
Calendar Trading in 2018 – Dan Sheridan

Original price was: ₹89,100.00.Current price is: ₹5,810.00.


Calendar Trading in 2018 – Dan Sheridan
Class Description: Calendar options trades come in a variety of styles. Learn about the different types of Calendar Strategies. Learn how to select the right stocks for the Calendar, whether to choose Calls or Puts, when and how to adjust your trade, and much, much more! This class will equip you to be a top-tier Calendar trader.
Class Format: This was a Live class that began September 25th, 2018. Once a student buys a class, an email is then sent, containing login credentials to access the archived class page. This class ran for 3 weeks, with two classes each week. Some classes contain additional videos and sessions. Purchasing access to a class gives 6 months of access to all class recordings, as well as trade updates, PDF’s and PowerPoints. Any questions?
Class Specifics:

Class met every Tue and Thur at 11am CT, starting Sep 25th 2018.
You are welcome to ask questions directly to Dan or another mentor
Each class recording is a minimum of 1 hour and includes PDF’s of class materials
All fees for online classes are deductible towards our GOLD Mentoring Program ($1000 limit)

Class #1: Calendars Foundations and Essentials: 9-25-2018
0- Outline
4:30 – How Calendars make Money?
14:40 – The Calendar Revolution ?
20 – Best Vehicles to trade?
22:30 – Long Vega Nature of Calendars
33 – Calendar Skews
37:15 – Calendar Margins
39:15 – Best VIX levels to trade Calendars
41:35 – What Duration is best for Calendars
42:40 – Distance of long VS shorts in a Calendar
44:30 – 10 day Single Calendar Greeks
48 – Short Term Double Calendar 10 VS 24
50:30 – High Octane Calendar
55 – 4 Step Risk Management Plan
55:40 – Trade Execution
60 – Short Term Live Calendar Example
1:18 – Live Double Calendar Example
1:35:00 – End
Class #2 Variety of Calendars 9-27-2018
0 – Review of 2 Live Calendars from Previous Class
17: 30 – How Break Even Points change with Calendars?
25:40 – Calendar Vega
30:20 – High Octane Calendars
43 – Butterflies VS Calendars
47:45 – Broken Wing Butterflies
52:40 – SPX and ATR Levels, VIX, and RVX
59:30 – Pre Earn Calendar NFLX
1:05:40 – Longer Duration Calendars
1:12:00 – End

Class #3 With Mark: Short Term Calendars
0 – SPX Calendar Guidelines
15 – Looking at Live Calendar Example in SPX and Adjustment Guidelines
28:40 – 5 Calendar Adjustments in RUT
1:08:45 – Live Class Trade: Longer term SPX Calendar
1:35 – End
Class #4: Jay Bailey 9 day Calendar
2:50 – Monthly VS Short Term Calendars
8:25 – Principles of Short Term Trades
20:40 – Conditions for 9 Day Cal
21:50 – Looking at Live ex of ATR on RUT
23:35 – Rules for 9 Day Calendar and Adjustments in RUT, can be used in SPX
26 – Looking at example in Brokerage Platform
28:20 – 9 Day Calendar Adjustments
31:22 – 9 day Calendar Set up
32 – 9 Day Calendar after Adjustment
43:15 – When to exit 9 Day Calendar? Large moves to the downside
46:30 – Other Thoughts on the 9 Day Calendar- Large Moves to the Upside
49:30 – Weekly Option Risk
56:00 – End

Class #5 Different Duration and Width Calendars Dan 10/16/2018
2:15 – A look at the Market and Volatility Metrics
11:45 – Short Term Calendars
19:25 – Narrow Short Term Calendar
20:40 – Longer Term Calendar
23:30 – Narrower Long Term Calendar
25:15 – Long Vega Calendar in High Implied Volatility environment
27:25 – Double Calendar alternatives when Implied Volatility is high
30 – Calendar Skews
32 – Calendar Vega
37:20 – Ideal VIX and RVX levels to do Calendars
38:25 – Reverse Calendars for Volatile Environments
44:15 – Looking at Live Calendar Trade and talking adjustments
1:7:00- End
Class # 6 Implied Volatility of a Calendar, Directional and High Octane Calendars 6 -10-18
1:20 – Quick review of Market during this 3-4 Week Class
17:15 – Formula for Implied Volatility of a spread
34:45 – 4 Step Risk Management plan for Calendars
36:15 – Directional Calendars
38 – Cheap Stock Calendars
41:25 – Review of live High Octane Calendar trade from Previous Class
50 – RUT Campaign Calendar
55:40 – $10,000 CalendarPlan and a few Trade Example
1:5:00 – End