Chloe Elise – Wealthier Together: The Couples Guide To Winning With Money


Wealthier Together: The Couples Guide To Winning With Money

The ultimate couple’s guide to winning with money. This 14-week self-study course will take you from confused and fighting about money to 100% on the same page and ready to crush your biggest financial dreams together.


Money is one of the leading causes of divorce, second only to infidelity.

Over 70% of couples say they have regular fights about money. Of those, 33% say they hid a purchase from their partner, because they knew their partner wouldn’t approve.

Waiting to get on the same page with finances can cost you more than money


You’d rate your partner a 10/10, but your communication around money is usually closer to a 3/10

You’re engaged, living together, or already married…but finances aren’t all sunshine and daisies

You try to split things “evenly” financially, but you feel like the emotional & physical workload is unfair AF

You and your partner have very different incomes or spending habits, so you struggle to know how to split things

The thought of conjoining finances makes you want to throw up– you don’t know what to combine, what to keep separate, and when to do any of it.

Your current finance “strategy” is Venmo-ing each other 100x each week

You aren’t on the same page with money, which can lead to arguments or feeling resentful AF when things don’t seem fair or equal

You’ve ever felt frustrated with how your partner spends, and don’t think they have the right priorities

MEET CHLOE – Your New Favorite Money Expert

Chloe is the CEO of Deeper Than Money, a company dedicated to empowering and educating people around money. Chloe watched as her own life transformed after paying off $36,000 of debt and becoming debt-free at 22 years old. Seeing the life-long impact that getting her finances together would have, she decided she had to go and show others how to experience that same type of freedom. Chloe went on to save and invest over $400,000 by 25 years old and now shows other women in their 20s and 30s how to build real wealth, without giving up the things they love.

More about Chloe


Module 1: Honesty Hour

This isn’t a cute little Bumble side piece anymore. It’s time to get real with your forever partner about where you both are in order to have massive and easy success with money.

Module 2: Your Broke Inner Child

Coming from two different financial backgrounds can be hard enough… Now add in that you’ve both been raised with different values, roles, and beliefs, and things can get really crazy! It’s important the two of you finally get why each of you acts the way you do with regard to money.

Module 3: Your Money Story

Most likely you haven’t known your partner since infancy. There’s a lot of life that has happened between then and now, and walking through how money has played a part in this upbringing is vital.

Module 4: Your Money Dreams

If you aren’t currently on the same page with the day-to-day stuff, you probably aren’t dreaming as big together as you should be either. Learn how to make money conversations fun and exciting.

Module 5: Kids, Pets, Travel, Weddings…Oh My!

Kids, pets, and travel are all money-necessary endeavors and understanding how to plan for all of it is going to make a world of difference. Plus, wedding planning (aka spending a year of time and $30,000 for a one-day party) is a big chunk of change and it should be the best experience ever–not a stressful time.

Module 6: Using Protection

And no, not that kind! Whether you’re cohabi-dating or married, we’re going to ensure both of you are on the same page. Marriage is the biggest financial contract you’ll ever get into, so we will dig into if a cohabitation agreement or prenup makes sense for you.

Module 7: Bye Forever, Money Fights

Get on the same page with everything. Find the truth about why you disagree about money or why you have feelings of resentfulness or frustration with your partner. We’ll also talk about how to fairly divvy up the financial, emotional, and physical labor it takes to run your household.

Module 8: How to Plan Spending

Make tracking payments, personal spending, and all budgeting easy. This is the step-by-step solution to simplifying it all.

Module 9: ‘Til Debt Do We Part

Debt is one of the biggest causes of stress on a marriage or partnership. Learn how to pay off debt as a team.

Module 10: Spending Gets to be Easy

Planning for your own personal spending can already be a daunting task. But now planning for two people’s spending? Woof! Learn how spending gets to be easy and fun.

Module 11: DINK Life

Make the most out of your DINK life: Double Income No Kids. Rugrats are expensive and this is your time to make massive moves before the kiddos come along (if you’re wanting kids!).

Module 12: The Important Shit

All the insurance convos, “What’s a will?”, and all the crap you want to put off, but will be grateful AF to have figured out now.

Module 13: It’s Pronounced “Power Couple”

Start owning it. The two of you are now going to basically take over the world and spend the rest of your life creating massive wealth, giving freely, and building a legacy for future generations.



The full course will be delivered to your library immediately after purchase so you can dive right in!



What’s the format of this course?

Wealthier Together is a self-study course made up of 14 modules. Each module contains a coaching video from Chloe and a worksheet for you and your partner to fill out together.

Can we go through at our own pace?

Absolutely! We recommend setting aside time to do one module per week, but you can go through at your own pace and refer back to the content at any time.

I’m trying to decide between Wealthier Together and The Wealth Accelerator for me and my partner.

Wealth Accelerator is the COMPLETE financial transformational coaching program, where Wealthier Together is a couple’s guide to getting on the same page. The Wealth Accelerator includes a coaching and community component and also covers similar content in Wealthier Together. Wealthier Together is completely self-study and includes zero coaching. The Wealth Accelerator is Deeper Than Money’s signature coaching program, available by application only. If you are accepted, your significant other is welcome to join at no additional cost. This means they will have access to all the modules, can join in on the coaching calls, and participate in the private Facebook group.
Click here to apply for the Wealth Accelerator

Do I get access


Delivery Method

Upon completing your purchase, we will send you
download link, through or Telegram.

Given that this is a digital copy, we recommend downloading and saving it to your hard drive. Should the link become broken for any reason, please reach out to us, and we will promptly resend a new download link.

If you are unable to locate the download link, there’s no need to worry. We will update and notify you as soon as possible, typically within 24-72 hours.

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