Building Robust Strategies Masterclass – Better System Trader


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $197 $997, Building Robust Strategies Masterclass – Better System Trader Course.Professional Fund Manager and inventor of Walk Forward Analysis shares the trading secrets he has used to extract millions from the markets for himself and his clients…… and these techniques can be used by all traders, big and small, even you!How many times have you secretly asked yourself this question before putting your money into a trading strategy?Am I doing the right thing or is this strategy going to fail and lose me money?Don’t worry, many traders asks this same question.It’s natural.We all know that one small mistake – and you can lose your money very quickly.We’ve all experienced the pain of loss, the discomfort of possible failure.Trading can be very tough and the odds against us are, in fact, shockingly high.For example, here is one unfortunate reality:Mr. Ronald L. Johnson prepared a report for the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA, a consumer protection group trying to keep the futures industry honest) on the success of retail traders. In his study, Ronald L. Johnson found that almost 70% of traders lose money.But we’ve all heard the rumours from brokers and the media. This number could be MUCH higher (90% or more) and there seems to be some truth in it.Simply put – nobody wants to end up trading this, but many do:Even if 90% of all traders fail, have you ever wondered what the remaining 10% are doing to be so successful?Multi award-winning hedge fund manager Robert Pardo, from Pardo Capital has been successfully developing and trading strategies for almost 40 years……and these are some of the results he’s been able to achieve using simple techniques that you too can implement in just a few hours.Let’s start with Robert Pardo´s audited results. His XT99 trading program outperformed the major indexes many times over:BarclayHedge placed Robert Pardo’s XT99 program in the Top 4 CTA/money managers over 10 years:But that’s not all.A powerful framework can produce truly extraordinary results:In 2008, Robert Pardo was crowned Futures magazines “Trader of the Year” with an amazing +142.02% return.Plus he was #2 in the Top 20 CTA list according to Barclay Managed Funds:Besides all that top success, Robert Pardo was also a consultant for Goldman Sachs. That’s one of the biggest, multi-billion dollar, ‘money printing machines’ in the world!So, let’s sum it up:Proven, audited results.Award-winning performance.Global recognition.Unshakable trading confidence. That’s all in the power of owning a cutting-edge strategy creation framework you can truly believe in.Robert Pardo has done it all – but the important thing to remember is……when he started, he wasn’t much different to you!Imagine how your life would change if you could produce similar results (and you can)…You could:…leave that dead-end job you can’t stand any more… handing in your notice to your boss….….produce a stable second income where you can afford that new car, pay off your mortgage quicker, travel the world….…enjoy the freedom to do whatever you like during the day – go for a run, watch a movie, take the kids to the park, enjoy the sunshine… Robert Pardo’s proven framework can you get closer to these goals than ever beforeIn fact, traders from around the world are already using some of Bob’s techniques.These traders include World Cup Trading champions, hedge funds, money managers, and private traders too.But… that still doesn’t guarantee results!Because there is so much more to Robert Pardo’s trading success than the techniques he’s already published: Are you familiar with how to use Robert Pardo’s ‘Walk Forward Matrix’ (WFM)?Do you know all the details behind his recently updated 9-step framework?Do you know how his method ‘The Big Leap’ can be used to instantly confirm if a strategy is worth investigating further?The answer is probably not… because he’s never shared it before!But he’s ready to reveal it now!So, are you ready to discover the know-how behind Robert Pardo’s incredible long-term success?If your answer is YES……we’re inviting you to join us in Robert Pardo’s Masterclass!Robert Pardo’s Masterclass is different to any other trading Masterclass available. And it’s much more important than copy of his book.Let’s prove it.We’ve already showed you some of Robert Pardo´s audited results, which confirm that Bob has a lot to teach other traders.But even though the results are pretty incredible already……that’s still not all.Here’s an equity curve of Robert Pardo´s latest trading program, ‘Pardo Renaissance’. This trading program leverages all of his LATEST tricks and techniques you can’t find anywhere else:Take a look again:Money flowing steadily. Consistent returns with almost no drawdowns. Out-of-sample results closely matching in-sample performance This is something you would struggle to find anywhere else.Even if you’ve already done other trading courses, they were probably not backed by:a long-term, proven track record with audited results,multiple award winning trading achievements,an industry pioneer that introduced techniques now used by many of the world’s top traders and money managers,high-level consultancy to companies like Goldman Sachs,and a trading and strategy development career spanning almost 40 years.  Simply put:Robert Pardo’s Masterclass is NOT just “another trading course”. This is how Robert Pardo is going to teach you the EXACT framework he uses to consistently extract money from the markets and how you can too…MODULE #1: Robert Pardo presents his 9-step Strategy Development Process for creating trading strategies that actually work in live trading.Why robustness is a key aspect of trading and how ignoring it will destine you to trading failure.Why you MUST have a proven strategy development process to follow. Get this wrong and you’ll waste time and money trying to trade strategies that just won’t work.The step-by-step process Robert Pardo uses to create trading strategies for his fund Pardo Capital and his private clients. This process has taken Bob almost 40 years to refine and he’s going to give it to you in less than 40 minutes! MODULE #2: How to approach optimization properly so you don’t ruin your trading strategies.Optimization can make a strategy better but used incorrectly can also make it worse – Bob shares his framework to using optimization… the right way.How to pick the best optimization parameters, ranges, resolutions and market history. Make your strategy come alive, instead of sending it to the graveyard.How to analyze the ‘Optimization Space’. Uncover important details about a trading strategy hidden in those optimization results.  MODULE #3: How to evaluate your trading strategy properly to save your account from the risks of over-optimization.Overfitting can instantly destroy a trading strategy without you even knowing it. Identify these warning signs before you risk your money trading it.The Top 5 causes of overfitting – any one of these can lead to catastrophic strategy failure so know what to look out for before it’s too late.Bob’s powerful solutions to crush overfitting. Build good quality trading strategies you can have total confidence in.  MODULE #4: Advanced techniques to confirm you’re putting your money behind the right strategy before you actually start trading it.All about Walk Forward Analysis. Who better to learn it from than the man who invented and pioneered it’s use in trading strategies, Bob Pardo!How to avoid common mistakes traders make with Walk Forward Analysis. Discover how to set it up properly. This includes how to select the right length of time, the minimum number of Walk Forward periods and the best number of parameters to optimize.The performance numbers Bob uses to determine which optimization results are best. And the one popular metric that’s flawed and should NOT be used. You may be surprised by the answer!  MODULE #5: How to protect and grow your trading account using Robert Pardo’s ‘Walk Forward Matrix’ technique, Optimization Space analysis and real-time monitoring.“It’s entirely possible that a Walk Forward test can be positive purely by chance”. Bob explains his ‘Walk Forward Matrix’ technique. Use this to really understand a trading strategy much more than a single Walk Forward test can ever do.How to evaluate a trading strategy using the ‘Optimization Space’. These simple steps will quickly tell you if a strategy is worth your time or you should put it in the bin and start again.How to monitor the real-time performance of a trading strategy and quickly identify the warning signs it could be failing – miss these tell-tale signs and you could lose a lot of money… fast!