
Carrick Institute – Clinical Applications of Eye Movements Bundle On-demand

Original price was: ₹450,000.00.Current price is: ₹10,126.00.


Carrick Institute – Clinical Applications of Eye Movements Bundle On-demand
Upon purchase, the first module will be added to your On-Demand Learning portal. You will have a credit on your file to use towards Advanced Clinical Applications of Eye Movements when you are ready to start.
Please email admissions when your ready to have access to Advanced Clinical Applications of Eye Movements.
You will have two years of access to each module.
This 50 hour clinical program is a comprehensive overview of the brain and eye movements highlighting hands-on examination and treatment protocols. A mastery of clinical examination procedures to quantify brain function and eye movements is necessary in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries and neurodegenerative diseases. Our participants will be trained to this level of mastery after completion of this course.
Participants will learn

Examination of brain function
Examination of voluntary and reflexogenic eye movements
Examination of the visual striate cortex
Examination of the medial superior temporal and middle temporal areas
Examination of the frontal cortex
Examination of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Examination of frontal eye fields
Examination of supplementary high fields
Examination of the superior colliculus
Examination of the Pontine para-medial reticular formation
Development of clinical treatments associated with disorders of the brain

These examination procedures promote localization and differential diagnoses of the nervous system.
Mastery of clinical procedures involving eye movements

Saccade test
Antisaccadic test
Head and eye saccades
Visual pursuits
Reflexogenic by movement tests
Volitional eye movement tests
Vestibular tests
Gaze fixation tests
Optokinetic tests

Mastery of the understanding of the descending pathways involved in eye movements and their clinical applications

Examination procedures that are specific to quantified the functional connections between the brain and brainstem
Examination procedures that are specific for the Neostriata and basal ganglia
Examination procedures that are specific for the subthalamic nucleus
Examination procedures that are specific to the integration of major structures that projec to brainstem saccadic generators
Examination procedures that are specific to the classification of fast and slow eye movements
Diagnostic interpretation of pathology of functional eye movements

Brain function and the smooth pursuit system

Examination procedures to identify function of the descending smooth pursuit pathway
Examination procedures to identify the integration of cortical, subcortical and cerebellar influences to smooth pursuit function
Interpretation of clinical signs specific to anatomical localization and neurophysiological function of the nervous system
Understanding the functional deficits and compensation of specific lesions in the brain, basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord and the development of treatment therapies specific to identified lesions
Examination procedures that can identify pathology of function versus ablative pathology of smooth pursuit systems.
Examination procedures specific to vestibular integration and eye movements
Examination procedures specific to vestibular integration and eye movements

Clinical skills associated with vergence eye movements

Clinical examination procedures of near and far visual perception
Clinical treatment applications using environmental stimuli to affect vergence eye movements
Clinical examination procedures specific to the midbrain
Clinical examination procedures specific to the pons
Clinical examination procedures specific to the cerebellum

Understanding the extraocular motor system

Clinical examinations to quantified the pulse – step of neural integration
Clinical examinations to measure pulse – step mismatches
Clinical examinations to quantify the integrity of the brainstem generator
Clinical examinations to quantify saccadic latency, velocity, duration and accuracy

The development of therapeutic treatment interventions

Rubrics to assist in treatment development
How to create a therapeutic practice
How to increase beneficial clinical outcomes
How to decrease failed clinical outcomes

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].