Build Grow Scale – User Testing Mastery


What You Get:
Module #1

Why user testing is your new unfair advantage
Course content and expectations explained

Module #2
What is User Testing?

User testing defined
Overview of the entire user testing process
Ideal customer avatar explained

Module #3
Brainstorming the User Testing Tasks

Our tried and tested user testing tasks template (say that 3x fast!)
Ideology and principles behind the tasks
Inspiration and questions to ask yourself for formulating the perfect tasks

Module #4
Live Walkthrough of Creating the User Testing Tasks

No more theory – LIVE walkthrough of creating the tasks
Clear reasoning behind why each task is given
Remove any and all doubts you have about how to brainstorm your own tasks

Module #5
Recruiting People to do the User Testing

Where to find people to perform the user testing for you
Quickly and easily find people suitable for any niche
How to instantly get a refund for any user testers that do a poor job

Module #6
User Testing Live Analysis Part 1

Live analysis of a real user testing session
See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback
Witness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.

Module #7
User Testing Live Analysis Part 2

Live analysis of a real user testing session
See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback
Whitness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.

Module #8
Final Words

Quick recap of everything we just learned
Reminders and things to keep in mind when doing this for yourself

Additional User Testing Analysis
The course already includes a full website user testing analysis. However, we’ll include ANOTHER 45 min module showing the breakdown/analysis of another website, just to really drive the point home.
Ecom Profit Checklist
We’ll also include a checklist of 50+ simple, revenue-boosting best practices. You can implement these on your website to see a noticeable lift in conversion rate RIGHT AWAY.
This list was compiled by our revenue optimization team over the last 6 years and shows you how to get some quick, juicy wins.