Salvation is a long road with many gates. These gates are symbols. Each gate is at first indistinct; it appears at first Format File: [WebRip – 6 MP3, 6 PDF] File Size: 101.85MB

CAJS – The Alchemy of Symbols

Salvation is a long road with many gates. These gates are symbols. Each new gate is at first invisible; indeed it seems at first that it must be created, for it exists only if one has dug up the spring’s root, the symbol.
(Carl Gustav Jung)

It is difficult. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities we have and lose sight of the important things. of It was once what made us happy, excited and infuse our world with wonder and mystery. We lose touch of who we are, what is important to us, and what our needs are. The use of symbols can help us reconnect with ourselves on an intimate and profound level. It allows us to discover who we really are, what makes us sing, what connects with our souls, and what holds most dear to ourselves. This course lasts 5 weeks and is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your soul language and get to know yourself again.
The great alchemists of Antiquity sought the key to transmutation. This was the transformation of the base into refined, lead into golden, the prima materia into the Lapis Philosophorum (the philosophers’ stone), and the worthless into the one with the highest value. Jung’s great insight into the alchemical tradition both Western and Eastern is that these practices are symbolic in nature. That the Lapis (the alchemist’s stone) was nothing less than a symbol of The soul. Alchemy was a precursor of modern chemistry at the material level. of Jungian psychology is the most certain heir to the psyche or spirit.
“Alchemical ideas are expressed almost entirely in an extraordinarily rich symbolism. The help which alchemy affords us in understanding the symbols of the individuation process is, in my opinion, of the utmost importance.” (Carl Gustav Jung)
This course will teach you how to explore and apply. of Symbols for greater meaning, re-imagining your life, re-The practical and very real applications of magic in your world. of Alchemical transformation The tool of symbolisation: We are able to raise and refine the world around us and within ourselves; recognising something beautiful, sublime, a world full of wonder and magic. We can reclaim the sovereign rights of Our perceptive faculty is not completely dominated and influenced by external meanings that are often unauthentic. This allows us to reconnect to the numinous, soul.-filled world, meaning to re-enter our lives.
This book is a great introduction to symbol work for Jung’s new practitioners. For more experienced practitioners, it will offer a fresh perspective and structure to help them work with symbols and symbolic content.

“Analysis and reduction lead to casual truth; this by itself does not help us to live but only induces resignation and hopelessness. On the other hand, the recognition of the intrinsic value of a symbol leads to constructive truth and helps us to live; it inspires hopefulness and furthers the possibility of future development…the symbol always says: in some such form as this new manifestation of life will become possible, a release from bondage, and world weariness. The libido that is freed from the unconscious by means of the symbol appears as a rejuvenated god.” (Carl Gustav Jung)
What does this actually mean? How can we symbolise our experiences to give meaning?
Which of them are you? This is what this course will focus on and guide you through. Both understanding the process and being able to guide you through it. of Symbolization works and, most importantly of all, you can actually apply this to your life, world, or psyche.
Jung said that we long for meaning in life, and a way to escape the miserable, dull life we live. “nothing but”. He also stated that the only thing that makes our lives worthwhile, something sublimely meaningful, and elevates our experience above the mundane and reductive is learning to see things symbolically.

Five key areas of Focus
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Your Symbolic Attractors:
Symbols naturally occurring in your external and internal worlds

Identify your personal mythology
Archetypal structures

Healing with Reiki Symbols:
Use symbols to help you cope with loss or trauma

Symbol Alchemy:
Use symbols to refine and reconstitute your world

The Symbolic life:
Escape the reductive Tyranny of The literal and reconnecting to your soul

The Alchemy of Symbols It is an online program that runs for 5 weeks, and began on the 17th. of February 2020. The Both elements are part of the course of You can do the course on your own or with the help of the facilitators. You do not need to attend live webinars. All learning material is available via email and can be downloaded onto your tablet or PC. of a podcast
Accessible as PDF reading material. The beginning of Each week, you will be able to download the podcast and transcript of the week’s material. Each week, you will focus on one topic. of These are the five components we will be covering in the course. Group work and guidance on the applications is done via a private and confidential Facebook Forum.

Who is this Course for?
This course is open to anyone who wishes:
* creative inspiration
* to experience themselves on a deeper level
* work through a trauma or need healing
* to learn about the power and activation of Symbols
* to enter a multi-Dimensional world of matter & psyche
* to bring about a shift in the external and internal world
* move beyond feeling stuck or bored
* to connect with their soul life and the transcendent principle

The Alchemy of Symbols Starts Monday 17 February 2020

$180 payment on registration (save $20)
$100 per month, for two months
Thank you for opening my inner and external eyes, my heart, and soul to the magic. of The alchemical process.
Many thanks for the symbol course. I was hoping for a more theoretical explanation. of symbols (that’s my thinking part taking over) but realized immediately that the symbols exercises were much more fruitful, challenging and insightful. i am going to read Jung’s Man and his symbols again, this time with a much more personal slant and will try and be constantly mindful of I see symbols all around me very enjoyable!
Anja and Stephen, I would like to extend my gratitude. Your lectures, applications, materials, and responses to participants were so well crafted. And of I am grateful for everything shared here. It was a thought-provoking experience all around. I have greatly enriched my tool/medicine kit for living fully. I am also extremely grateful of These materials and their applications reflect a solid grounding of this approach to well-Being and authenticity. These require a lot of energy and patience, but they were presented in a way I find very useful/accessible. I have added to my resource kit for living fully, and I am quite grateful for those able to share over this course’s forum, as I learned much from that openness. Cheers
Anja, Stephen, and all the depth. of Your heart. Also, for the offerings of These modules provide a safe space to share this moment in the time with a group of People from all parts of the world.
You are correct, this is the part. of My journey is complete and it has been amazing. There are so many symbols that I can fill my tray. They are all around me because that’s how I play. My biggest symbol is THE SONG…. It was my transcendental symbol. Here is the song that I will be leaving this course with. Thank you Anja and Stephen for your wisdom and guidance. Good luck. It was an honor. I am so glad Jung was chosen as a passion for me. It has made my soul realize how powerful he was. The answer is blowing in the wind, the synchronicities, THE SYMBOLS…..and therin – THE ALCHEMY. XXXXX
Thank you for this course. I feel like I have awakened once more. The Transformation. You deserve praise for bringing depth and divergence to bear in such an efficient and concise manner. This is the borrowed symbol.
The Course has been very beneficial for me. Opening up new areas and shoring up existing understating. This infuses my counselling work seamlessly. It allows me to move closer towards my imaginal vision: A small house in woods with a wooden gate; Alchemist. Ask within.
I wish I could have been more present during this course. I was reluctant to join the course when I realized that I would be traveling with these dates. I am glad that I joined and learned what I could. I needed this course to improve my self-esteem. Thanks to you and the wonderful group, I have already started and I plan on continuing my work. This has been a tremendous learning experience. I enjoyed it. I look forward for any future courses. We are grateful for your understanding and support.
A few final words. Thank you-Thank you-You Thank-you.

Let me try to explain how this course has changed my life. I have been on retreats and taken courses. They have all made a huge difference in my life. This experience is different. It has quietly brought together many loose ends that were hanging, like an unknown plant on the walls. of My life, Important and Beautiful. Sometimes I didn’t even know they all belonged together. It was done so quietly, gently and calmly you had to pay attention, or you didn’t notice. The It was meant to be. Like a puzzle being put back together. As if you put one foot in front. of One side and look down to find the most striking red shoes. Everyone. of You are part of This is magic for me. For creating the space necessary for this to happen, I thank Anja & Leonie.-you for your focus. To lift the veil and allow us to see the magic world. of The priceless value of symbols and all that they can represent to us is incomprehensible. This is an amazing, thoughtful gift that will be treasured. It is greatly appreciated.
Dear Leonie and Anja, This course was amazing, deep, and satisfying. Thank you _x0001F64F__x0001F64F_For long I’ve been wanting to study symbols, i did some work but none if it seemed satisfying or enough. This space was compassionate and gentle. The Modules of the perfect size and well-thought out exercises of Facilitative. It is only a beginning. of This is a journey for me. I hope to take it forward. Again, thank-you. All of you are so kind and thoughtful.
We are so grateful! This class was incredible! I think I’ve finally cleared another piece of It was resistant childhood garbage that needed to be healed, so I signed up. I’ll continue to work with the modules and applications because I know there’s more work to do. I send you love and all of Thank you for encouraging me with your posts. Please keep me informed. of Other classes!
Dear Anja, Thank you so much for this offer! The content was easy to understand and deep. I also found the applications appealing and well-written. My understanding of The healing power of symbols calls for more exploration and more reading from Jung and Taoism…and simply playing in this realm.
Thank you so much for this very healing and enlightening course. I feel like my relationship with my wife is becoming more playful and creative. “problems”, “issues”Wounded are no longer connected to them in an unhealthy way. Instead, they serve as clues and symbols that help you envision and live a life. of Meaning and purpose. I believe in value and importance of Being a poet and living your life.
Better late than never _x0001F642_ I’m grateful for people who shared their often very private and bitter experiences and very mature reflections during that course. I have gained a lot from you, and I have also grown tremendously. I’m grateful for the tutors for setting up the course in a way which pushed me into symbols more forcefully than I’d be able to do myself. I took my first steps into active imagination. It is a great leap. I am grateful to everyone who contributed. I wish you the best in your next endeavors.

Deborah Jean Worthington de Matos is my name. Since the 1990s, my dream was to work in Jungian Therapy. However, this dream only became a reality in 2015. I joined the Jungian Psychology program in 2016 while I was completing my postgraduate studies. Alchemy of Symbols course. My goal was deepening the knowledge. of The concepts that support the development of My monograph. I was expecting something more theoretical. However, the practical exercises surprised and proved more challenging, deep and sensitive, as well as intelligent. What a wonderful gift! The The course was beyond my expectations. It was an amazing and transformative journey.
Download immediately CAJS – The Alchemy of Symbols
It had a profound personal effect on me, and it helped me to grow.-Awareness, a rescue, and healing process that got us there of My personal development or, as Jungians like us to say, the beginning of my personal development process of My individuation process.
My monograph was also developed more fluidly, and today’s book is in its second edition!
In 2019, I decided to do Alchemy of Again, the symbols. The articles, podcast, and the ever wiederholen-The moderators provided a warm welcome and made it possible to have a space of Incredible learning and development. After working as a therapist for three years, I was able apply my knowledge to my therapeutic care and support the process. of My clients.
Our daily lives are a reflection of the rational world. of Survival is essential for our daily lives. “life”. The Symbolic life is as important as the air we breathe. We are not aware of It keeps us alive, but it is what keeps us alive. In it, we find the myth. of Our own meaning.
I highly recommend that we have you along on this wonderful journey!
My name is Anja van Kralingen. I am the Director of The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies. Jung was introduced in my late twenties to me, along with the co-Founding founder of Stephen Farah, Centre. We realized that the transformation we experienced was truly unique. Many students only focus on the theory. We spent many (!) nights discussing the practical application. We spent many nights discussing the practical application and talking about it. of I was able to wrestle with the concepts on a personal level. This realization and the amazing growth, transformation, and subsequent changes we experienced, led to the creation of the
Course for our individuation process. Stephen finished his Masters in Jungian Studies. I completed my Masters in Spirituality and Consciousness. The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies was established in 2013. The Centre has grown steadily and now has 12 000 students from all over the world. My passion and experience of The work of Carl Gustav Jung inspires my desire to share Jung’s wisdom in a practical, accessible manner. Transformation and the experience are my interests of Self through symbolism. We invite you to join us on this journey. of Self-Discovering and exploring your own symbolic realm.