
Chase Dimond – Ecommerce Email Marketing Course

Original price was: ₹62,167.00.Current price is: ₹5,550.00.



Course Intro
My Background (Optional)
Course Intro + Outline
Email Revenue Benchmark

Klaviyo Account Setup
Klaviyo Account Setup
Campaigns vs. Flows
Flow Naming Convention

Email Collection
Integrate Signup Forms
How To Build A Basic Signup Form
Build A High Converting Form 

Core Email Flows (Pre Purchase)
Welcome Series for Non Buyers 
Auto Resend Welcome Email 1 
Welcome Series for Non Buyers 
Overview of The 4 Abandoned Flows
How to Setup the Active on Site 
How to Setup the Added to Cart Metric
Site Abandonment
Browse Abandonment
Abandoned Cart Flow
Abandoned Checkout Part 1
Abandoned Checkout Part 2
Back in Stock

Core Email Flows (Post Purchase)
Standard – Customer Thank You
Unique – Customer Thank You 
Cross-sell / Upsell (as a campaign)
Cross-sell / Upsell (as a flow)
Replenishment Reminder
Customer Winback
Sunset Unengaged (aka break up series)

Core Campaigns
Campaigns Overview
The Best Seller Campaign
The Free Product With Purchase Campaign
The Referral Campaign
The Blog/Content Campaign
The Giveaway Campaign
The Flash Sale Campaign
The Product Launch Campaigns
The Collection Launch Campaigns
The Expert Campaign
The Buy Now, Pay Later Campaign
The Preorder Campaign
The Holiday Campaign

Key Segments For BFCM
6 Core Segments

Best Practices + Helpful Tips
How to Run A Flow Time Delay Test
How To Integrate An Email Countdown
How To Resend A Campaign To Non Openers
How To Enrich Contact Profiles
How To Run An A/B Test in Klaviyo
How To Turn An Email Mockup
Underground Email Tactics & Experiments
Snooze Button 
Prompt People

Course Conclusion
Course Conclusion

Bonus Videos
There’s More to Email 
5 Steps to Developing Brand Awarenes
A Real Ecom Brand Email Breakdown
AI and The Future of Email Marketing
Effective Email & SMS Leveraging 
Mastering All Things Deliverability
Training Call – 3/2/2021
Training Call – 10/9/2020
My Presentation at IMCX
Training Call – 12/14/2020
Training Call – 1/19/2021

Bonus Documents
16 Lessons

Alex In My Inbox Archive
23 Lessons