Center For Executive Coaching – Coaching Master Toolkit


(This course is available for immediate delivery) The toolkit is not a script or a paint-by-numbers system, although they are easy to follow and have impact. A good metaphor is a river system. With a coaching toolkit, you get a framework to efficiently and effectively explore and issue with a client and help him or her have powerful insights. 

Center For Executive Coaching – Coaching Master Toolkit

Used successfully by hundreds of coaches in 22 countries worldwide…
Get a Powerful, Practical, Proven Coaching Toolkit to Attract New Clients, Keep Clients Longer, and Take Your Coaching Practice to the Next Level
The Center for Executive Coaching is known for its results-driven coaching methodologies and toolkits. But what if you don’t want to go through a coach training and certification program, and only want the tools?
Now you can get our famous toolkits without the formal certification program.
Our Coaching Toolkit, which has been featured prominently with the World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS), gives you access to over two dozen coaching toolkits, including instructions via webinar and email support from Andrew Neitlich, so that you have instant access to new solutions to offer your clients. These toolkits are practical coaching methodologies to the most pressing problems that leaders, executives, managers, entrepreneurs, teams, and up-and-coming leaders face. You can deliver these in a variety of formats: one-on-one coaching, group coaching, training, seminars, facilitated sessions, and as hybrid solutions. Your program shows you how. It even includes marketing templates so that you know how to market the content.

What a coaching toolkit is, and how it helps your practice:
These coaching toolkits give you the most efficient and effective pathways to getting results for clients, and help them with their most pressing challenges as leaders and managers. Instead of winging it when a client has a problem, you get a methodology to follow that helps you know the conversations to have for the fastest path to insights, accountability, and action towards improved performance.
That way, you come across as a credible professional with a proven approach.
The toolkit is not a script or a paint-by-numbers system, although they are easy to follow and have impact. A good metaphor is a river system. With a coaching toolkit, you get a framework to efficiently and effectively explore and issue with a client and help him or her have powerful insights. You explore all of the tributaries of the river system, while other coaches have to hope that they are being thorough.

These toolkits are incredibly powerful and give you ongoing benefits:

Attract more clients because you have a proven approach and methodology.
Keep clients longer, because you have a deep and broad solution set to solve their most pressing challenges as they happen.
Have more confidence as a coach that you are meeting clients’ needs and providing value.
Stand out from other coaches who are winging it with ongoing open-ended questions.
Have more impact, because these toolkits are laser-focused on results. That way, you get rave reviews and ongoing referrals.

See a video demo about why toolkits are important along with an example of one….

Read what coaches are saying about how our Coaching Toolkit has helped them have more impact with their clients while helping their practice grow and giving them more confidence….
Get immediately download Center For Executive Coaching – Coaching Master Toolkit
Re-Upped a Contract Over Three Years, Worth $150,000
Your toolkit has moved me into working with executive teams and C-suite teams instead of managers. For instance, one of my bread and butter clients, a healthcare company, now retains me at the senior level. I work with seven SVPs at the senior leadership team and the COO. I attribute the toolkit to making that a longer engagement. What was a one-year contract has been re-upped continuously to a three year contract and given me over $150,000. The toolkit just put my practice in a completely different orbit. It helps me close the gap. It is not about getting to the next level. It is so much bigger than that. It has really primed me to run in executive-level circles and have them say to me, “You have helped me think better” and “You have helped me accomplish things I didn’t think I could accomplish.” It has taken my business to what feels like the stratosphere.
Kelley Black, CEO and Founder, Balancing the Executive Life
Invaluable…What this has meant for me personally is confidence
The toolkit has been invaluable. I use it both on an internal and external basis. In my role as Senior Vice President of Human Resources, I‘ve developed a corporate university for the company. I’ve started various academies under the university and started a coaching academy under the university separate and apart from the other academies. The toolkits that I’ve used as part of the coaching academy have been invaluable for employees. What this has meant for me personally is confidence, that I can lead a full-time practice. Personally, it has also helped me be a better communicator, problem solver, coach and leader. Through the training in this program, I have seen a huge difference in my ability to effect change with individuals. It has helped me to grow as a communicator and leader. It has been great.
Matt Clemens, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Regional Bank
Easy for me to be thinking of additional opportunities…for the client
The impact of the toolkit on my practice and on my client’s success has been dramatic. The toolkits really give me the substance to help my clients in a far more structured and meaningful fashion. While I am on the newer side to the Coaching Toolkits, I feel that there is a solid argument that the toolkits will drive longer engagements. One reason for this is that the toolkits are so interconnected. Andrew has done such a good job of saying explicitly in the toolkits, “If you are using this toolkit to solve this problem for your client, you might find that this other toolkit might help as well.” With these built-in suggestions and with the fact that the toolkits are so interconnected, it is very easy for me to be thinking of additional opportunities, coachable issues, and problems to solve for the client. I continue to be astonished by the amount of value that Andrew cranks out for me and for other members.
John Fulwider, President, John Fulwider Coaching
I have closed my first great deal…close to a $100,000 agreement
For me the most important benefit of the toolkits has been kind of an osmosis that has come from the overall experience: I was not completely sure if I could have a career as a coach…Now I am completely sure I can do it. With your tools, your guidance, and your marketing support, I know I can do it. With every webinar and your advice, it is all connected and coming together. I think now I am starting for the first time to really know what is behind success as a coach. One of the biggest impacts has been with my confidence. I feel much more confident, especially with my executive coaching. In fact, I have closed my first great deal and it’s very close to a $100,000 agreement. Thank you, thank you, thank you a hundred times.
Miguel Angel Diaz, Executive Coach, New Way Coaching
One of the best investments in myself….I can approach almost any circumstance with…absolute confidence
The toolkits add confidence to me. These tools bring to the surface exactly what it is I should take a look at. I can approach almost any circumstance with the absolute confidence that I have the tool to accompany me into that session with the client. I don’t have to go in hoping that I can recall something from memory to help that client. I know exactly how to guide the client where they want to go. These tools give me the confidence to stay on track and bring those quality questions to the forefront. I’ve benefited, I’ve stayed focused and – because I’m focused – my clients benefit because I can help them go where they really want to go. I have found that this is one of the best investments in myself. Within 72 hours of going through these tools, I am prepared to answer a question about a potential engagement with a client and tell the client that I am ready to help them.
Mike Temple, Leadership Advisor, TranStrategy Partners
When you register for either of our two options (described below), you get access to a member database that includes the toolkits in Word and Excel format, along with a video webinar that takes you through how to use each of the tools in your practice. You have a license to use each of these tools and even brand it with your own brand name – so long as you provide a footnote that says, “Adapted with permission from the Center for Executive Coaching.” The only other restriction is that you may not use this material to share with or train other coaches or professionals; it is intended only for direct client work by the professional purchasing the program.

Coaching Pop Quiz: Are you ready when a client says…
With our coaching toolkits, you are ready to help your clients when they raise specific issues, and you can tell them you have a proven methodology to get them results. Would you be in a position to help a client – with a five-figure engagement and six-month (minimum) coaching contract if he or she said to you:

I am having issues engaging my employees.
My career is stuck,
We need a strategic plan, but no one even agrees on what a strategic plan should look like.
We don’t execute well.
I am overwhelmed and juggling too many priorities.
I have a conflict with a colleague and need to resolve it.
My relationship with my boss is not as strong as it needs to be.
I have been told that I need more leadership presence.
I need to communicate with more impact.
Our team is not performing well.
We have a change initiative that is not getting enough traction.
I have been given some tough feedback during my performance review, and need to correct some behaviors quickly.
We need to provide better service and/or quality.
A key executive is retiring soon, and we need a succession plan.
My team is not aligned.
I think that I have some limiting beliefs that are keeping me from being as effective as possible.
My Board of Directors is weak.
There is not enough accountability in this organization.
I need to have a high-stakes conversation to influence someone and need your help.
I need to overhaul my personal brand to stand out in the career marketplace.
I am in a new role and need to hit the ground running.
I need to make a career transition.

With our toolkit, you are ready to help clients with their biggest issues. You have a ready-made framework. That way, you keep clients much longer than most coaches, stand apart from the crowd, get rave reviews and referrals more easily, and can charge higher fees.

This is valuable, practical info. I’m sick of all the fluff out there in the coaching space. This is just what I need!
Phillip Weiss

The modules include coaching clients on the following topics (click any of these topics to get more details):

360-degree verbal assessment.
Overcoming a behavioral blind spot that could hurt their career.
Overcoming a limiting belief or perception that could be holding them back.
Engage and mobilize employees and teams of people.
Manage or lead up.
Build one’s powerbase of professional relationships.
Communicate simply and powerfully/leadership presence.
Influence others with impact.
Build effective teams.
Create a high-performance culture.
Lead change.
Resolve a conflict.
Think comprehensively about complex issues.
The one-page leadership dashboard.
Handling overwhelm and getting control of time.
The instant career plan and career management.
Success in a new role.
Leadership through a merger/acquisition.
Creating an effective board of directors.
Foster collaboration up, down, across, and outside the organization.
Develop a strong personal brand.
Create a culture focused on service excellence.
Strategic planning.
Succession planning and developing the organization for the future.
Executing effectively/getting things done.
Take care of the personal realms/manage energy.
Coaching on the business model and tactics to improve the business.

Five steps to using our toolkits to sell more 5-figure coaching engagments:

Identify the client’s issue.
Ask cost-based questions (we give you these!) to uncover the consequences of the client’s challenge. Drill down into both logical and emotional consequences.
Ask questions that uncover the benefits of resolving this issue.
Share how you can help with a proven coaching framework (and repeat the benefits/value back to the client).
Ask, “What do you want to do next?”

Our coaching toolkits give you a proven system to close more engagements with clients. We also offer ongoing support when you have a potential client or engagement.

Now You Have Two Options:
Get the entire toolkit up front, or choose a package of tools that you know will help your clients and practice most
You choose six toolkits and we set you up with a custom member area where you can download these tools and view webinars about how to use them. If you can’t decide, we will select the toolkits for you, based either on your needs or by giving you a sampler of our toolkits based on our most downloaded.
We created this option because many coaches asked for a way to get the tools they wanted a la carte. Any one of our tools can generate a five-figure coaching assignment.
What you receive:

Six toolkits of your choice. We contact you within one day of your order to get your choices. Within one business day of your order, we contact you with a list of tools (from the above list) and you tell us which ones you want, or let us choose for you based on our most downloaded.
A recorded training webinar for each toolkit you choose.
A member area personalized to include your toolkits, webinars, and the bonuses noted below.
Ongoing use of the toolkits. There is no time limit. Once you purchase, these toolkits are yours to use.
You can add your logo or brand name to the toolkit.
You can adapt the toolkit, so long as you attribute it with the statememnet: “Adapted with permission from the Center for Executive Coaching.”
SIX FULL MONTHS of email support, directly from Andrew Neitlich, who developed the tools. Andrew will respond to your email within one business day, not someone he trained.

The price of this option is $897 and you can pay in convenient monthly installments, too.
BONUS ONE: BEHAVIORAL COACHING TOOLKIT. Get our behavioral coaching toolkit and help clients overcome behavioral blindspots that could derail their career, or develop the key habit that can take them to new levels of performance. Our behavioral coaching process is grounded in cognitive psychology. It helps you and the client identify a key habit to improve performance, and make that habit stick with research-based tactics. 21 pages plus webinar.
BONUS TWO: PERCEPTUAL COACHING TOOLKIT. Get our perceptual coaching toolkit and help clients overcome a limiting belief or perception that could be holding them back. Help clients shift limiting perceptions with this toolkit. As Marshall Goldsmith writes, “What got you here won’t get you there.” This toolkit takes perceptions that might have helped your client achieve success – but are holding him or her back from further advancement – and shift them to more positive beliefs. Then it shows you how to make these new perceptions and associated behaviors a habit. 21 pages plus webinar.
BONUS THREE: THE LEADER’S DASHBOARD TOOLKIT. This toolkit is one of our most powerful. On one page, you help your client gain clarity about the most important things in his or her organization and role. This remarkable toolkit keeps the client focused on what really matters, and helps to eliminate stress and overwhelm. This toolkit has been used as a powerful alignment tool for the whole organization, and assessment tool for new clients, and a way to map out a lengthy coaching engagement.
BONUS FOUR: OUR 360-DEGREE VERBAL ASSESSMENT. Our “old school” 360-degree verbal assessment is a great way for coaches to get data about how your clients come across to others, and develop a coaching plan based on the results. While there are plenty of online 360-degree survey tools, this approach allows you to meet the client’s colleagues, expand your presence in the client’s organization, and get great data for what we call “nowhere to hide coaching.” It includes the methodology and a guide to synthesize and give feedback to your client.
BONUS FIVE: “DONE FOR YOU MARKETING” FOR MOST TOOLKITS. For each toolkit that is designed to market directly to clients, you receive a “done for you” marketing document to help you market that tool. You can easily adapt the materials given to you to your own practice. They include a marketing message, sample blog, sample educational giveaway, and even sales questions to help attract clients.
In other words, instead of getting six toolkits, you get TEN! There is no obligation after this purchase, although you can certainly upgrade to the full toolkit at anytime and we will credit your account for what you have paid.

Your Return on Investment (ROI) is easy to calculate:
Any single toolkit has been proven to result in up to 5-figure engagements. You can also turn these toolkits into seminars and workshops.
What would be the value to you of extending your typical client relationship by six more months?
What would be the value of having an easier way to attract more new clients, based on marketing your solutions, substance, and value? Or, what would be the value of adding just one more client to your client roster?
What would be the value of having a toolkit that helps you stand out from other coaches and advisors?
Coaches from around the world, both new and experienced, have found that only one more engagement or extension with a client easily pays for this program.
Get immediately download Center For Executive Coaching – Coaching Master Toolkit

Your can get the entire toolkit and have an amazingly powerful set of resources at your disposal. You pay no royalties and can adapt the tools, even putting your brand name on them!
This options lets you all of our toolkits, and be ready for almost any client situation that comes to you. What we have found is that even if you don’t think that a module will be something that you offer to clients today, you never know what issue will come up with a client tomorrow. Also, the entire toolkit gives you many ways to position yourself as a trusted advisor to your clients when they have issues that they want to discuss.
Thanks again for this program. This has been a huge boost for me to develop my business.
Janet Williams Hepler
You receive:

All 27 toolkits in downloadable form. Most are Word documents, excepting some of the business-related toolkits that are in Excel.
A Dropbox link to download all toolkits in one convenient package.
A training webinar explaining how to use each one. These are all recorded and placed in your member area, and you can access all of them immediately when you join,
LIVE WEBINARS. Each month, at multiple time zones, we hold a live webinar on a different toolkit. You get invited to attend, and can ask any questions you have in a live setting. Andrew Neitlich leads these webinars.
ICF CEUs or training hours – as you require. Because we are an ACTP with the International Coach Federation, you also get CEUs with the ICF when you attend live tranings, or you can use the trainings towards your designation requirements. We give you a certificate on request based on the live trainings you have attended.
A member area personalized to include your toolkits, webinars, and the bonuses noted below.
Ongoing use of the toolkits. There is no time limit. Once you purchase, these toolkits are yours to use.
You can add your logo or brand name to the toolkit.
You can adapt the toolkit, so long as you attribute it with the statememnet: “Adapted with permission from the Center for Executive Coaching.”
ONE FULL YEAR of email support, directly from Andrew Neitlich, who developed the tools. Andrew will respond to your email within one business day, not someone he trained.

Get immediately download Center For Executive Coaching – Coaching Master Toolkit
BONUS ONE: GET CERTIFIED AS A CERTIFIED COACH MASTER TOOLKIT LEADERSHIP & EXECUTIVE COACH. For a limited time, there is no additional fee to receive this certification. Once you review the materials, what we need from you is your plan of action for using the toolkit and a summary of how you would solve on client problem using the toolkit. Then you receive an 8.5 X 11” certificate suitable for framing as well as a digital certificate to use with your online marketing.
BONUS TWO: LEADERSHIP VIDEOS. Get over seven hours of our video-based leadership coach training, delivered to you via our online member area. This is our online Leadership Coach Training Program, and it sells for $995. It is included at no charge to you with this program.
BONUS THREE: THE ACCLAIMED CENTER FOR EXECUTIVE COACHING MARKETING VAULT. Get access to our marketing vault, which includes a series of recorded teleclasses focused on business development, including marketing templates to grow your practice. It also includes samples of marketing collateral to use with clients to build your practice.
BONUS FOUR: COACHING CALL. Schedule a half-hour coaching session directly with Andrew Neitlich. Discuss the best ways to intergrate the toolkits into your practice, or anything at all about attracting clients and building your practice. Andrew is the author of three Guerrilla Markeitng books, including Guerrilla Marketing for Coaches. He is a leading authority on building a successful coaching practice. This call has the potential to give you new, powerful, insights about new ways to grow your practice.
BONUS FIVE: DONE FOR YOU MARKETING. Each toolkit, as appropriate, includes a “done for you” marketing document to help you market that tool. You can easily adapt the materials given to you to your own practice. They include a marketing message, sample blog, sample educational giveaway, and even sales questions to help attract clients. The work is done for you. All you have to do is adapt it to your situation.
BONUS SIX: SEVEN (7) PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED POWERPOINTS ABOUT KEY LEADERSHIP TOPICS TO USE AS TRAININGS, WEBINARS, OR FOR MARKETING. You also receive seven PowerPoints about key leadership topics that you can market to offer tranings, for public speaking, or even for webinars. Individually, these have been used for trainings billed out at $5,000 – $10,000 per day. Topics include: engaging employees, strategic planning, board development, influence, managing up, succession planning, and building effective teams. The value of these PowerPoints alone will pay back your investment in the full toolkit.
BONUS SEVEN: THE COACH MASTER TOOLKIT IDEA JOGGER. You also receive access to a special website and member area that lays out almost 1,000 coaching questions based on the toolkits. This website is like an app that you can access to see the logic behind each and every toolkit, and use it as a quick reference to generate powerful coaching questions for your clients.
Thank you for the great training and resources. I am finding the modules fit the components of my work very well and instead of winging it with each client, recreating the wheel it is wonderful to have a working formula.
Debora J. McLaughlin, PCC, CCC, CEC, CMC
Remember — you get access to 27 complete coaching methodologies that you can use immediately with clients, so that you can take your practice to new levels. You can even rebrand these toolkits with your own logo. This is the perfect solution for coaches, consultants, and trainers who want to refresh or deepen their existing solutions.
The entire toolkit, including email support from Andrew Neitlich, is available to you for $2,500. You can pay in 10 convenient monthly installments, or pay up front and save $50.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Center For Executive Coaching – Coaching Master Toolkit