Chris Record – $8K Per Day Formula


The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Course for Beginners! – How I went from a Negative Bank Account to Having $8K+ Per Days Online – In Hopes to Inspire You and Teach You my Techniques!I had a negative bank account, a 485 credit score, and got evicted from my tiny little 800 square foot apartment.Then 12 short months later I had made $485,432.55 in commissions and over $150,000 in a single month!Purchase Chris Record – $8K Per Day Formula courses at here with PRICE $361 $47 Chris Record – $8K Per Day FormulaThe Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Course for Beginners! – How I went from a Negative Bank Account to Having $8K+ Per Days Online – In Hopes to Inspire You and Teach You my Techniques!I had a negative bank account, a 485 credit score, and got evicted from my tiny little 800 square foot apartment.Then 12 short months later I had made $485,432.55 in commissions and over $150,000 in a single month!Get Chris Record – $8K Per Day Formula at the CourseAvaiHey everyone, my name is Chris Record.I’m a lot like you.  I was always motivated to make money online, but I used to let my fear and lack of knowledge hold me back. I would buy program after program, but it always felt like I was just spending money and not making any.I would constantly have to explain to my wife (my girlfriend at the time), why I was switching into something new when I was so passionate about something different the month before. Can you relate? After years of trying, we eventually hit rock bottom. We found ourselves with a negative bank account, our credit was ruined, and we were getting evicted from our apartment.To make matters worse we got into a car accident that week and I got whiplash as a result. We couldn’t afford a good lawyer, so we ended up losing the case even though we were rear ended!  Our life was completely falling apart.It was time to chalk up entrepreneurship as a loss and move back home with parents.Or…Should we give it another shot?  My good friend George called me with yet another opportunity he had found to make money selling stuff, and I reluctantly checked it out, but that opportunity ended up being a life changer.As unrealistic as it sounds, I miraculously was able to generate leads online for that sales opportunity and invite them to watch sales presentations, and within one full year I had sold over $1,000,000 of that company’s products and earned over $485,000 in commissions as an affiliate!I wish the story was perfect from that point forward, but that affiliate offer ended up losing momentum and everyone started struggling to make new sales. I found myself “stuck” at this level and not able to break through and keep growing. Things began falling apart again, and I began losing my confidence in the process. Then, one afternoon in a park in Washington D.C, everything changed…My millionaire friend Chad told me something that day, that I have never forgotten.“Millionaires Become Millionaires Because they FindMultiple Ways to Make Money Doing What They Are Already Doing”Have you ever heard something that just “clicked” with you.For me, that was the moment where I realized I had 10X more potential than I was currently using, and I knew it was immediately time to make a change.Why is it that 2 people can do the exact same thing, and get 2 different results?Have you ever felt like you are doing everything you are taught, but for some reason you aren’t getting the results that others are getting doing the exact same thing?You aren’t alone.This is very common in our industry.  Where there is information everywhere, and people are constantly taking action, but for some reason not getting BIG results.Product after product, software after software, webinar after webinar…Yet another year goes by and you sit down with your spouse and have “that talk” where you defend your passions and your dreams and convince them it will work soon.Get Chris Record – $8K Per Day Formula at the CourseAvai“One definition of insanity isDoing the Same Thing Over and Overand Expecting a Different Result”Most people think this is just a fancy cliche, so they skip right past the meaning.But there is a lot of TRUTH in this statement, and if you take time to fully understand this right now, it can potentially change your entire life for the better.You are probably a very hard worker.  You are probably very busy.  You are probably just as deserving of success as the next person.  And it’s DEFINITELY your time.But first, you might need to STOP your current marketing plans completely. Because there is a good chance that what you are currently doing will keep getting you the results that you are currently getting.If you want different results, you might need to start doing different things. You might need to start focusing on INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES that actually work.The good news is that I’ve developed a system that you can follow, where you can model after my success, and start focusing on working Smarter not Harder.The foundation of Income Producing Activities are the 3 C’s of Online MarketingCreate Traffic. Capture Leads. Convert Sales.Sales are obviously the most important, because that is where you generate income.We don’t have money printers in our house, or any money trees in our backyard. So all your “income” will come from money already in circulation. Think about this.This is extremely important to understand because most people are afraid of selling.You see, there is an emotional dillemma when it comes to collecting money from others, but think about it, that’s what you are already doing and have been doing for your whole life and you probably just need the right perspective.In order to earn income, you HAVE to get it from someone else. Every single dollar you have ever had in your hand has come from someone else. And you had to “sell” them on why they should give it to you.If your goal is to create wealth, you have to embrace the fact that your wealth will come from other people because money is already in circulation.  People don’t just walk around giving their money to other people, and if they do, it’s likely because they were “sold” on it from that person.  If you want to earn BIG income, you must SELL.The homeless guy on the corner is “selling you” when they ask you to donate money to them, or you are “selling yourself” on why you should give that person money, but a sale is being made either way.The job you currently work at required you to “sell” your skills and talents to that employer in order for them to pay you money to help you with your bills every single month, and that employer might have even had to “sell” YOU on working for them.When it comes to selling online, you will be accepting payments from people around the world, who are willing to part with their income for a product or service that they feel is worth it, but those people must be sold first.The better you get at selling, the more wealth you can create, to a point where money is no longer an obstacle in your life and you can have more choices and freedom.You MUST come to the understanding that in order to “make money”, it must come from someone else who gives it to you for something in exchange. Embrace that fact.Once you get comfortable with the concept of selling, then you are ready to step into a brand new world of online marketing that can create massive wealth, and introduce you to an elite league of A-Level players who are market shifters and game changers.“Become a Master at Creating Traffic, Capturing Leads, and Converting Sales, and you can Generate Unlimited Wealth”Create Traffic. Capture Leads. Convert Sales.The next step is to get focused on Building an Email List. Not just any type of list. But a Highly-Targeted Massive List! A list that will actually buy when you promote offers.Everything you do online should be centered around the idea of building a list. And these days there are so many tools and resources to make this happen that it’s a dream come true window of opportunity for you.There are 3 types of lists that you must start building immediately.Email Opt-In ListRetargeting ListSocial Media ListYour email list will be your bread and butter.  When you build this the right way, and scale it into the thousands, then you are always just one-click away from generating a huge payday for you and your family.Your top focus should be to funnel visitors from all sources into a lead capture page. When you build up a big database in your email autoresponder, and your social media profiles, and your retargeting lists, you will become a super affiliate machine that is unstoppable when it comes to promoting offers.You can dominate leaderboards, you can win big cash contests, you can make huge industry connections with millionaires by sending them tons of sales to their offers, and now they are reaching out to YOU to introduce themselves! Create Traffic. Capture Leads. Convert Sales.Once you set everything up to start building a list effectively, now it’s time to flood your pages and your funnels with tons of eager buyers from all over the world!Traffic is the lifeblood of your business. It’s what we call “keeping the pipeline full”. And if there was one thing to truly master, it would be scalable traffic.This can also be the biggest trap that marketers fall into. They buy traffic from this source and that source, and quickly spend thousands and thousands of dollars on traffic that doesn’t convert into any sales at all.The “traffic sellers” will tell you that you need to optimize your pages, and that the issue is something on your side, and you might even believe them.But the reality is that there is a TON of good traffic out there, ripe and ready, eager with their credit card in hand, and they are in almost every niche that you could imagine.When I finally understood how to turn on a traffic pipeline into the hundreds of thousands, that’s when my business absolutely exploded!Facebook, YouTube, Product Launches, Google, Membership Sites, and more…INTRODUCING THE $8K PER DAYAFFILIATE FORMULAWhy did I create this program?Because I know there are other marketers like me out there. You’ve been through struggles, you’ve bought a bunch of programs, you’ve tried a bunch of different strategies, but nothing seems to be working – But you aren’t going to give up!“The biggest obstacle to our success is the 6-inches between our ears, our negative self-talk, doubt, and lack of belief”You deserve success.  You deserve financial freedom.  You deserve to know what it’s like to be able to create 6 figures online, or even 7-figures online.Life is short.  And we all wake up in the morning and put on our pants the same way. So what makes some people so different, and so able to create so much wealth?Next time you drive through a big city, look at all the buildings.  Someone owns them.People own all the stores.  People own all the houses.  People own all the cars.Money is everywhere. It’s all around us. Wealth is right there in front of us every single day, but yet it still feels impossible at times right?Well I’m on a mission to change that. I’m on a mission to create millionaires!How to Make $8,000 Per Day in Affiliate Marketing EXAMPLE SCREENSHOTS OF MY DAILY COMMISSIONS EARNEDFROM PROMOTING JVZOO OFFERS AS AN AFFILIATEFirst things first, this method is NOT about luck.It’s about modeling after my exact methods that I’m using as an affiliate marketer to create six figure months.$47Related products Internet Marketing Alex Becker – HeroCONSULTING Accelerator$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$89.00Current price is: $89.00.= 89 Points Add to cart Internet Marketing Amanda Diaz – DIY Natural Light Fashion$199.00 Original price was: $199.00.$47.00Current price is: $47.00.= 47 Points Add to cart Internet Marketing Adam Linkenauger – Video Traffic System with OTO$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$61.00Current price is: $61.00.= 61 Points Add to cart Internet Marketing Adam Short – Niche Profit Full Control$1,497.00 Original price was: $1,497.00.$132.00Current price is: $132.00.= 132 Points Add to cart Internet Marketing Derek Johanson – Copy Hour (2012-2015)$299.00 Original price was: $299.00.$26.00Current price is: $26.00.= 26 Points Add to cart Internet Marketing 10 Week Functional Patterns Online Course$249.00 Original price was: $249.00.$48.00Current price is: $48.00.= 48 Points Add to cart Internet Marketing Dr. Joseph Riggio – Million-Dollar High-Ticket Groups & Programs 2.0$1,997.00 Original price was: $1,997.00.$124.00Current price is: $124.00.= 124 Points Add to cart Internet Marketing Adam Melson – Advanced Organic Acquisition$499.00 Original price was: $499.00.$61.00Current price is: $61.00.= 61 Points Add to cart