Chart Engineers – Market Structure, Liquidity, Price & Time, Fair Value Gaps Course


Chart Engineers – Market Structure, Liquidity, Price & Time, Fair Value GapsSyllabusContains all the theory you need to excel your understanding of price. The Syllabus is well organized and consists of9 separate videos where we cover the following topics: Market Structure, Liquidity, Price & Time, Fair Value Gaps, Price Delivery, Entry Techniques and 2 videos where we explain how to put the theory into practice which will include 2 different trading strategies. After watching and extensively studying the Syllabus, new Engineers should be familiar with the way CHARTENGINEERS approach the markets.DEVELOPING YOUR OWN TRADING SYSTEMOur main focus is to develop independent profitable traders. You will receive access to all the tools needed to create your own trading system. CHARTENGINEERS will help you build a tailor-made trading plan.RECOGNISE WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN’TWhen you become a Chart Engineer you will be testing your own trading strategy, you will do this by collecting stats from old price data to see how you would have performed. This is an essential part of your trade development at CHARTENGINEERS.CONSISTENCYTo become an independent profitable trader you will have to gain consistency. Being consistent as a trader means that your actions are not random. Instead, your actions have to be well organised and in line with your strategy. The CHARTENGINEERS platform will guide you to achieve this.