
Chris Dutton – Data Visualization With Excel Charts & Graphs

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Chris Dutton – Data Visualization With Excel Charts & Graphs

Ask people what comes to mind when they think of Excel, and odds are they’ll say “spreadsheets“. The truth is, Excel is an incredibly powerful, robust, and dynamic data visualization platform for those willing to think beyond rows, columns, and primitive pie charts — and I’m here to prove it.
This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel’s latest data visualization tools and techniques. I’ll show you when, why, and how to use each chart type, introduce key data visualization best practices, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and exercises every step of the way.
We’ll kick things off by exploring each of the 20+ chart types that Excel 2016 has to offer, including:
Bar & Column charts

Histograms & Pareto charts

Line charts & trend lines

Area charts

Pies & Donuts

Scatter plots & Bubble charts

Box & Whisker charts

Tree Maps & Sunbursts

Waterfall & Funnel charts

Radar & Stock charts

Heat maps, 3-D Surface & contour charts

Chloropleths & Geospatial maps

Custom combo charts & graphs


And more…
From there we’ll dive into a series of 12+ advanced Excel demos guaranteed to turn you into an absolute data viz rockstar. These aren’t “textbook” demos that you can find on YouTube; these are projects adapted from actual, award-winning work featured by Microsoft, MIT, and the New York Times. I’ve built my analytics career around data visualization, and I can help you do the same.
Whether you’re looking for a quick primer, trying to diversify your Excel skill set, or hoping to step up your data visualization game in a major way, this course is for you. In fact, if you don’t learn something brand new in this course, I will make sure you get your money back AND give you a virtual high-five for checking it out!
LIFETIME access to all content

Downloadable project files and resources

Unique, hands-on demos and case studies

Course quizzes & homework exercises

Certificate of Completion

Anyone looking to create beautiful, custom data visualizations in Excel

Excel users who have basic skills but want to master advanced charts, graphs & dashboards

Students looking for an engaging, hands-on, and highly interactive approach to training
Getting Started

PreviewCourse Structure & Outline (1:27)

StartDOWNLOAD: Course Resources

StartSetting Expectations (2:02)

Data Visualization Best Practices

PreviewKey Principles & The 10-Second Rule (2:45)

PreviewThe Good, The Bad & The Ugly (3:44)

StartThree Key Questions (1:49)

Chart Formatting & Customization

StartChart Elements, Layouts & Styles (6:20)

StartChart Formatting Options (5:26)

StartChanging Chart Types & Adding a Secondary Axis (3:03)

PreviewCreating, Modifying & Applying Custom Templates (4:06)

StartQUIZ: Chart Customization

Mastering Basic Charts & Graphs

StartBar & Column Charts (8:49)

StartHOMEWORK: Bar & Column Charts

StartHistogram & Pareto Charts (5:58)

StartHOMEWORK: Histogram & Pareto Charts

StartLine Charts & Trendlines (5:16)

StartHOMEWORK: Line Charts & Trendlines

StartArea Charts (4:41)

StartHOMEWORK: Area Charts

StartPies, Donuts & Race Tracks (12:04)

StartHOMEWORK: Pies, Donuts & Race Tracks

StartScatter Plots (7:30)

StartBubble Charts (6:36)

StartHOMEWORK: Scatter Plots & Bubble Charts

StartBox & Whisker Charts (6:05)

StartHOMEWORK: Box & Whisker Charts

PreviewTree Maps & Sunbursts (6:36)

StartHOMEWORK: Tree Maps & Sunbursts

StartWaterfall Charts (3:17)

StartFunnel Charts (3:42)

StartHOMEWORK: Waterfall & Funnel Charts

PreviewRadar Charts (7:56)

StartHOMEWORK: Radar Charts

StartStock Charts (7:18)

StartHOMEWORK: Stock Charts

StartHeat Maps (4:41)

StartHOMEWORK: Heat Maps

StartSurface & Contour Charts (7:35)

StartHOMEWORK: Surface & Contour Charts

StartGeospatial Maps with Power Map (5:28)

StartHOMEWORK: Power Map

StartBasic Combo Charts (7:57)

StartHOMEWORK: Combo Charts

StartSparklines (2:07)

StartHOMEWORK: Sparklines

StartQUIZ: Basic Charts & Graphs

Next-Level Data Viz Demos

StartSetting Expectations (1:40)

StartDEMO: Custom Image Overlay Charts (6:01)

StartDEMO: Adding Binary Values to Highlight Ranges (5:02)

PreviewDEMO: Automation with OFFSET & COUNTA (7:08)

StartDEMO: Adding Interactive Elements with Form Controls (12:30)

StartDEMO: Animating Changes Over Time (14:20)

StartDEMO: Building a Dynamic Dashboard (Part 1) (16:10)

PreviewDEMO: Building a Dynamic Dashboard (Part 2) (12:08)

StartDEMO: Dynamic Value-Based Formatting (10:09)

PreviewDEMO: Dynamically Highlighting a Data Series (10:26)

StartDEMO: Building a Custom Pacing Chart (10:22)

StartDEMO: Building a Custom Gauge Chart (9:58)

StartDEMO: Visualizing Percentages with Arrays (7:16)

StartQUIZ: Next-Level Data Viz

Wrapping Up

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