
Chris Orzechowski – Double Your Deliverability

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Chris Orzechowski – Double Your Deliverability
Here’s how to bring a dying email list back to life… without losing all your subscribers… even if every email you send is winding up in the spam/junk folder

Just follow this simple, step-by-step process and you’ll experience better deliverability and have a much healthier list in no time!
Dear Friend,

If you’re concerned about your email deliverability and list health, then this is the most important message you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:
Nothing is more terrifying as a business owner than watching your email list performance wither and die

Especially when you’ve probably spent thousands of hours and an unfathomable amount of money, time, sweat, and focus into building that asset in the first place.

Even scarier is when the signs of what’s mortally wrong with your list aren’t obvious:

First, it starts with slightly lower open rates that start creeping lower and lower with each send…

Which means the raw number of clicks you’re generating also go down… less opens, less clicks.

Of course… all of that means your revenue from your list slowly starts to fade out of existence.
What The Hell Is Going On With My List?!?

Desperate to fix it… you start doing what the talking heads suggest which is to some of these things:

“Oh that’s right maybe I just need to test subject lines!”

(Sounds logical… until you find out it doesn’t work.)

“Maybe I’ll just use different images!”

(Second verse, same as the first.)

“Duhhhh! Just send daily emails… I’LL FLOOD THE ZONE!”

(This is tantamount of giving your email list a death sentence… and it won’t be pretty)

See when these things happen it’s like having a car problem… the more you drive with the problem the worse it gets.

Until you blow a transmission or engine and now your car (i.e. your list) is nothing more than junk.

And the problems are typically hidden from you unless you know what to look for…

The more time that passes with the more email blasts you unleash you’re doing some seriously deadly long term damage to your list.
One More Send And Your List Could Be Headed To The Morgue!

Fortunately, there’s a pair of “Deliverability Defibrillators” to bring your list back to life.
Hi Im Chris Orzechowski

I run an email marketing agency called Orzy Media and we’ve helped brands generate millions from their email lists.
Most importantly, we’ve rescued lists brand owners swore were dead.

Odds are the reason why you’re seeing your list slowly die isn’t normally because of subject lines, body copy or images…
It’s All About Deliverability!

Here’s the deal…

Email providers like Gmail, Yahoo and so on hate marketers (for the most part) and all it takes is you committing a few cardinal sins and they’ll start smacking your list with low deliverability.

The tough part is they don’t exactly tell you what the problem is… it’s like knowing you’re sick but having to diagnose the disease on your own.

Without the proper training or experience it’s gonna be a hell of a rough ride!

And that’s where we come in…
We’d like to show you the exact process we use to help our clients improve their deliverability, restore their list health, and restore their sender reputation… without having to lose a large portion of their lists

Over the years, we’ve had a lot of clients ask us about email deliverability and list health.

Some of their emails were getting blocked, swatted, and relegated to the junk folder… no matter what they tried!

So I talked with my Head of Tech, Matt Spangler, about this.

I asked him,

“Hey Matt… do we have a process we can use to improve our clients deliverability, regardless of the ESP they’re using or the industry they’re in?

“”As a matter of fact, we do…” Matt replied.

Matt had actually develop a simple process and tested it out with a handful of clients to help them dramatically improve their deliverability and list health… and rescue their emails from the dreaded junk folder.

When I polled my own email subscribers if they had any interest in this topic, hundreds replied back and said YES!


Matt and I put our heads together… and we decided we should create a course on this topic.

We documented this sixteen-step process that anyone can use to pump up your deliverability as high as humanly possible. And now, we’re releasing it to the world.

There’s no magic.

No mumbo-jumbo.

You just follow the sixteen steps we lay out in this course and you’ll be able to:

audit your deliverability, and
restore your list health and improve your sending performance… even if you’ve been getting crushed by the ISPs.



Double Your Deliverability is not like other courses on the topic.

We don’t give you any wacky pieces of code to try and outsmart Google. We don’t encourage you to cleave off a majority of your hard-earned subscribers. And we don’t try any tricks, gimmicks, or games.

We simply walk you through our sixteen-point process to assess and troubleshoot every single factor that could possibly be affecting your email deliverability… and then we show you what to do to fix it.

Even if your deliverability is already good… I guarantee we can make it even better.


Aren’t you a little bit curious to see if you ARE experiencing deliverability issues you didn’t even know you had?
The real magic behind Double Your Deliverability is our proprietary process called…


A Guaranteed Process To Bring Your List Back To Life!

Just like the tool emergency room doctors use to revive patients on the brink of death… we’ll use our “defibs” to bring your list back to life.

Specifically, what this program is going to do for your list is to revive your list’s deliverability where more of your emails land in your subscriber’s inbox.

That means more opens, more clicks… MORE MONEY!

Think of this program as a health exam for your email list profits…
Here’s How Double Your Deliverability Works:

You’ll discover how to do a deep dive into your email account to diagnose what the symptoms of your declining email profits are.
Then, you’ll test all your top performing emails against the most popular email services to see which one of them is giving you problems.
Next, you’ll analyze the structure and content of your emails to see if they’re getting blocked by Big Brother Gmail and his pals.
We’ll even show you how to look at your headers and banners looking for “deliverability flags” that are hurting your email list’s performance.
Of course we’ll also show you how to do a full cavity search of emails against popular spam filters.
Plus we’ll show you how to do a full domain analysis to see if you got into any email provider’s “doghouse” and get you back in their good graces.
Last, but definitely not least we’ll show you how to generate a full report including how to avoid seeing your email list back in the emergency room fighting for its very existence (and profits).

By the time you’re done you’ll get your email list back to health and pumping out profits like before and in many cases… better than before!
Here’s a sneak peek at what we cover inside Double Your Deliverability:

How to tell if you actually have a deliverability problem or not.
The 9 factors that affect email deliverability. (By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand how every move you make with your email marketing will affect your performance, so you can make better decisions for long term list health.)
Our exact step-by-step audit process we use at my agency to help our clients dramatically improve their deliverability.
How to authenticate your domain so you can improve and maintain a good reputation with the most popular ISPs.
A deep dive into how to completely align your domain authentication (SPIF, DKIM and DMARC)
An in-depth breakdown of how your email content affects deliverability (including an exhaustive list of do’s and dont’s).
Copywriting strategies that improve deliverability, list health, and list hygiene.
7 automations you can set up that’ll automatically improve deliverability… without you having to lift a finger.
It’s common knowledge that about 42.3% of all internet activity is performed by bots. That’s why we’ll show you how to protect your forms and opt-ins from “form spam” in our Form Spam Prevention lesson.
A simple process you can use to periodically trim the “dead weight” off your email list. Plus, we’ll show you how to actually determine which subscribers are dead (and which ones might just be hibernating) so you don’t accidentally get rid of any potential customers or leave money on the table.
A list cleaning case study demonstration (look over my shoulder as I show you exactly how to trim and prune your list so you have a tight, engaged segment of super-responders.)
A simple “authentication-fix” case study we performed for a client which dramatically improved their deliverability.
Two full deliverability audit breakdowns from real live brands – including our exact process for diagnosing and fixing their deliverability issues.
And much much more!

By the end of this course, you’re going to become a MASTER in email deliverability

Which means you’ll be able to help any brand in any market improve their deliverability.

If you’re doing this for your own brand, you’ll see a boost in performance. And you’ll know exactly how to fix any future issues if they ever arise.

And if you offer email marketing or copywriting services for clients… you’ll be able to offer “deliverability consulting” as a high-value service – your clients will LOVE it!

How cool is that?
Meet Your Instructors


Founder & CEO

Over the last eight years, Chris has helped 250+ brands grow their revenue and has helped generate over $100,000,000 in product sales using email.

He has also published two bestselling books on email marketing called Make It Rain and Scale While You Sleep. Chris has also coached over 2,100 students around the world on how to write high-converting email campaigns.

Chief Technological Officer

Matt has been working in the list management, lead generation and email marketing space for over 15 years… and has seen it all when it comes to reaching subscribers inside their inboxes.

From cold leads to engaged lists to everything-in-between, Matt has mastered the strategies and technical know-how for maximizing deliverability for both his clients and his own businesses.
“This sounds hard.

Do I need to be a tech expert to do this?”


In fact, we designed this course to be so simple… anyone can do it.

Each lesson is broken down in a “step-by-step” video tutorial. You’ll follow along with your own list and get the outcome you want.


We even include my agency’s internal deliverability audit documents to guide you through each step of the process.

So easy!
Who is Double Your Deliverability For?

The short answer is:

Anyone who has their own email list… or anyone who offers any kind of email marketing services to clients.

It’s for anyone who wants to make sure their emails aren’t getting labeled as “junk”, “spam”, or landing in the “promo” tab.
People like:

Email Marketers
Digital Product Creators
Service Businesses
Content Creators
Online Business Owners
Email Copywriters
E-Com Store Owners
SaaS Companies
Internet Marketers

If you fit into any of these buckets, then Double Your Deliverability is probably for you!


You might be thinking to yourself…

What have you got to lose?

Even if your deliverability is great (it probably isn’t)… wouldn’t you sleep better at night knowing you’re NOT leaving money on the table with every send?

The best outcome that can come from you getting Double Your Deliverability is your list comes back with a clean bill of health.

And if you ever DO have a problem arise… you’ll own the process you need to fix it fast.

Don’t send another email until you optimize your deliverability.