Cathleen King – Primal Trust – Level 2 Mentorship Class


Cathleen King – Primal Trust – Level 2 Mentorship ClassPrimal Trust™Live MentorshipJanuary-May 2022Enrollment Opening Dec 2022*Live access included in Primal trust academy & Community membership!The journey of surrendering to the ‘Medicine Of The Heart’Get Cathleen King – Primal Trust – Level 2 Mentorship Class at the esy[GB]PRIMAL TRUST“An inherent sense of safety that is a felt sense of innate okayness, personal power and deeply belonging to your body, this earth and to life itself.” – Dr. Cathleen King, DPTPrimal Trust™ Level 2 MentorshipAre you STILL not finding freedom fromLyme Disease, Mold, CFS, Anxiety, Trauma Patterns, Etc?This mentorship is for those on an advanced self-healing journey who have a chronic illness and trauma pattern history.I teach you WHY you are still stuck and HOW to break the pattern to get back into life.What’s This About?The mentorship combines brain rewiring, somatic healing, trauma-informed learning, child attachment repair to create a simple streamlined approach to holistic healing.This revolutionary mentorship training is based on my doctoral-level trainingin neuroscience and physical therapy, over 20 years of experience working with chronic conditions (both in myself and my patients as a physical therapist and coach), and my intuitive understanding of how to navigate the complexities of the psyche and energy systems affected by trauma and chronic illness.I weave multiple revolutionary approaches together in a unique way that you won’t find elsewhere.Are you already doing another process such as brain retraining or trauma healing? Good news!This program is also meant to be an ADJUNCT to help you with your current process and doesn’t need to replace it.I work primarily with those who have experience in other brain retraining programs such as DNRS, Gupta, Joe Dispenza, etc and teach them how to better orient their current rewiring process and learn to use my ABC brain rewiring technique. If you don’t have a current brain retraining process, that’s okay, you will learn my process in the mentorship.I’ve got you covered!Get Cathleen King – Primal Trust – Level 2 Mentorship Class at the esy[GB]What people say . . .For someone considering learning from Cathleen King – Do it. Don’t hesitate.I have done Gupta, DNRS, ANS Rewire + 35 years on an intensive healing path.It wasn’t until I did the Primal Trust Mentorship that I started truly transforming, taking my body and life along with it. We have all been climbing mountains, walking through fire, spending countless sleepless nights longing for a new way to live.If you are reading these words, then I believe you have found the next step in your journey.– Dovida G, VenezuleaMy relationships have improved. I communicate my needs and wants much more clearer with my husband.I have deep loving conversations with my children instead of barking orders or not taking the time to talk with them.I have also noticed that I am putting less blame on life situations and instead looking at them as teachers that have led me to finding my true self.I just want to say a huge thank you to Cathleen. I feel honored to have been in this mentorship. I finally feel like I can really be me now. I accept all parts of me and look forward to discovering more of me!– Ashley, USAThank you for following your true self, Dr. Cat, and taking us by the hand along your way. Much love and gratitude.– K.L.S, Oregon USA