, too — here’s how to use them right …
The simple secret to maximizing the power of benefits: How to explode your sales results in five easy steps …
How to mine the invisible benefits in every product: Your product brings far more value to your prospects’ lives that you ever dreamed – here’s how to find them fast …
Two cardinal sins even seasoned copywriters make when extolling product benefits: Avoid these blunders and you’ll automatically pump up the selling power of every promotion you write …
How to polish every product benefit until it sparkles: How dimensionalizing your benefits can make your copy more compelling than you ever thought possible …
Three unforgivable sins ad writers commit when crafting body copy. And seven “Golden Rules” to help you avoid them …
Three powerful ways to create a sense of momentum in your sales copy. Just do this – and prospects will breeze through even the longest sales copy with ease …
The art of the irresistible offer: Eight essential components every great offer shares – the techniques I use to boost response by 20%, 30% or even more …
Solving “The Choice Paradox”: Consumers want choices – but how many ordering options are too many … or too few? Helpful guidance from actual tests …
How to name your price without inducing sticker shock. Two techniques I use to make a $5,000, $10,000, even a $25,000 price feel like the bargain of the century …
Eight steps to a compelling close. Secrets that make “not ordering” unthinkable in prospects’ minds …
The amazing power of the “Crossroads Close”: Do this, and your prospect sells himself on ordering now …
Pack more selling power into your P.S. The four most effective techniques I’ve ever used …
Are your order forms killing sales? The #1 blunder marketers make with their response devices …
Response Device 101: The four types of order forms and when to use each one …
12 qualities all great order forms have in common. And why you can’t afford to miss even one of them …
My proprietary “37-Point Acid Test for Direct Response Copy:” One of the most powerful response-boosting tools I’ve ever shared with anyone …
The secrets to polishing your copy until it sings. 12 crucial things to look for …
When your copy must be cut. Four steps for deciding what stays and what goes …
How to choose the most powerful format for your next direct mail promotion …
And much, MUCH MORE.

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].