Build A Super-Responsive Mailing List From Scratch – Tony Shepherd


“If you took away all my products, my sites, the content I’ve written, my blog and even my beloved MacBook…Took away everything except my mailing list, I’d be back and earning good money within DAYS…That’s the power of having a responsive mailing list”  “Build A Super-Responsive Mailing List From Scratch!” “Or…How To Pretty Much Guarantee You’ll Never Need To Worry About Making Money Online Again!” “If you build a responsive email list and treat that list with respect, and help your subscribers whenever you can, you’ll never have to worry about making money online every againIt’s your golden ticket – the most valuable asset in your entire online business. The only REAL push-button income stream I can think ofYou’ll need to put some work in but the rewards are HUGE.If you’re up for the challenge, read on…”A while back I needed a four-wheel drive car to move lots of garden stuff, house rubble (we were doing our kitchen up at the time) and other things so I sent out a handful of emails to my list – three at most -and bought a beaten up second-hand 4×4 with the proceeds.It didn’t cost much, less than £1,000 if I remember, but I made that money from promoting one product to my list over a couple of days”What A Responsive List Can Do For YOU”>> Cash on demand by sending out an affiliate promotion to your list>> Cover unexpected bills, >> Take you on holiday >> Pay for Christmas!Get Build A Super-Responsive Mailing List From Scratch – Tony Shepherd, Only Price $37My results for just one product, marketed ONLY to my own list at the start of this month. No affiliates or other marketing involved.You don’t have to build a huge list – it’s quality rather than quantity that matters, but even a relatively small list of buyers can bring you The Uncomfortable Truth!Look – I feel uncomfortable writing about how you can buy a car by sending out just three emails, or pay for your family’s entire Christmas from a single promo……because it sounds like bullshit. But I promise you, hand on heart that the examples I give are 100% true. I’ve done this multiple times and have worked with clients so they can do the sameAnyone who already has a responsive mailing list already knows what I’m saying is true. You REALLY CAN send out one email then take the rest of the day off knowing your bills and expenses and covered and you’re already into profit. Ever wonder why email marketing is still as popular as it was 10 years ago?Because it’s a real, consistent way to make a seriously good full-time living online IF you do it right.And that’s what I want to share with you…However not all email lists can do this – at least not on an ongoing basis.But if you build a responsive list and establish a solid relationship with the PEOPLE on that list (because they ARE people and not just numbers as some marketers seem to think)……Then you’ll have a source of income for as long as you wish”This Gives You Traffic On Tap”Why would you NOT have a mailing list?I’ve personally seen Adsense Marketers go from $93,000 a month to zero almost overnight because some search engine moves the goalposts(Some of you reading this might even have been hit by that if you’ve been around long enough)I’ve seen SEO experts watch their money sites vanish from rankings in days when Google does an update, never to returnAnd I’ve seen Facebook pull ad accounts that have been making thousands with very little explanationBut if you have traffic on tap in the form of a responsive mailing list – an audience you can contact easily and for free – then whatever happens you’re pretty much going to be OKThat’s why you need to build a responsive list Most Marketers Don’t Have A Clue About How To Build A Responsive Email ListIt’s simply NOT ABOUT chucking a squeeze page up any more. It’s about the quality of the list and the relationship you maintain with that list.I’ll show you how to avoid the fundamental mistakes that cause many (most?) email marketers to ‘burn out’ their lists leaving them with little or no income.Nor is it just a numbers game any longer.I’ll show you exactly how you can make some simple decisions at the very START of your list building venture that will instantly put you ahead of most of your competition.And I’ll show you how you REALLY CAN get to the stage where you send out an email in the morning then take the rest of the day off and STILL earn more than your 9-5 salary.So What’s On Offer Here?NO OVERWHELM, that’s for sure!47 pages of no-fluff strategies for building a responsive, highly profitable mailing list based on your own needs and business.It’s something that you’re very unlikely to stop using once you see how powerful it is. I never have and the successful marketers out there that I DO see using it never stray very far from it either.For me it’s been life-changing, simple though it is.This is NOT a ‘how to build a funnel’ strategy. If you don’t know how to put up simple pages then go and watch some YouTube tutorials first. It’ll take you maybe an hourNo, my information shows you how to build ‘the unicorn of online marketing’ that rare thing that is a RESPONSIVE EMAIL LIST that you can make a full-time living from.I’ll give you examples, URL’s, real-life stats and I’ll show you how I do it, and how you can do the same.This is about how to treat your list, establish trust, build realtionships and make your list more responsive than 90% of emails lists out there.Whether you’re a product creator, affiliate marketer, writer, blogger, techy, software creator or CPA nerd, having traffic on tap from following these strategies can do everything from put you at the top of pretty much any leaderboard you wish, get traffic to your CPA offers or blog, make you a super-affiliate, right through to making sure that every product you create sells mulitple copies before you even approach affiliatesWhy Am I Making This Available?Quite simply because this is some of the most effective information I’ve ever shared and if I’m honest, because I have a blessed life and want to give something back…There are some things that are hidden in plain sight but if you don’t spot them for yourself you’re not going to make much progress no matter WHAT you doSo this is my way of giving you a shove up the ladder, in the way people have helped me in the past.Let me spotlight what works for you.Here’s What You Get: How to become a ‘non-seller’ and make shedloads of sales!  How to consistently outsell your competition with your emails​Why most marketers are following list building methods that are at least 3 years oldThe one thing you MUST do with your lead magnet or you might as well quit!​Why you must be sure what you’re selling (and I don’t mean which product)​ Do squeeze pages still work? (I’ll show you an alternative that I use) What you MUST do at the same time you get new subscribers onto your list​How to get everything you write or post to build your list for you Why you should tell certain subscribers NOT to join your list​The ONE THING you really want to get people to subscribe to How it’s vital to your income to ‘set the level’ of your list How to repel the people you DEFINITELY don’t want on your list​How often you should mail your list​How often (and how) you should pitch your listAvoid the major mistake that keeps most email marketers broke and angry​What you MUST do from day one (simple but deadly effective) How many marketers blow their entire credibility in just one email!​Segregation and targeting secrets – how to maximise profits simply​Avoiding the negative message most squeeze pages SCREAM out​The ‘super-responsive email list from scratch’ strategy​The stupdily simple email schedule secret ​My technique for getting that instant ‘personal’ feel to your emails​The ‘content and the offer’ secret (with examples)​Unsubscribes – what they REALLY mean​How to be really professional (and why you should NEVER be this)​The ‘connectivity’ strategy that made a huge difference to my business​The REAL benefit of a swipe file.Get Started NOW!I’ll show you exactly what to do (with examples) and including exactly how to do this, and in any niche too.I’ll show you how to move quickly with this so you can move forward as soon as you want Is It Finally Time To Start Changing Things For Yourself?Most people stay trapped where they are because they sit around and complain and yet do nothing to change their situationThis is slightly different. This is a case of you either know this info or you don’t.It might be years before you stumble over this simple  technique yourself, or it might be tomorrow.But either way I would bet money that you’ll never stop using it once you see how powerful it is 🙂I hope we’ll speak soon Get Build A Super-Responsive Mailing List From Scratch – Tony Shepherd, Only Price $37Tag: Build A Super-Responsive Mailing List From Scratch – Tony Shepherd Review. Build A Super-Responsive Mailing List From Scratch – Tony Shepherd download. Build A Super-Responsive Mailing List From Scratch – Tony Shepherd discount.