Carrie Rose – The Course Creator Method


Available for Pre-Order. This product will be available within 1-2 days.

Carrie Rose – The Course Creator Method

Dr. Carrie Rose is an Educator, Entrepreneur, & Speaker, notably, one of Huffington Posts Must Follow Women Entrepreneurs, and one of Thinkifics Experts.
She holds an Ed.D in Educational Leadership from the University of Central Florida, wrote her doctoral dissertation on Professional Development, and is best known for her innovative teaching strategies & methodology, her current research is in course completion rates & connecting online course development with The Science of Learning.
Her methods have been shared with Neal’s Yard Remedies, The National Main Street Organization, JetBlue and more.
Currently, she works with entrepreneurs, online marketers, and businesses around the country to provide the highest quality of learning strategies with the greatest amount of impact on a variety of different platforms.
” I believe everyone should be given fair opportunities and the tools to build a life worth living. ” 

Welcome Video Transcribed 
Download this workbook NOW. 

Part I: Pre-Game

Lesson 1: Why is it important to create a course well?
Lesson 1 Transcribed 
Lesson 2: Why is it important to build an authentic course?
Lesson 2 Transcribed
Lesson 3: Market Research
Lesson 3 Market Research (Transcribed)
Market Research Document
Lesson 4: How can I build an effective marketing funnel?
Lesson 4: How Can I Build An Effective Marketing Funnel (Transcribed)
Lesson 5: How can I come up with a course topic? 

Part II: Create Your Lessons

Lesson 6 – Video 1: Why are instructional strategies important?
Lesson 6 – Video 2: The Meat & Potatoes
Lesson 6 – Video 3: Increasing Cognitive Rigor
Lesson 6 – Video 4: The Focus Question
Lesson 6 – Video 5: Creating The So What
Lesson 6 – Video 6: Creating the Meat & Potatoes
Lesson 6 – Video 7: Creating the Baby Steps
Lesson 6 – Video 8: Do Your Thing

Part III: Optional Resources: Mini Lessons on Increasing Cognitive Rigor

Increasing Cognitive Rigor Overview and Introduction to Mini Lessons
Analyze a Concept
Analyzing a Point of View
Articulate a New Voice
Comparing & Contrasting
Synthesizing Information
Using Reasoning to Support a Point Of View

Part IV: Optional Mini Lessons if anything is unclear

Ethos Pathos Logos
Focus Question / Summarizing Strategy
Learning Modalities
Lesson Structure
Multiple Intelligences

Hide Content

Part V: What about tech?

Should I Use Videos or Powerpoint?
Tech Suggestions
Tech Suggestions 
Recording Your Slideshow
Camtasia Studio Demo
Learning Management System
Thinkific Demonstration

Get Carrie Rose – The Course Creator Method download right here!