
Chris Munch & Jay Cruiz – The Loci Cycle

Original price was: ₹298,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,494.00.



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Chris Munch & Jay Cruiz – The Loci Cycle
Discover How We’re Flipping Brand New $10 Sites For $2,000 – $4,000 In A Hot New Evergreen Niche

PLUS How A Simple Push-Button Site Builder & Clever A.I. Tool Lets You Get It Done In Under 60 Minutes Over And Over And Over Again (Zero Tech Skills Needed!)
Our Hard-Working Students Can Make Passive Profits In Any Niche (Even Crypto) Thanks To Our Simple 3-Step Method & Underground A.I. Assisted Traffic Automation Tool
Hi, I’m Chris Munch – and I knew about Bitcoin back when it was worth a dollar. I passed it up.

Today, I’m taking what I’ve been doing for the past 15+ years online in ALL kinds of niches and applying it to the exploding Crypto niche.

I won’t be buying coins – I’ll be selling shovels to the gold miners!

Why? Because right now, there are people buying up websites left, right and center. They know it’s only going to get hotter, so they’re buying up all the ‘virtual real estate’ they can.

And I have a way to quickly produce the EXACT websites they want in under 30 minutes – then with another 30 minutes, do the ONE thing that explodes the value of the site to anything from $2,000 to $4,000 in a matter of weeks!

You see, I started my online business 15+ years ago, in an overcrowded shared house at university. I was putting in 12+ hour days and surviving on instant noodles.

Around that time, I made my first $100,000+ with a method that forms the basis of everything I do today… as well as 20,000+ people we’ve helped in their own businesses ever since.

By investing in the development of tools that automate 99% of the work I was doing, I’ve been able to grow an 8-Figure software company. I’m now on a mission to make these methods and systems accessible to everyone (not just the big players, unlike those who try to keep everything to themselves or inside small circles).
Right now, we have a “Once In A Generation” opportunity in front of us and thanks to the tools and methods we perfected over 15 years online – we’re in the perfect position to take FULL advantage!

I’m inviting you to join me… there’s more than enough room for us all!
Chris & Jay Are Bringing Their Disruptive Methods To Crypto!

Jay Cruiz – Around the time we met, Jay was stuck in a mind-numbing office job and like many, he was looking for an escape from the ‘going nowhere’ grind.

He wanted freedom and opportunity, to make his family proud and take good care of them. We soon joined forces and he added a powerful ‘missing ingredient’ to our business.

Not long after Jay came on board, we became the fastest growing company in our industry – adding over 350% to our revenues in record time.
It Starts With The Simple Model We Show Our Students To Generate Passive Profits In Any Niche
Being Able To Automatically Create These Sites In Under 30 Minutes Means You Can Make And “Flip” As Many As You Like – Or Keep Them Churning Out Profits!
It’s Even Perfect For Beginners Because:

It consists of only 3 simple steps (see below)

You can “Farm” or “Flip” your way to “2,079+/wk” passive profits

You don’t need any special skills or experience!
“Loci Farming” | The New Way To Generate Passive Profits With Zero Competition

“Loci Farms” are unique news aggregator sites you can build with a simple push-button tool in under 30 minutes.

“Loci Farms” Have THREE Unique Advantages:

You Can Deploy A Brand New Mini-Site In Under 30 Minutes With ZERO Tech Skill

They Automatically Populate With Content So You Never Have To Write Anything

You Can Do This An UNLIMITED Number Of Times!

You Can Keep These Mini-Sites To “Farm” Passive Profits For Yourself In ANY Niche…

Some Of These Sites Can Even Be “Flipped” For $2,000 – $4,000 In The Crypto Niche!
The “Loci Farming” Model In 3 Simple Steps:

Step 1

Deploy Loci Farm Mini-Site Using Automated Push-Button Site Builder (Zero Tech Skill Needed)

Step 2

Drive FREE Long-Term Traffic Using Clever A.I. Tool

Step 3

“Flip” The Site For $2,000-$4,000 Or Keep The Site And Generate Passive Profits Long-Term!

These Are The Only 3 Things Required To Generate Passive Profits In ANY Niche…
If All This Sounds “Too Easy” To You…

Well, consider this — it used to take me about 12+ hours each day to get this running doing it all manually.

Today, it only takes about 30 minutes.

And while our tools, method and systems can now bring anybody to profit (even with NO PAST EXPERIENCE…)

I am NOT trying to make this sound like “easy money!”

I am NOT trying to convince you this is a lazy person’s business!

It’s a smart business using proven systems and powerful (user-friendly) technology that gets results, like this…
Our Hard-Working Students Profit From All Kinds Of Niches Because They Put In Real Effort & Always Ask For Help When They Need It!

All our successful students put time in each day and treat it as a real business.

Every single one of them put in the effort up front, asked for help when they needed it and kept on pushing!

We’re Going To Host A 90-Day Profit Challenge…

You should be able to find at least a spare hour each day to grow this business, to reap the rewards. Going from 12+ hours to 30 minutes simply means you get much more done for your effort.

While this business is MOSTLY automated — you are still needed to add “The Human Touch”

I’m not saying this to scare you, I want us to go on this journey together! It’s just super important you understand this will take commitment and consistency.

We’ll be there to help — and there are literally millions of opportunities for you to apply that effort and make life-changing profits.

Before We Started In Crypto…
We And Our Students Are Able To Farm Passive Profits In Any Niche (Including Crypto!) By Deploying “Loci Farms” Providing Real Value In Any Niche

Once you learn how to spot “Zero Competition” opportunities in ANY niche, the way we’ve shown our students… You can make a profit anywhere.

So if you decide Crypto isn’t your thing, there’s a whole world of opportunity still waiting for you!

Take a look at some examples of what hard-working individuals have accomplished.

For examples, one of the “Big Wins” we saw from our community, even using an early version of the method…
This Loci Farm Turns 1 Of Every 7 Visitors Into A Sale — Stack Enough Of These Together And Enjoy The Passive Income That Results!

Thanks to the Loci Farming method of finding “Zero Competition” Opportunities — plus our secret traffic weapon “AmpiFire” — we’re able to drive enough free targeted buyer traffic to our Loci Farms and only need a few visitors to make big profits.

We recommend our students set up a few Loci Farms in different niches for a kind of ‘portfolio’ of Loci Farms…

More Loci Farms Means More Chance Of A Winner! Warren’s Makes $3,000 To $5,000 Per Month From A Single Loci Farm & Says “It Has Changed My Life”

Over time you can KEEP DEPLOYING these mostly automated machines to Stack & Scale your profits over time.

Just remember, it takes time! It takes effort! It isn’t necessarily going to be an overnight thing (though it can be).

Because it’s a real business, simple to run, with high profits and massive opportunity.

Personally, my time is taken up running my 8-figure software company — however, I was able to keep “Loci Farming” as a side hustle.
My Own $72,280/Yr Loci Farm “Side Hustle”

Now we’ve refined the model to such a degree, automating as much of it as possible…

I’m actually able to meet the demands of running and growing an 8-figure software company with a 100+ person team and STILL generate over $72,000 per year “Loci Farming”, thanks to the efforts I’d put in up front.

I have it set up so it takes me only about ONE HOUR every THREE MONTHS to keep this passive profit machine running.
The 3-Step “Loci Farming” Method Can Be Automated To A Point Significant Earnings Can Take Only 1 Hour Every 3 Months To Achieve – So Long As You Put In The Work up Front!

Also, keep in mind, I have years of experience with this. It didn’t happen overnight, but it shows you what’s possible.

Many of our students make a lot more than I do “Loci Farming” and spend their time growing that specific business.

The point is, you can make much higher $/hour of effort than anything else I’ve seen… and STILL enjoy life!

How We’re Going To Farm Crypto Profits Without Buying Coins Or Risking Any Money Trading…

(Over 75,500+ Opportunities Waiting For You!)

Here is why this is a “Once In A Generation” opportunity…

The Crypto Niche is right now exploding – we are in the right place, at the right time — and have the right method to take advantage!

Using the methods I’ve practiced and perfected over the past 15 years online; I’ve already spotted at least 75,000+ opportunities to generate traffic and sales.

And the biggest profits are always found taking advantage of a Social Shift…

Crypto and the technology behind it is changing the future of finance, creativity, gaming and it doesn’t stop there!

That’s why right now, marketers, agencies and businesses are buying up “Virtual Real Estate” to take their share of the booming interest in Crypto that’s only just beginning… we can fill this demand together!

Millions Of People Are Already Involved In Crypto And That’s Still Only 1% Of Those Who Could Be!
Celebrities, Hedge Funds, Major Corporations, Gardeners, Taxi Drivers, Doormen & Grandmothers Are Already Getting Involved… But It’s Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!

And Together, we can dominate this niche in a way nobody else will…

We’re at the critical point where enough ‘regular people’ are familiar enough – they’re looking for opportunities to get involved.

Millions Of People Are Already Involved In Crypto And That’s Still Only 1% Of Those Who Could Be!
Even my own Grandmother asked me recently “Should I Buy Some Bitcoin Shares…?” Bless her heart.
When Your Own Grandmother Asks About “BitCoin Shares” It’s Time To Pay Attention! NOT To Buy Any Coins Though – But Tapping Into & Serving The Exploding Demand…

Since my Grandma doesn’t have a clue about cryptocurrency or how it works… She’s never bought stocks or shares in her life…

It demonstrates just exactly how the crypto craze is blowing up right now!

That means it’s the perfect time and place to start “Loci Farming” and rake in those profits!

Not to buy the currency yourself… Not to buy any coins and risk the ‘ups and downs’ that’ll make you lose sleep. But to FARM those profits without risking ANY of your own capital!

The Loci Cycle Way…
The Loci Cycle Lets You Tap Into Demand Wherever It Exists So You Can Provide Value & Get Paid…
Once Again – There’s No Need To Risk Your Hard-Earned Money On Speculation, Investment, Hunches Or Even Flat Out Gambles – Just Get Paid For Providing Value

The saying “In a gold rush, sell shovels” is a metaphor which suggests that when you recognize a gold rush is happening, don’t try to be the millionth person to mine for gold, because you will probably fail.

By the time word gets out about the opportunity, bunches of people jump on it and the value is immediately diminished by over-competition.

Instead, sell something that all the millions of gold miners need, like shovels and picks.

Now you make money off all the other people that are jumping on the bandwagon for the gold rush, instead of risking your hard-earned capital hoping to strike gold.

You provide value to those who need it

You don’t have to be first – you just position yourself smarter.
Profit From Your Very Own Crypto Loci Farm!
PLUS A List Of Selected Underground High-Paying Affiliate Programs To Profit From…

You Can Get Paid In Regular Money Or In Crypto And Ride The Future Growth With No Risk…
… Or “Flip” Your Site For A $2,000+ Cash Windfall!

How A 45-Year-Old Introvert Blew Up His Traffic Using Our Controversial Content A.I. & Automation Tool: Adds $30,000,000+ In Sales

An early student, Denker, started using our underground method to get Free Targeted Buyer Traffic.

He was new to our methods… but he soon found so much success, he began doing it for other businesses too.

Using our method to get new customers to ANY THING in ANY NICHE — he added tens of millions of dollars to their sales…

… even while growing and selling out inventory in his own businesses!
One Of Our Hardest Working Students Drives “Free Targeted Buyer Traffic” To All Kinds Of Businesses Using Our A.I.-Assisted Traffic Automation Tool — Exploding Their Traffic & Sales

The #1 struggle people face is driving profitable Traffic.

Most people do what they’re told by the “Gurus”, YouTubers… even legitimate marketing professionals. They swarm to one of the multi-billion dollar mega-corporations – and try to ‘hack’ their way to profitable traffic.

Unfortunately, there’s something you’re not being told.

Whether you’re trying to get traffic through SEO (Slow) or Paid Advertising (Expensive) — it’s all based on algorithms. And to get these algorithms working in your favor… you’d really want a 6-figure marketing budget behind you.
Most People Try To ‘Hack’ Profitable Traffic – They’re Never Told You Need A 6-Figure Marketing Budget To Get These Algorithms Working In Your Favor!

People spend (hundreds of) thousands on Facebook and YouTube Ads to get their campaigns to work… Months and years trying to get their SEO to work… Not everybody has that kind of budget. Or Time. Neither did I, in the beginning.

Yet I was STILL able to drive good traffic and make good money WITHOUT paid ads or SEO
Traffic Stats From When I Did Things The 12+ Hour Manual Way — We’ve Now Solved “The Traffic Problem” For Thousands Of People Since Automating & Sharing The Method

Here’s the thing…

We don’t concern ourselves with mass traffic. We focus on getting real buyers, actively looking for solutions.

One Visitor with Real Buyer Potential is worth 100x the visitors who just happen to be there — even Google says so…
Google Values ‘Regular’ Traffic In Its Highest Value Niche At Under $0.02 Per View While We’re Making $2.23+ Per Page View Using Our Free Buyer Traffic Method

Nothing else gave us the Free Targeted Buyer Traffic we need.

So we created our own solution around the single most powerful traffic idea:

Get Any THING, Seen Every WHERE, In Every WAY

And we made getting Free Targeted Buyer Traffic as simple as filling in a form, with…
The Clever A.I. Traffic Automation Tool We Use To Advertise Anything On The World’s Biggest Websites

The World’s First & Only “Amplification” Engine

Automates Our Method For Getting Free Targeted Buyer Traffic In Any

Niche And Makes It As Simple As Filling In A Form!
How We Drive Buyers To Our Loci Farms For Free By Filling In Simple Online Forms

First, Use Our A.I.-Assisted Content Wizard To Draft The Content…
Fill In A Short Form & Answer Some Questions About The Offer…
An Article Is “Magically” Written For You…
Then It Drafts A Blog Post…
And An Audio Podcast Ad…
And A Slideshow PDF…
And A Video…
Even An Infographic Image!
AmpiFire Automatically Creates All This So You Can Get Traffic & Sales From…

Hundreds Of News Sites…
Popular Blogs…
Podcast Directories…
Presentation Sites…
Video Sites…
Social Media Sites…
Visibility In Searches On Google, Google News,

YouTube, LinkedIn, Apple Podcasts & More!
And Now Even Infographic Sites!
AmpiFire Gets All This Content Seen On Some Of The Biggest And Most Trusted Websites In The World Like Google News, YouTube, Apple And Hundreds More To Get Customers Without Paying For Ads