
Casey Petter – Backbone Agents

Original price was: ₹518,400.00.Current price is: ₹29,050.00.


Casey Petter – Backbone Agents
Your Instructor

Casey Petter

Course Curriculum

Backbone Agent Basic Information

Tell Me About You!
When Do I Need an Assistant?
Affiliate Expectations
Disney Commissions Excel Template
Agent Level Advancement
Big Group Posting Rules
Thinking of Joining a Team?

Trainings with Casey

S1 – Introduction – 5/6/22
S2 – Income Planning, Reporting, HubSpot and Instagram Do’s & Don’ts – 6/5/2022
S3 – Income Tracking, HubSpot Reporting, IG Do’s and Dont’s 6/20/2022
S4 – Office Hours – 7/6/2022
S5 – Deeper Dive into Markets – 7/20/22
S6 – Office Hours 8/3/2022
S7 – Assistants, Affiliates, and UpSells 8/18/2022
S8 – Office Hours 9/8/2022
Mindset Training with Ashley Culp

Sales Trainings with Sophie

S1 – 5/23/22
S2 – 6/21/22
S3 – How To Get Leads (for free) via Google Maps
S4 – 7/12/22
S5 – Cookbook and Handling Objections 8/30/2022
S6 – Updates and How to Write Posts that Convert 9/13/2022

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].