Cindy Goldrich – Executive Functions & ADHD in Children & Adolescents


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Cindy Goldrich – Executive Functions & ADHD in Children & Adolescents

Strategies for Increasing Success

Working memory
Problem solving
Conflict resolution
Homework and testing
Techniques to reduce stress, anxiety, and problem behavior
Reduce time spent redirecting and refocusing.-Teaching students who are distracted and inattentive
Effective collaboration with parents, paraprofessionals, and other professionals without excessive time commitment

Are you looking for new strategies to get your kids to pay more attention and learn better? Are you struggling with kids who can’t get started, stay involved, or complete their work? This seminar will teach techniques and tools to help children who struggle with focusing, cooperation, and performing to their full potential.

Teach your children a specific ten.-A brief lesson on the brain will help them to focus, reduce stress and learn more effectively.
Take advantage of the most recent evidence and brain research-Based on best practices to get kids focused, motivated, organized, and performing closer to their true potential.

Cindy These tips will assist you in designing subtle changes in Environment that encourages better time management, working memory and motivation. This environment will benefit all children. ADHD. Take away valuable handouts and new ideas for teachers and parents.-Skills, behavior and many other things.

Identify how executive functioning deficits are impacting students’ ability to successfully utilize classroom learning and perform well on curriculum objectives.
List enhanced strategies for engaging and maintaining students’ attention and active participation.
Subtle changes are possible in Classroom structure and environment that improves time management, organizational skills, study skills and study skills. This will be beneficial to all children, not just those with special needs. ADHD.
Show how to reduce students’ stress levels so they can perform better and meet greater expectations
Please describe how you participate in Experiential exercises show how adjustments can be made in Your approach can positively impact student learning outcomes.
Identify pre-Strategies to assist slower processors and distracted students

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ADHD And Executive Function Updates

Notable changes in The new DSM-5®
Relationship between ADHD Executive function
Impact ADHD Beyond impulsivity and inattentiveness
The connection between academic performance, executive function skills, and executive function skills is not just a measure of service quality.

Strategies to Improve Attention, Organization and Memory

Free websites and graphic organizers to help you organize and outline effectively
Timers, paper organizers and homework management software that works effectively
Verbal and visual prompts
Keys to incorporating movement, fidgets and mindfulness techniques

Strategies to Reduce Disruptive Behaviors, Stress & Anxiety

Identify the skills that are lacking
How to structure your environment
Breathing techniques
Instil confidence in your ability to explore, experiment and discover.-advocate
Teach children to be more involved in tackling their challenges

Techniques to Strengthen Your Emotional/Self Efforts-Regulation in School and at home

Increase self-awareness and problem solving skills to improve advocacy and advocacy skills-Awareness and self-awareness-Talk
Pomodoro Time Management Technique to improve concentration and tenacity
Examples of environmental modifications to harness innate strengths
Emotional reactions when taking medication