Bullet Proof Manager Programme


Managers spend up to 80% of their time communicating, yet one of the most common reasons for managerial failure is poor communication. In this session, we try to change this picture.

Bullet Proof Manager Programme

The course is accredited by ILM (Institute of Leadership & Management) and it is supported by government funding to all companies with less than 250 employees

Creating leaders through mentoring

Featuring John Hersey

Top companies may lose up to half of their top executives to retirement in the next 5 years. In this session, John Hersey shares what we can do about it.
5 steps of effective mentoring

Permission Mentoring

The most important job of a leader
Developing a time investment strategy

Featuring Dr. Terry Paulson

Executives often complain about a lack of time, when in reality, they have all the time there is. Dr. Paulson offers helpful ideas about making more profitable time investments.
6-step time investment strategy

Avoid the Kiss of Yes

Identify problems, manage priority shifts
Increasing productivity through motivated people

Featuring Jim Cathcart

When executives were asked to name the most important quality for leaders to possess in hard times, their most common response was the ability to motivate people. We look at this topic here.
Keep purpose alive

Discretionary effort investments

4 modes of performance
Using strategic thinking to improve strategic planning

Featuring Marcia Steele

What sets top companies apart? Studies show that top firms set tougher goals, look more to the future, and top execs play more active parts in strategic planning.
3 steps to strategic thinking

Strategic posture

Align strategies to achieve maximum ROI
How to develop and maintain rapport

Featuring George Walther

25% of employees today would fire their boss if they could. Fewer than 2 out of 5 employees have trust or confidence in top leaders. George Walther shares how to change these trends.
Seek common ground

Active listening
Seven steps to effective delegation

Featuring Bob Johnson

It is said that managers do things right, while leaders do the right things. If this is true, then delegating the right things must be one of the biggest leadership skills.
Skills of effective delegation

Focus on the end result

Build trust, commitment and confidence

Remember and use names
Motivating through positive communication

Featuring Amanda Gore

Up to 75% of employees admit they could be more productive in their daily work. What’s stopping them? Amanda Gore says that what may be stopping them is you.

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Reframe comments

Eliminate critical words

Make people feel special
How to deal with difficult customers

Featuring Lisa Ford

In spite of more spending on customer care and automation, research shows a continued increase in customer dissatisfaction or even fury. This session can help.
Deal with difficult emotions

Find agreement, present solutions

Gently confront difficult customers
Leaders make change work

Featuring Dr. Terry Paulson

Five change management strategies. Capturing heroic efforts. Unleashing the power of story. We look at these essential areas in this session.
Support heroic efforts

Change management challenges, responsibilities

Power of Story
How to connect: communicate at a higher level

Featuring Nido Qubein

Managers spend up to 80% of their time communicating, yet one of the most common reasons for managerial failure is poor communication. In this session, we try to change this picture.
Positive communication connections

5 traits of connected communicators

Law of Identification
How to help employees be their best

Featuring John Hersey

It is said that a little success can sometimes keep you from a lot of success. How do you help people to see their own untapped greatness? For the answer, we turn to John Hersey.
Look to Greatness

Contagious Leadership

Identify employee strengths
The 70-minute hour

Featuring Dr. Jim Hennig

Charles Bixton once said, “You’ll never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” Jim Hennig agrees. In this session, he shares how to do it.
12 productivity time locks

Eliminate nonessentials

Make time your wisest investment