
Charity Cason – Publish Your Passion

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Charity Cason – Publish Your Passion
Get Charity Cason – Publish Your Passion right now!
Maybe you’ve always wanted to get your unique message out to the world but you’re a little scared, a lot confused and suffering from analysis paralysis.
You’ve heard people make money with this “self-publishing thing”, but you don’t know how to properly outline your book, how to get it written fast or how to even get the darn thing up on Amazon Kindle, iBooks and Nook!
What if I told you that I can take you from idea to sales in 8 weeks flat and without making you want to run screaming into traffic?
I created this 8-week Self Publishing boot camp to help creative entrepreneurs get their authentic message out into the world without a lot of confusion, frustration and procrastination (because who doesn’t love a little time wasting every now and again?)
I’m Charity Cason, and I’ve been self-publishing ebooks since 2012. I write lightning fast, publish at the speed of sound and make 6-figures all while sitting in my yoga pants in front of my Macbook. It’s a rough life, but somebody has to live it, right?
Every single day, I coach others how to do the same, but there’s only one of me and a lot of you, so this course is designed to help thousands of passionate, creative entrepreneurs to get their message out within the next 8 weeks as one big group!
“You could spend months or years trying to publish your book… or you can choose a better way.”
Listen, I’ve worked as a professional ghostwriter for years, so I know what it costs to hire the best to write your book for you.
You could spend months (or years) spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to research, write, publish and promote your book the right way, or you can allow a 6-figure earning self publisher to take you by the hand and lead you right to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
You can spend thousands of dollars just to get ONE book written (and it won’t be in your voice with your unique spirit), but that isn’t going to help you write the next book or promote it effectively… so you’re back to square one!
OR, you can let me help you.
I eat, sleep and breathe self publishing!
Your investment is a one-time only fee of $497 (or check out my payment plan if that suits your fancy).
Imagine that – You can write, publish and market your own book (or multiple books) without giving up tons of profits to an agent or publishing house. You can take this knowledge and apply it over and over, as many times as you want for years to come. Build your own publishing empire if you want!
Where else can you learn an entire industry that will pay you passive income for years for less than $500?
I’m going to be honest here. I struggled with the price of this course because I know how valuable it is, and I know how many years of hard-earned work it took me to learn everything I’m going to teach you. I spent tons of money and time learning how to do things the right way and eliminating all the hassle and fluff I saw other instructors teaching.
Who wants to do a bunch of time wasting stuff that doesn’t get your book written and sold? Yuck. Not me!
At first, I intended to charge at least $2000 for this material, especially since there are so many extra bonuses included and a private Facebook group. But, I changed my mind. Why?
Because my purpose is to help creative entrepreneurs unleash their message to the world, and I wanted to make it as affordable as possible. Your message NEEDS to be heard, and my goal in this course is to make sure that happens as soon as possible.
Why work with me?
• I’ve been self publishing for 3 years now, and I earn six-figures per year with my self-published books.
• I have a degree in Journalism, and I understand the process every writer must go through to create a bestselling book that actually helps people and gets the message across.
• I thoroughly understand the publishing process from start to finish including all of the marketing techniques that you need to know to be successful!
• I’m approachable, honest and ready to get your book done so that you can call yourself a published author!
• You’re in good hands… I won’t leave you behind. If you’re serious, I’m serious and we’ll get this done together.
MODULE 1 : Research

How to find book topics that readers want to BUY

How to understand the bestseller lists and use the information to spy on your competition

Understanding Amazon’s many programs for book publishers

How “Also Boughts” work and why they matter big time!

Finding and understanding your audience

Writing for your passion vs. what’s selling

Why self publishing instead of traditional publishing?

Keywords, categories, hidden categories, descriptions and titles… oh my!

MODULE 2 : Writing

How to outline your book without losing your mind

My special brain dumping method that makes outlining a cinch

Outsourcing success

Links and images in books

Super productivity methods to get more done faster

Editing and rewriting made easy

Different types of books you can write

My SUPER FAST writing methods to pump out quality content faster than your competition!

MODULE 3 : Publishing

Understanding the KDP Dashboard

Writing a great blurb for your book

Formatting made easy & what tool I use

Outsourcing your quality cover for a few bucks

How to publish your book on Amazon – a step-by-step tutorial video

Preorders – should you use them?

How to publish your books on Apple, Barnes & Noble and Kobo

And much more!

MODULE 4 : Marketing & Promotion

A massive video full of marketing tips and tricks

How to set up your Author page on Amazon

Getting reviews made simple

Building your email list

Facebook Ads 101 – The BEST way to build your tribe!

Marketing funnels and self-publishing

Social media for authors – learning to engage for success

And much more!
Get Charity Cason – Publish Your Passion right now!