Build Websites from Scratch with HTML & CSS – Brad Hussey


HTML and CSS are the two most important languages for a new web developer to learn. They are also the easiest. If you’ve always wanted to build webpages, but were intimidated by the code, this course will help you learn your first two languages quickly and easily.Taking a step-by-step approach, this course will have you learning by doing, building several mini-websites from scratch.Learn the Two Most Important Languages to Web Design Quickly and Easily.HTML FoundationsParent/Child StructureCSS FoundationsID SelectorsCoding and StylingWhat Web Pages are Built OfEvery webpage that you see on the net is built using a language or code. There are many different programming languages that can make your website do various things, but the two most important to learn are HTML and CSS. In fact, even people who plan on allowing someone else to build their website should have a basic grasp of both languages. This way you can tweak things behind the scenes, or change some of your formatting without having to always rely on others.Contents and OverviewThis course of more than 77 lectures and 8 hours of content gives you a basic, yet thorough understanding of both HTML and CSS. The course focuses on having you begin writing code right away so you can learn through doing, and build your own completely functional HTML and CSS webpage at the end.You’ll begin by learning what HTML and CSS are, so you can get an understanding of what it is that they do. During the course you’ll build several mini-websites that take what it is that you’ve learned and apply it to real world exercises to help cement the skills.Everyone from aspiring web designers to bloggers, programmers to business owners can benefit from learning some HTML and CSS. Learn to begin building your own dynamic webpages or manage the page that you already have. If you plan on becoming a web programmer or a web designer yourself, HTML and CSS are the first two languages you’ll need to succeed. In fact HTML is required for anyone that wants to get into web development from any angle. Learning it simultaneously with CSS allows you to hit the ground running with page design.Course CurriculumGetting StartedWelcome & What We’re Learning (1:16)What is HTML & CSS?HTML Tags, Attributes & ElementsFile & Folder Naming ConventionsTypical Website File & Folder StructureManaging Your Production FilesTools of the TradeHTML QuizHTML Foundations: Part IStarting Your First Web Page (1:14)The Doctype (1:31)The Basic Structure of an HTML Document (3:08)Page Title (2:35)Headings (3:41)Paragraphs (2:24)Emphasis & Strong Emphasis (2:48)HTML Parent/Child Structure (1:45)Get Your Hands Dirty! (6:35)HTML Foundations Quiz IHTML Foundations: Part IIHyperlinks (4:30)Lists (4:07)Images (10:30)Address (2:40)Get Your Hands Dirty! (6:02)HTML Foundations Quiz IIHTML Foundations: Part IIITables (4:47)Forms (13:36)HTML Special CharactersGet Your Hands Dirty! (7:01)HTML Foundations Quiz IIIHTML Foundations: Part IVIDs & Classes (4:52)Span & Div (5:57)Header & Footer (1:46)Nav, Section & Article (6:11)Aside (2:53)Time (3:21)Abbreviations & Quotes (4:04)Get Your Hands Dirty! (11:01)HTML Foundations Quiz IVCSS Foundations: Part IThe Style RuleInline styles (2:22)Internal styles (4:22)External styles (9:47)CSS Selectors, Properties & ValuesInheritance of StylesPixels, Percentages, Points & Ems!Get Your Hands Dirty!CSS Foundations Quiz ICSS Foundations: Part IIID Selectors (5:48)Class Selectors (6:09)Descendant Selectors (7:27)Grouping Selectors (7:20)Get Your Hands Dirty! (14:01)Get Your Hands Dirty — Minor Update (2:19)CSS Foundations Quiz IICSS Foundations: Part IIIThe Box ModelColours (or Colors) (3:25)Text Styling & Formatting (13:22)Sexy TypographyBorders (10:56)Background Images (9:15)Styling Forms (18:33)Get Your Hands Dirty! (19:15)CSS Foundations Quiz IIICSS Foundations: Part IVStyling Links (9:10)Block & Inline ElementsFloat & Clear (1:21)CSS Positioning (8:09)CSS SpecificityGet Your Hands Dirty! (Part1) (18:57)Get Your Hands Dirty! (Part 2) (17:00)CSS Foundations Quiz IVPutting It All TogetherFinal Website Walk Through (1:55)About the Course Files (2:59)HTML: Coding the Header & Hero (8:23)HTML: Coding the General Content (3:06)HTML: Coding the News & Events (5:43)HTML: Coding the Footer (2:23)CSS: Adding Normalize.css (1:54)CSS: General Styles & Typography (14:31)CSS: Styling the Header (6:09)CSS: Styling the Hero (3:37)CSS: Styling the General Content (2:42)CSS: Styling the News & Events (5:56)CSS: Styling the Footer (6:01)The Finished Product & Conclusion (1:15)Where To Go From Here & Bonus Resources (3:20)Get Build Websites from Scratch with HTML & CSS – Brad Hussey, Only Price $47Tag: Build Websites from Scratch with HTML & CSS – Brad Hussey Review. Build Websites from Scratch with HTML & CSS – Brad Hussey download. Build Websites from Scratch with HTML & CSS – Brad Hussey discount.