CHEK Institute – The Science and Application of Infant Development For Adults


CHEK Institute – The Science and Application of Infant Development For AdultsOne of the great miracles of human life is that we start out as stranded, dependent, relatively immobile beings and become, within the space of about 1 year, dexterous, independent, squatting, bending, climbing, walking beings. It is this startling transition – and the ongoing development beyond this – which allows us to move towards our goals in life.How do we go through this transformation?There is a very specific motor-sensory and brain-body developmental sequence that we need to pass through to become well-functioning adults.But sometimes, there’s a break in that developmental chain… sometimes due to accidents, sometimes due to illness and other times due to misinformed advice or ideas of how a child should develop. When such a break occurs, inefficiency in movement, loss of coordination and other musculoskeletal, visceral and hormonal disorders can result.This course is designed to teach you the exact sequence of human infant development, how to track down when and where your clients have experienced those breaks in the developmental chain, and how to address them through simple exercise interventions.The tremendous benefit of the approach is to see and address the deep and often hidden causes for injury and suboptimal athletic performance.The Science and Application of Infant Development For Adults is a powerful approach to functional exercise that will give you deeper, and little-known, insights into movement dysfunction. That means you will be able to help more people.WHAT’S IN THIS COURSEHow to complete this courseClick the appropriate lesson name on the right to get started. There are 18 lessons in Section 1 and 9 lessons in Section 2Mark each lesson as finished by clicking the “Mark as Complete” button. Once you’ve done so, you will be directed to the next lesson.Once you complete a Section there will be a short quiz to take. You need to score 80% or better on each quiz in order to move onto the next Section.It is highly recommended that you try out all the assessments and exercises in each section before you attempt the quiz.After you have completed all 27 lessons and passed both quizzes, you will have completed the course and will receive a certificate of completion.A green check mark will indicate where you left off in completing the course.Total estimated time for completion – 5 hours +  time spent on taking quizzesCourse ObjectivesYou’ll learn:The human motor-sensory developmental sequence, all the way from simple breathing to the complexity of gaitHow the human nervous system self-programs and self-corrects, using infant development.The connections between infant development and static/dynamic postureHow to assess for breaks in the developmental sequenceInfant Development exercises such as Naval Radiation, the Inchworm and the Reptilian CrawlHow to incorporate infant development exercise into your programsHow to use the Swiss ball, diet and lifestyle changes to reconstruct the neuro-motor functions of the bodyHow to progress from infant development exercises to conditioning programsCourse Content AllSECTION 1 – TheoryLesson 1 – Introduction –Lesson 2 – Static and Dynamic Posture –Lesson 3 – The R-C Factor –Lesson 4 – Biomotor Abilities –Lesson 5 – Neonate Development –Lesson 6 – Navel Radiation –Lesson 7 – Reptilian Crawling –Lesson 8 – Developmental Anatomy –Lesson 9 – Autonomic Balance –Lesson 10 – Visceral Health –Lesson 11 – Final Stages of Infant Development –Lesson 12 – Physical Development Stages –Lesson 13 – General Motor Programs –Lesson 14 – Primal Pattern® Movements –Lesson 15 – Cellular Respiration –Lesson 16 – Introduction to the Inchworm –Lesson 17 – Left / Right Integration –Lesson 18 – Final Thoughts –  | SECTION 2 – Practical ApplicationLesson 19 – Breathing Assessments –Lesson 20 – Pre-spinal Movements –Lesson 21 – The Inchworm –Lesson 22 – Rolling –Lesson 23 – Ball Reach ~ Belly Crawl –Lesson 24 – Starfish –Lesson 25 – Bear & Reptilian Crawl –Lesson 26 – Mammalian Crawl –Lesson 27 – Brachiation –Infant Development Section 2 Quiz There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.