Buteyko – Breathing Method


Buteyko – Breathing MethodAbout the Buteyko Method DVDInternational Buteyko practitioner and bestselling author, Patrick McKeown is filmed instructing the complete Buteyko Method to two children and five adults with asthma. This set consists of 110 minutes of footage as taken by a professional camera crew. It is probably the most detailed and thorough instruction of the Buteyko Method in DVD and book format. The AsthmaCare clinics that Patrick founded in 2002 have developed a very positive reputation due to exceptional and life changing results. To date, he has worked with thousands of children and adults with varying severities and conditions including asthma, COPD, sarcoidosis, bronchitis, rhinitis, anxiety and snoring. Clients have travelled to attend his clinics from the UK, Austria, Spain, the USA, Holland and all parts of Ireland.This DVD allows you to view and apply the complete instruction from the Asthma Care clinics in the comfort of your own home. Lifestyle factors including diet, sleeping and physical exercise are also addressed. The DVD is accompanied by a detailed 120 page manual. If you are unsure of any aspect, you may contact Patrick directly. Menu of DVD is as follows1) Cleansing reactions2) How to unblock the nose and switching to nasal breathing3) Correcting breathing volume (4 sets of five minutes)4) Walking with your mouth closed to create a need for air5) Walking with breath holds6) Steps7) How to stop asthma attacks8) Measuring the CP9) Measuring the pulse10) Lifestyle factors- diet and sleeping11) What to do; children, adults, mild and severe Ebook Close Your Mouth breathing worksheet2. Artour Rakhimov-Normal practically the same as his DVD offered for saleEBook Amazing DIY Breathing DeviceOxigenate Yourself (small book 94 pages)3, Jenn Stark-Buteyko Lectures 5 videos4. Paul O’Conell-Buteyko Breathing Course(australia)-17 videos5. Brian Firth – Buteyko Practitioner Seminar (12 videos)Brian Firth, is a BIBH Practitioner, current secretary of the BIBH, and provides courses and seminars that teaches people how to Retrain their Breathing back closer to normal. The method used is the Buteyko Institute Method (BIM). The Buteyko Method is the health education and breathing correction program which provides maximum relief of symptoms and minimum use of medications and machines Brian has taught over 4000 people, is now based in Brisbane and regularly runs courses in Brisbane, Perth, ACT, Darwin and Regional centres particularly Nth Qld and NSW If your sleep study(or your partner’s “study”!) shows multiple apnoeas each hour, if you have been observed to stop breathing at night, if you are currently using or even thinking of using a CPAP machine, if you can’t or don’t want to use a CPAP machine …. if you SNORE at night…if your ASTHMA is CONTROLLED ??.. if you need any Asthma medications at all, here you will find information about a safe permanent solution to all these conditions.6. Buteyko method of Breathing- Various explanatory videos (13)including interview with dr. Buteyko himself7. James Hooper-The Buteyko Manual 1997.pdf Cautions: Cautions to ButeykolCategory 1- Do not attempt any of the breathing exercises if you have or are undergoing any of the following; Current Cancer treatmentsType 1 DiabetesThrombosisEpilepsySchizophreniaUnsatisfactory blood pressure levelsChest pains or pain in the heart regionSickle cell anemiaArterial aneurysmAny heart problems in the past six monthsUncontrolled hyperthyroidismA known brain tumour or kidney disease.Category 2 – People who should have very gentle air shortage only; Severe asthmatics and people with emphysema and COPD Severe asthmatics and people with emphysema and COPDType 2 DiabeticsPregnantAnxiety/depressionMigraine Sufferers breath less, stay healthy and enjoy