Charm Offensive – Converts Like A Charm


Welcome to Converts Like A Charm by Charm Offensive
Welcome to ” Charm Offensive – Converts Like A Charm ”
Charm Offensive – Converts Like A Charm
m Offensive style began its life as a way to get responses from cold emails.
This context is very different from writing pitches to an email list or on social media.
In the last year, I’ve blended my disarming humorous style with rhetorical devices and the persuasive concepts of direct response copywriting to great effect.
I’ve developed a style which stands out, entertains, and most importantly, converts.
I’ve never released a training that specifically talks about this potent blend of charm and persuasion.
Until, as you may have guessed, now…
How to write disarming emails that Converts Like A Charm :
This awesome pack will go into great detail, covering:

How to use these crafty coy little bullet points that evoke curiosity with their combination of vagueness and specificity.

Incorporate easy to use joke formulas such as “The hyperbole pack pedal”, “Words in their mouth”, “2 Hands” and a variety of others to add spunk, chutzpah, and moxie to your copy
Use conflicting word combinations to make copy to maintain attention and make people smile
The counter-intuitive way of talking up your own self-interested goals to great persuasive effect
Quash your prospects objections with the “absurd scenario” technique
Deploy unorthodox calls to action to maximise click-through rates
Thwart the enemies of good copy: the immovable object(writer’s block) and the irresistible force(imposter syndrome)
Make the use of scarcity far more fun for everyone involved, while still maintaining its efficacy
A simple clever trick that uses informal and formal copy together to create humorous sentences
The common mindset issue that people have that prevents them from writing high-converting, charming, funny copy
How to provide ‘silly’ reasons for sales offers that make people laugh and reach for their wallets
A few crafty tricks to maximising open rates on your most crucial, time-sensitive pitch emails
The 5 key elements you need in any charming sales pitch
The ‘scenic route’ tactic to celebrate your successes without appearing arrogant, and to criticise others without being direct.
The ‘creative pattern interrupt’ techniques I use on social media to stop people from scrolling
The charming little lines I add to social media posts to boost engagement and reach significantly.
The clumsy, herky-jerky, sentence structure that when used, adds a sort of ‘comic-timing’ to your copy
The weird ‘metric humour’ trick I learned from watching my favourite sitcom growing up, Cheers.
A cunning, but lazy technique that uses specificity to make your copy resonate with more of your audience
An unorthodox post you can make on Facebook that will get enormous reach and promote whatever you want
A simple tactic you can use to generate a huge level of responses from the first email in your autoresponder sequence
How to write emails even when you’re in a bad mood or have no motivation or are recklessly hungover
The key elements to ask to be included in your client testimonials that will maximise their persuasive effect
How to make people want to click on links to your video testimonials, and engage with them on social media
The most cost-effective cosmetic that anyone can add to their copy to make themselves more likeable and to drive a ton more sales
Use the power of recognition to write funny in-jokes that will resonate with your audience, building a strong level of rapport in the process
Most effectively incorporate humorous storytelling into your sales copy, allowing you to generate an ROI from your memory of your life experiences. (Even some of the bad ones!)
The clever little rhetorical trick used by a former UK Prime Minister and several former US Presidents to make them appear more likeable, and how you can use this tactic in your copy
Write funny P.S. lines to finish your email with a wry smile
An overview of the various types of email I send, and their structure.
The writing mindset I learned from one of my favourite authors, Hunter S. Thompson and how you can use it to write more captivating and entertaining copy
What my top selling products are, why they are the top sellers, and how to create your own versions of these for your market
The amusing “tenuous transition” technique you can use to not so gently move in to your pitch
The tiny but crucial change I made to my pitch emails after seeing Ben Settle’s that completely changed how I wrote emails to my list
How to maximise the reach of any social media pitch post by doing one thing a little differently
How to do subtle “soft” promotion of your new product to build awareness and and anticipation
Generate genuine testimonials for your product before you’ve even sold a copy