Chris Davis – Martial Body – Stable Body


File Format: [Webrip 31 MP4 – 1 PDF – 6 DOC]File Size:  2.296 GBDelivery: Digital DownloadPurchase Chris Davis – Martial Body – Stable Body courses at here with PRICE $55 $20Chris Davis – Martial Body – Stable BodyDestroying the structureMany of the techniques of the martial arts, especially in grappling, depend on us being able to manipulate our partner or opponents structure in some way. We often want to distort their posture, change the alignment of their spine, their shoulders and hips or pull them out of their base of support. These tactics can be stunningly effective when utilized by an expert who can get you out of balance from the moment they make contact.Developing natural resistance to distortionWe could try to counter these tactics with other techniques or tactics of course, but a far easier way is to create a body that naturally avoids distortion. That is the goal of StableBody training where we ingrain an acute sense of our alignment and position. The slightest deviation from our optimum alignment, even when moving at speed, becomes instantly recognizable and the body always attempts to return to the right position, without conscious thought.CounterRe-aligning ourselvesInitially, StableBody is a process of increasing our awareness. We train to directly feel where the balance of the body is, how it is skewed through any remaining tension (which we will resolve by heading back to HeavyBody) and how joints, limbs and the spine may be misaligned. Once we can directly feel these issues, we can correct the positions and hold them in place or during slow movement to embed the corrections.Posture = HealthCreating good alignments isn’t only relevant to martial arts of course. The understanding of the need for good posture has begun to permeate our lives as modern people have become more sedentary. StableBody training will give you the tools to recognize when your posture is compromised, or you are habitually creating poor posture habits. It will also give you some tools to create ever better posture for greater health and vitality.Course curriculumWelcome to StableBody FundamentalsShow details Welcome to StableBody Foundations – Training to increase our stability. Training Guide Introduction The importance of Propriocption Introducing Intent The Hands & Feet The Junctures & Centre points 02Technique LibraryShow details Technique Library SECTION 1 – Sensing the Body Technique 1 – Waking up the Tissues Technique 2 – Waking up the Skeleton Technique 3 – Waking up the feet – Forward Back Technique 4 – Waking up the feet – Side to Side Technique 5 – Setting up the Frame SECTION 2 – Finding the Body Centres Technique 1 – Finding the Centre Technique 2 – 6 directions from the centre Technique 3 – Finding the Centre of the legs Technique 4 – Finding the Centre of the arms SECTION 3 – Harmonizing the Body Harmonising Introduction Technique 1 – Anchors of the Axis Technique 2 – Linking the shoulders and hips Technique 3 – Linking the Elbows and Knees Technique 4 – Linking the Hands and Feet SECTION 4 – Stable Movement Stable Movement introduction Movement 1 – Same Side Stepping Movement 2 – Leaping side to side Movement 3 – Turning Horse Steps Movement 4 – Shikko 1 – Body Box Movement 5 – Floor Crawl 1 – Basic Movement 6 – Tightrope Floor Crawl 03Follow Along LessonsShow details Awakening the Body 04Partner Testing your ‘StableBody’Show details Testing with friends Returning from contortion 2 Point Pushing Stable Steps Single Point Pushing Lead & Follow game Isolated push game Sales PagePurchase Chris Davis – Martial Body – Stable Body courses at here with PRICE $55 $20