
Chris Do – Painless Pricing

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹4,500.00.


Why is it so hard to price creative work?
Have you ever told a prospect your price, then felt bad? Or doubted whether or not you deserve it? Strange as it is, this happens to every creative. We can be totally confident in our skills, but when dollars come into the conversation, we choke up.
How do you know you’re charging enough?
If you’re overwhelmed with projects or unmotivated to do the work, then you might not be charging enough. Inside Painless Pricing, Chris Do will teach you pricing strategies that will help you earn more money with every project. You’ll see that most projects are worth more than you think, and recognize the value you bring to the table.

Painless Pricing

Know what to charge and why
Everything you’ve wanted to know about pricing creative work is inside this course. Learn how to have the money discussion with prospects, and the different ways to charge for your work.

Regain your confidence
Feel comfortable talking about money with prospects. Shake off the imposter syndrome and understand the value you bring to every opportunity.

Reclaim your time
Stop spinning your wheels to make the same amount of money month after month. With the pricing guidelines in this course, you’ll be able to command a higher rate and keep your projects under control.