Cherry Claus – The Seven Biggest Mistakes Men Make On Dates And Tips On How To Avoid These



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Cherry Claus – The Seven Biggest Mistakes Men Make On Dates And Tips On How To Avoid These
Not focusing on your date can take many different forms from not making eye contact with her, to looking at the waitresses or other women. Eye contact is one of the main ways we gauge whether someone is interested in us. So look at her when you are talking to your date and make sure you make lots of eye contact with her – hold her gaze for a little longer than you would normally (about 3 seconds).
If your eyes are wandering off to look at other women, she is likely to think that either you’re not interested in her or that you are probably a womaniser! Don’t even go there!
Focusing on your date means paying attention to her in every sense of the word. Notice if she’s cold and offer her your jacket or if you are al fresco (outdoors), ask her if she’d prefer to sit inside. If you are sharing a bottle of wine – notice when she has finished her glass and always make sure you serve her first. I know this sounds obvious but you’d be amazed at the amount of men who don’t pay attention to this!