Bryan Reeves – Love, Sex, Relationship Magic


I started exploring essential insights and practices for successful love that … really … someone should have fucking taught me BEFORE I stumbled clueless into the utterly perplexing realm of dating, intimacy, sex, and love.Purchase Bryan Reeves – Love, Sex, Relationship Magic courses at here with PRICE $97 $35 Bryan Reeves – Love, Sex, Relationship MagicDo you know why relationships too often suck?Because no one taught us how to do them any better.If you’re like most people, you’re probably doing relationship with such unnecessary ignorance that you actually push away the love you want.That was definitely me for 2 decades.In 2012, after suffering through yet another awful breakup, I began to awaken from my ignorance.I started exploring essential insights and practices for successful love that … really … someone should have fucking taught me BEFORE I stumbled clueless into the utterly perplexing realm of dating, intimacy, sex, and love.Since then, I’ve coached over a thousand individuals & couples on their own journey into a profound authentic love they never even knew possible.This 10+ hour audio program is the best of what I use with my clients and my own exquisite partner. It shows you what exquisite, authentic love looks like and how to create it yourself.This is only for people who are genuinely ready for an authentic relationship rooted in mutual trust, respect and appreciation, generosity and heart connection … and raw, real love.If you’re truly ready for that deeply sexy, courageous intimate partnership you may not even be convinced is possible … download “Love Sex Relationship Magic” now.Your InstructorBryan ReevesA former US Air Force Captain turned Author / Coach / Speaker, Bryan Reeves has triumphed through multiple dark nights of the soul after hurling himself into the transformational fires of intimate relationship over and over again. With a Masters Degree in Human Relations, Bryan now coaches men, women and couples in creating thriving lives and relationships. He’s the author of the viral blog, “Choose Her Every Day or Leave Her” and two books, including ”Tell The Truth, Let The Peace Fall Where It May.”Course CurriculumLove, Sex, Relationship MagicMain Content ModulesThe Beginning – My StoryTaking Your Relationship InventoryHonoring the Masculine, Cherishing the FeminineThe 3 Stages of LoveSelf Love & Deeper into Stage 3The Basic & Often Ignored Foundations For Successful RelationshipTools, Practices & The Self-Love DietMaking Magic with a Mindset of LoveAdditional Insight ModulesThe Sexiest 3 Words a Man Can SayThe Sexiest 3 Words a Woman Can SayThe One Thing Women Are Most Afraid of in MenChoose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her)Learn to Feel Your Woman or Lose HerYou’re a GodDamn Warrior, You’re Ready for All of HerBonusesMastering Relationships, Conscious Living PodcastAfter Divorce, InterviewPorn Addiction Interview, GET BOLD PodcastWhat Women Say They Want (But Don’t Really) Interview, GET BOLD PodcastKnowledge For Men, InterviewMen Getting The Gold in Divorce, InterviewRelationships, Self-Love & Shifting Your Mindset (Interview)The One Engagement That Really Matters (The One With Yourself) (Interview)Couples Coaching Session, Live RecordingMeditationsMeditation – “Surrender & Trust”Meditation – “Connecting to Heart” (solo or with partner)Sales PageArchive PagePurchase Bryan Reeves – Love, Sex, Relationship Magic courses at here with PRICE $97 $35