
Celinne Da Costa – Love Money Again

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹13,500.00.



It doesn’t *actually* matter how much you make, because this topic is a persistent thorn in your shoe.
Every month, find yourself overthinking…
Will I make as much as I did last month?
Can I pay off all my expenses and have enough left for me?

Do I have enough to invest in that thing I want?
How am I possibly going to afford all this, and make enough?
If you find yourself consistently feeling like there’s not enough money to go around, it’s not that money doesn’t like you… it’s that you are neglecting your relationship with this powerful energy. And, it’s time to heal that relationship once and for all, wouldn’t you say?

I’ve got you.


You have a love-hate relationship with money: sometimes you love it, sometimes you feel guilty about it, sometimes you want it, and other times you push it away. It feels like an exhausting anxious-avoidant relationship!

You associate money-making with needing to overwork and (gasp!) burnout. You’re ready to break this pattern once and for all so you can stop trading time for dollars.

You’re consistently feeling stressed or anxious about money. It doesn’t seem to matter how much you make, either… every month, you’re feeling the lack and it’s making you reactive and short-sighted in your decision-making.

You have a history with money scarcity consciousness. Even if you consciously believe that money is good and is working for you, you grew up in a household, environment, or culture that reinforced limiting belief systems around money (meaning, they’re now in your subconscious until you do something about it!)

You know you’re limiting your income and earning potential with your money mindset, and you’re unsure what sequence of actions to take to will end this cycle and start creating the money you desire.