Cheapinternetmarketingtools – Product Launch Formula WP Theme


Download available within 1-2 hours. Cons of product launches: they are a one-off event. Once the launch momentum dies out, so do sales. And since it’s a one-off event, you cannot reproduce that momentum again – at least not immediately.

Cheapinternetmarketingtools – Product Launch Formula WP Theme

Definition of Product Launch: It’s a carefully-crafted series of free content preceding the scheduled product release date in order to build trust, authority and likability among your audience. The goal is to generate buzz and to build up excitement in your niche so when your product is finally available, everyone rushes to place their order.

Pros of product launches: if done correctly, you should see a massive influx of orders on the product launch day.
Cons of product launches: they are a one-off event. Once the launch momentum dies out, so do sales. And since it’s a one-off event, you cannot reproduce that momentum again – at least not immediately.

But what if…
But what if we could indeed ride a never-ending, evergreen product launch process enjoying the benefits of a standard product launch but without suffering from its drawbacks?
Well… that’s what the Product Launch WordPress Theme is for!
QUESTION: Can it be used for standard “one-off” launches?
Yes, you can run and manage traditional one-off product launches on autopilot. Our Product Launch theme allows you to also unlock different posts as per your specific dates. Simply pre-set at which specific dates you want the theme to unlock each specific post and the theme will manage your launch on autopilot for you!

This is the structure of a standard blog post: visible header at the top, clean and prominent content area, and below the comments section on the left and the previous posts sidebar on the right.
Get immediately download Cheapinternetmarketingtools – Product Launch Formula WP Theme

Here’s the built-in “Previous Post” feature admin dashboard
This is the built-in Previous Post admin dashboard: pre-defining the sequential order of your launch content has never been easier!
You can configure the look of your blog in few clicks!
With a click of a mouse, you can easily upload your own header or you can use any of the stylish pre-built header backgrounds. You can also configure the links to be displayed at the blog navigation bar, or you can hide the navigation bar altogether. In less than two minutes, you will have your Product Launch blog up and running!
Here’s the typical never-ending product launch structure

This is the typical never-ending, evergreen product launch sequence. All you need is a squeeze page, an email autoresponder (such as Aweber, iContact, GetResponse, etc) and the Product launch WordPress Theme.Here’s how to configure the them to run a traditional one-off launch.

Simply enter the release date and time for each post and the script will automatically unlock and make the posts public as per your configuration.
The Product Launch WordPress Theme is all you need to run your launches smoothly on autopilot, over and over again. Why would you launch your product once if you can launch it (and relaunch it!) every single day of the week without lifting a finger?