Charles Byrd – Zero to 60 Evernote


Discover How the World’s Most Productive People

Get More Done in Less Time

Charles Byrd – Zero to 60 Evernote

What is included and how it will help you TODAY?


Module 1 – Headfirst into Evernote – You’ll master the basics of Evernote and get started quickly!  Like within a few mins…

Module 2 – Getting your stuff into Evernote – Simple methods for collecting your world in Evernote.  
Module 3 – Secret Sauce Fast Track Workflows – The tricks revealed here are the biggest value in this course.  Know EXACTLY how to manage project info, meeting notes, client info, trip planning and more. 
Module 4 – Applying Evernote in the Real World – Examples  – These applications will not only give you a clear idea of how YOU can use Evernote now to manage your life, it will get your wheels spinning from the new possibilities that will rock your world. Bonus 
Bonus: Module (5) – Killer collaboration team Hacks – How to share notes, notebooks, chat, and present to others 
Bonus: Module (6) – paper Destroyer – Evernote Scanner – If you’re buried in stacks of paper, then make them vanish – forever!  Burn baby! 
Bonus: Module (7) – PDF Domination – Annotate This!  Complete PDF forms directly within Evernote, and add other annotations.



How is the course delivered? – The course is online and immediately available “at-your-convenience”.  It is broken into sections with consumable sized videos that can be viewed on computer or mobile devices at any time.  
Core modules are available immediately, and bonus modules will be released on a weekly basis.

How long will it take? – The core course content takes less than three hours, and only two if you are already an Evernote user.  The bonus modules add to this but by following the core lessons you can be up and running quickly!



“I am neck deep in my work projects.  I don’t have time to learn a new system!”
Here is a fact: The house is burning down around you.  You can stand there, feeling the heat,  coughing on the smoke engulfing you.  Or take ACTION.   
YOU — being the hero who saves not just today,  but the future for you, your team, and your family – Let’s MOVE!!  
If you think you can’t spare 3 hours to take this training to make back 144 hours in a year, then you desperately need this course!
This is the solution to your information chaos problem.  Solutions and hope have arrived.  You aren’t taking this step to add to your workload.   You’re DOING THIS to find freedom.  
The time investment is small.  The impact is LIFE CHANGING.   Breathe easier NOW!  
I personally know people who have tragically antiquated info management systems they depend on, and state they are just too up to their ears to adapt.   Then… 10 years go by.    This behavior is the very thing that stops them from ever getting control, and “gasp” AHEAD!  
Don’t be this person.  
Be the YOU you know you are inside who is proactive and uses technology to simplify your life.  AKA life before the iPhone anyone?!?  You are fully capable.  
Your peers have done it.  Now it’s your turn.  Let’s do THIS!  We’ve got your back every step of the way, PLUS there is a 100% money back guarantee.  You can’t loose.   It’s. On!!
Get Download Charles Byrd – Zero to 60 Evernote Right Now!

Here’s What You’ll Get in Charles Byrd – Zero to 60 Evernote