Casey Truffo – Add Clinicians – How to Create a Group Practice (On Demand)


[Pre-Order] – Deliver digital download link within 4-8 business days after successful payment. Please contact us to get more details. Purchase Casey Truffo – Add Clinicians – How to Create a Group Practice (On Demand) courses at here with PRICE $997 $189 Less Overwhelm, More Profit and More Time with Your Family Serve More People In Your Community While Generating Additional Income Each MonthDear Therapist Colleague,Are you struggling with more intake calls than you can manage?Are you tired of turning potential new clients away because you have no more room in your caseload?Do you want to use the reputation that you have built to serve more people in your community? Step By Step: How to Add Clinicians to Your Practice and Add Between $1,000 and $30,000 to Your Current Monthly Income Then adding clinicians to your practice can give you the business, income and lifestyle you want and deserve.We are Business Coaches for Psychotherapists – Joe Bavonese and Casey Truffo. We are passionate about helping you maximize your opportunities for success. Our goal is to help you increase your impact and income and do it lighter and easier than you thought possible. We have teamed up to share some new ideas to help therapists generate passive income.You see, most of us are trained (often unconsciously) to assume we will get one unit of income for one unit of time worked. (Casey calls this being paid for B.I.C. – or butt in chair.) The only way to make more money with this model is to see more clients and increase your hourly rate. But as many of us have learned, you can hit a ceiling where you just can’t do anymore sessions in a week. So what else can you do if you still need to make more money?The answer is to generate multiple units of income for each unit of time you work. And if your phone is ringing with new referrals, one way to open a floodgate of additional income is refer your overflow to associate clinicians you bring into your practice. Joe has been doing this since 1999 with his therapy practice, and it has gotten bigger and better every year. Casey saw the potential of this model … and literally came out of retirement to open a counseling center.We know how powerful and amazing this ‘Add Clinicians to Your Practice’ (aka Group Practice) model is. And the sooner you start moving to this model, the quicker you will be able to enjoy the additional freedom that comes with passive (leveraged) income.However, we see a problem.Most successful private practice owners who know about the benefits of adding clinicians never do. Most feel anxious and have fears… about the legal and ethical issues…about how to manage the associates…about how to manage the money. Some fear the administrative work will take up too much time. After all, we know anyone with a full practice is pretty busy. Others have fears of spending money and not seeing a return . Even if you are motivated and excited about the potential of this model, it is easy to let the fear win if you aren’t prepared.We have created a SIMPLE, STEP BY STEP process to help you deal with all of these concerns, so you know exactly what to do to add clinicians to your practice so that you can feel confident, prepared and in-charge.If you are ready to move past the B.I.C. hours… If you are ready to stop losing money each time you refer a new client to someone across town…And are ready to start enjoying:More Paid Time OffMaking Money While On Vacation!Having Additional Income Every MonthLess Clients in Your Own Caseload if You Need a BreakThen please join us for this exciting, highly-regarded program, taught personally by us – Joe Bavonese and Casey Truffo:How To Generate Hundreds to Thousands of Dollars of Additional Revenue: Add Clinicians to Your Practice with a Group PracticeA six-lesson on demand course delivered over the internet.Do at your own pace!Joe now spends 15 minutes a week monitoring his practice systems – and generates a whopping $50,000 a month additional income in his practice with this model. (That is his income AFTER he pays his associate clinicians!)Casey has been coaching private practice owners on this model for the past year – many of whom have 20 or more clinicians in their practice. The implementation steps we teach in this program are the exact ones we use in our businesses to give us more income and more paid time off. Here are the steps we will personally take you through in this part-teaching, part-group-coaching process:Module #1Setting You Up for SuccessIn this module, we will start at the beginning. We will make sure you have a solid framework from which to make your future business decisions. Our job is to help you feel more confident right from the beginning.We cover:The inner game of success – how to manage any fears that might stop you from having the success you deserve.Practice Expansion Basics: Managing, Mentoring, Supervising, Funding.What is realistic? How many referrals could you offer a new associate?Initial decisions to make including legal, space, business model, branding, banking.Risk factors to watch out for.Module #2Hiring Your First AssociateNext, we will create the process for you to find and interview candidates for your new position.We discuss:Where, when and how to find your first associate.A fresh, time-efficient interview process to help you make the right offer.The advantages of hiring experienced clinicians – you might be surprised at this!How to determine how much to pay your associates so they feel valued and stay with you long-term.How to handle the concern about ‘fee splitting’.Module #3Measuring Your Efforts, Results and SuccessOnce you have an associate or two or three in place, it is important to keep an eye on ‘the numbers’ so you stay profitable. If you know what to look for, it is really pretty simple to know when you are doing well and when there are problems. We want you to start out on the right foot so this section is about Metrics. We share with you how to:Project and keep track of your income.Measure your actual results against your goals and course-correct if needed.Stay profitable by ensuring that your clinicians are doing great work.Quantify and measure the ‘intangibles’ that are important to you and that can make or break your business.Module #4Creating the Systems that are the ‘Secret Sauce’ to that Passive IncomeWe believe that it is almost impossible to easily run a profitable, efficient, multi-therapist practice without organized, easy to follow systems. In this module, we identify and teach you the systems that we have found to be the most important. We will also teach a process for you to document and communicate your systems to your team. Specifically, we will cover:The Client Journey: How to take the client from intake call through termination – including assigning clients to clinicians, scheduling and how clients pay for services.The Associate Clinician Journey: Record-keeping, handling client payments, assigning rooms, paying the associates.Administrative Tasks: Customer service, payroll, training, office supplies, billing.“Being the Boss”: Managing the revenue, the environment, the culture and the happiness of your team and their clients.We will also share with you a template of two of our systems: Client Assessment and Client Assignment.Module #5Marketing Online and in Your CommunityWe know your phone is ringing, so clearly you are doing a lot of things right. Let’s take what you are already doing and easily amplify your results. In this module, we will share what we know has helped tens of thousands of therapists around the world to attract more clients.We will address:The most effective online marketing techniques.What makes a website ‘client attractive’.How to do speaking engagements in a way that turns audience members into clients.How to develop long-lasting, productive referral relationships.How much to invest in your marketing.Module #6Catapulting Your Success: Managing Your Time and Planning Your Future GrowthIf your phone is ringing and you implement what we teach in this course, you may find that you grow quickly. But then what? How do you continue to grow in a way that serves you and that you don’t burn out? We have you covered:The Inner Game of Success revisited: We will explore what limiting beliefs or fears might keep you from moving to the next level of growth.When to Expand Further? We will discuss how to know when it is time to add more – more clinicians – more locations.What additional support staff you will likely need as you grow.Managing your time and energy so that you continue to enjoy this business model.How to stay true to your values – which is rarely talked about. We have found this to be the single most important ingredient to maintaining a happy, successful, therapy business that is sustainable.We have chosen the best way to deliver this program – proven to help you move confidently ahead in your plans.We have been delivering programs for a long time. And we have decided to take all of what we have learned before – what we know works to help you move forward – and get the best possible results in an interactive and engaging way. You are going to love this!Six content-rich on demand recorded classes (60 minutes each.) We take you step by step through each module of the program and answer questions.Six implementation worksheets. These worksheets contain exercises, checklists and step-by-step plans to reduce any lingering fears about ‘what to do next.’ In fact, you can download, print and start each worksheet at the conclusion of each audio module. Instead of worrying what to do next, you’ll have it right in front of you.Downloadable Transcripts so that you have this information as needed at your fingertips. Print this information and store it in a binder on a bookshelf. As you see it, you will be reminded that you CAN do this – and you have the implementation steps to do so.Sample agreements, systems and checklists so you are not starting from scratch!PLUS, Get these Extra GoodiesBONUS #1: Free Discovery Consultation with Casey TruffoLet us help you solidify the vision of your expanded practice and identify any limiting beliefs or blocks that would keep you ‘thinking small’. All registrants will get a personal, 30-minute discovery session (via telephone) with Casey Truffo.BONUS #2: How to convert from Independent Contractors to Employees self-study classMany states are now making it hard if not impossible to have contractors working in group practices. This 4-hour course gives you the steps to determine how and how much to pay the contractors-turned-employees so you are still profitable. (Flat fee vs percentage payment models will be discussed.) Plus I share how to navigate the conversations with your team to maintain your positive culture. This course is full of spreadsheets to help you manage the money and payroll. Normally the tuition for this course alone is $499. But it is our gift to you with the Add Clinicians courseBONUS #3: Free Google AdWords Review with Joe BavoneseMany Group Practice owners find they need to kick up their marketing to give their associates all the referrals they want. One great way to do this is with a Google Ads campaign. Joe has been helping therapists with Google Ads since 2011, and has used Google Ads in his own Group Practice, to generate over 90 Internet-based referrals every month for the past 8 years. Joe will review your existing campaign and offer helpful recommendations (to get more clients and spend less money!). If you’ve never used AdWords but are curious to learn more about it, Joe has a presentation that you can view which gives you a great overview of exactly how it works.How Much is the Tuition for this Add Clinicians Program with Joe and Casey?Whenever you choose to invest in a training program, it is important to look at the potential return on your investment. So before we share the amount with you, let’s look again at what is possible.Let’s take an example. You will make on average, at least $40/session. If one of your associate clinicians sees just 10 people a week, that’s $400 a week or $1600 every month in your pocket. If a therapist in your practice sees 20 clients a week, that $3200 a month in your pocket. And if just 2 therapists see 20 clients a week, you are making over $6000 per month in additional gross revenue.As you can see this is a VERY lucrative business model! And besides the income, you are having an impact on many more people in your community. How cool is that?We also want you to think about how much it would cost if you had to go acquire all this information by yourself. It has taken us years (filled with costly mistakes) and thousands of dollars of trainings to learn what we have accumulated, organized and will present to you.Salepage: Casey Truffo – Add Clinicians – How to Create a Group Practice (On Demand) courses at here with PRICE $997 $189