If you’re not happy with your current results (or you ARE happy, but just want to make more by doing less work), then applying 1 Lead A Day

Bryan Kreuzberger – 1 Lead A Day

More than 70,000 business and entrepreneurs use this system

8.7 Million hours of cold calling saved

$1Sales Revenues of.25 Billion

Problems Salespeople Face
You can relate to this if you are a professional salesperson or lead a team.
Most salespeople are just expected to be handed a product by their customers. “go sell it.”
Every month there’s a quota to hit, so each salesperson tries their hardest to hit that number in their own way:
One person cold calls businesses in a desperate attempt to make a sale.

One person may attend endless meetings, but close no sales.

One person posts on Facebook to try and get leads from an acquaintance.
It’s often a huge mess!
This is extremely common in a lot of companies, and it’s no way for a company to reliably get bigger and more profitable because:
There’s zero predictability.

There’s no fixed processes in place.

There’s no way to accurately track any of the sales activity.
If an investor were to look at this company and see that there’s no accurate way to predict revenue, they might just completely pass on the company.

What do people want?

When I come into a company, I’ll always ask the owner want they want salespeople to do. Almost always, the answer to my question is:

“I want a predictable way to bring in qualified leads.”
Notice the emphasis on “predictable.”
For example: If you want 4 new customers per month…how would you go about hitting that number?
Many salespeople aren’t able to breakdown what it would take to hit their number, because they have no accurate data to go off of.
However, a company (and its salespeople) that has a proven process in place will know almost EXACTLY what must be done to reach a specific goal for the month.
A salesperson who has a predictable system and can make guestimates based upon past results at the beginning of each month.
“My monthly quota is $400,000”

“I need to send 100 emails.”

“I need to get about 35 responses.”

“I need to get 19 phone calls.”

“I need to get 11 in-person meetings.”

“This will result in 4 signed contracts.”

“This will result in $400,000.”

This plan is predictable.
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    Accurate expectations.

A plan that outlines what they need to do every day.

You can rest assured that they will meet their quotas.
That’s the power of having a predictable system in place.
I started my career in sales in Aliso Viejo, California when I was 23 years. It was my first job and I was cold calling VP’s of It and IT Directors of mid-Market companies generate revenue between $100 million and $500 million. I was making approximately 50 calls per day.

This was my day…
Call 1: Voicemail.

Call 2: Voicemail

Call 3: Hangup

Call 4: Hangup

Call 5: Talk for 45 Seconds, Hangup

Call 6: Hangup

Call 7: Hangup

Call 8: Hangup

Call 9: Voicemail

Call 10: Voicemail
“Hey I’m Bryan Kreuzberger and I’m calling on behalf of Oracle, did I reach you at a bad time?”
Or I would leave voicemails that were not returned.
After repeating it 50 times on a random Tuesday, my life changed dramatically.

To become a telemarketer, I went to college.
I felt trapped at my desk. Like there was a forcefield around my desk and I couldn’t leave.
Every day I would make it to work. I would get a cup of coffee every morning, which was the highlight in my day.

I’m in a cubicle.

There’s managers nearby so I can’t just surf the internet.

It looks bad if you’re not on the phone. I was expected that I would ALWAYS be on the phone.

Thinking in my head “Does this even matter?”

Thinking “Is this going to be my life for the next 30 years?”
My only function in life was to generate leads and annoy people who didn’t want to talk to me.
But here’s the problem, this was how every single day went:
9:00am: Get to Work
10:00 am: Arrange files and folders on my desktop. Do not call until my manager tells me to. “Bryan, I think it’s time to pick up the phone.” “The phone doesn’t dial itself.” “It’s time to smile and dial.”
“Really? This is my life? I went to college just to become a telemarketer?”
Being the guy that’s saying “ Hi this is. ::hang on:: Hi, this is. ::hangup:: Hi there. ::hang up::
At that moment in my life, I believed there had to be an easier way. I made it my mission not to just cold call, but to become a great selling professional. I wanted to close sales. I wanted to make a lot.
It seemed like a crapshoot to me as I watched other cold-callers.
They did not have any data.

They did not have a system.

They didn’t test their calls.

The always had to do it themeselves…

It wasn’t until I discovered cold emailing that everything changed.
15,000 A/B email tests later….

10,000 cold calls later….

7 years of testing….

600 books…
That’s when I came up with my 1 Lead A Day It was primarily a system, but email was its main advantage.
Cold Calling isn’t working as well as it used to.

This is a great idea for salespeople, I think!
And that’s because email has slowly crept up as being the number one form of communication in business. While slack is inevitable, email can still be used to reach anyone for the day to day.
I was in sales in 2005 selling websites for a creative agency, and here’s the amount of cold calls vs. cold emails I would send:

Sales Phone Calls vs. Emails Sent In 2005
Evidently, I was making more calls than I was sending emails.
But it’s not too late-Moving forward to today, this is an average of how often I make cold calls vs. cold emails with our clients:
My cold emailing method has reduced 95% of the initial cold.-calling rejection.
It’s not that cold calling doesn’t work, or can’t work, it’s just that it’s not an effective use of your time.
Does this sound familiar?
While I have nothing against cold-calling, the sheer time it takes for 100 cold calls to be made in a day is incredible. What if you have accounts? How likely are you to prospect for a couple of hours between meetings? Cold calling is the best option, even if you know it’s important.
Over the last 7 years I’ve made it my goal to perfecting a cold email system that psychologically triggers certain responses from the recipient.

These emails include:
…been used by 70,000+ businesses and entrepreneurs.

…been tested at Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Oracle.

…been tested at smaller private companies and by individual entrepreneurs.

…generated over $1Sales of.25 billion
This system is less frustrating for salespeople who start using it. They also get less rejection and more reward.
Emails are great because you can share them with others. You can sort-It is possible to do this with a cold-call, but it turns out differently every time. Also, different people perform sales scripts differently.

Why email is better
It is possible to test the same email repeatedly. Each call is different.

With just one click, you can send hundreds. It is much easier to send hundreds of calls than it is to make just 8 hours of calls.

You can email someone else to delegate so you can play golf or pick up your kids at school.

Everything can be tracked. You can see what’s working and what’s not. You should not rely on sheer effort but data.
Email allows you to track things in a way that’s not possible with phone calls.
Bill, for example, is one of 20 salesmen for a farm equipment retailer. All the emails Bill has sent can be tracked in a matter of seconds:

This is Bill’s one-shot screenshot.
Which days are the best for sending his emails?

Which email templates work.

These email templates do NOT work.
We can then modify his sales process in order to make it more effective. This is possible because we can track every email he sends.
Imagine being able to go from zero sales process to knowing each click and every send.
I created the 1 Lead A Day System for companies and entrepreneurs because…

If you do not use a step-By-If you don’t have a step sales system that includes email as its core, you are missing one of most powerful and efficient sales tools ever created.

But will it work for me?


Here’s What People

Are Saying…
People are often concerned about whether the 1 Lead A Day It will work in their industry or for their position.
We’re going to show you a couple people in different industries who used the 1 Lead A Day system to get massive results quickly:

Carl: “The Startup Guy”
Carl. He’s based in Silicon Valley and runs a software startup. He and his team were just starting to sell businesses (in this instance, hospitals and medical practices) using their software product.
They quickly realized that cold calling was time-consuming and difficult.-Consuming and flat-The whole team found it demoralizing. It was almost as if nobody would take the time to talk with them.
It wasn’t until taking the advice taught in 1 Lead A Day that Carl’s team realized that cold emailing was going to be their primary sales channel. They set up the system, saw results in the first month, then continue to grow today.
Before: No sales
What he did was: 1 Lead A Day System, especially 13.
After: 2x increase for the first month. 4x increase per month 3. Increased by 4x per month 3.
“When I first used this email it was like magic. The middle blurb was only 2 minutes long. Even after sending I did not expect it to work… But of the 12 companies I sent it to, I immediately got 6 responses. It was amazing.
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It brought me 20X more leads for the same amount work. Without this email, I’d have probably gave up on cold email as a channel. Now it’s really the first consistent sales channel I’ve build and helped me get my business started… 100K of business has come to me using this email… This is still growing and working right now…”

Mark: “The Senior Salesperson.”

From $480k to $34million in sales in a single year
This is Mark, and he’s an experienced sales guy. He was expected to bring in more sales when he started a new job. He immediately began using his well.-Established network over the years, and brought in sales.
After the second month, he was still not in contact with his contacts. The CEO of the company asked him. “Ok Mark….what’s next?” Mark knew nothing except to pick up the phone and cold call.
He heard about it around this time. Bryan’s cold emailing system and decided it was worth a shot. In 1 He closed $480k of businesses and now has $34 million.
Before: Had already burned through all his contacts over the first 2 month
What he did was: 1 Lead A DayBreakthroughEmail, especially lesson 10.
After: 7.083% increase
“I would spend 10-20 hours per week just taking meetings with the largest brands on the planet.”
(*1*)Year 1 Closed $480,000 in Sales at the new position
Year 2 at the new job after implementation Bryan’s system: Closed $34,000,000 in sales.

Justine: “The New Salesperson”
Justine. She started at a small publishing company in New York a year ago, and wasn’t sure exactly what she was doing. It was just random actions such as calling or sending messages via LinkedIN to drum up sales.
Before: She was sending out cold emails, and only getting a 5% response. Meaning 95% of the emails she was sending weren’t getting responses.
What she did was to take Bryan’s training and totally re-The way she approached each target was not how she thought. She realized that she was sending the exact same email to everyone, which was killing her results.
After: Her new laser-Targeted emails can get 60%+ people to respond and set up a meeting.

“It was unreal how fast they responded, and the new meetings started coming immediately.”

Paul: “The Entrepreneur”
Paul is the owner of an IT staffing company for enterprises. He fired the VP Sales who he depended on to grow his business. When that person didn’t work out, they scrambled to find anyone to bring in sales.
Relying on one person to make decisions-Or-Breaking your company was stressful, and you run the risk of wasting a lot time. It wasn’t until Paul implemented Bryan’s training that they predictably started to bring in meeting-After-meeting.
Before: I hired a 15-year veteran in the industry and was very disappointed with the results. The only thing the VP of Sales sold was himself…, on getting the job.
What he did was: Bryan’s system, and within the first month got a call from the CTO of Sprint. (Listen, he thought someone was making a joke of him.)
After: Has generated 70 to 80 meetings and is close to 7 figures in sales.

“Having these sort of systems and processes in place has allowed me to scale up the business.”
This is only a small sample of the success we witness with the 1 Lead A Day It is a proven system that can help anyone in their sales career to increase their sales. It works for everyone, from a novice salesperson to an experienced veteran.
If you’re not happy with your current results (or you ARE happy, but just want to make more by doing less work), then applying 1 Lead A Day It will make a significant difference in your existing process.

Interviews with insiders about the actual “gatekeepers” Budgets of large companies (and what motivates them to respond)

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At 1 Lead A Day it’s our job to give you insider access to the minds of buyers. This might be a great opportunity to learn if you sell and get rejected often.
Omnicom is the second largest advertising agency in the globe. It has 74,000 employees in 100 countries, clients like Google, J&J, HTC, Nestle, Visa….and they have $15 Billion in revenue per year.
Now most salespeople would love to get a slice of Omnicom’s budget, and this is one of the guys that controls the purse strings:
This is Colin.
He’s a buyer for Omnicom.
If a salesperson attempts to sell him anything, he ignores 99 % of the calls and emails that he receives.
Colin is literally the guy with thousands of bushy every week-Smiling, eye-catching salespeople try to reach the prospect to persuade them to meet.

Inside 1 Lead A Day we show you how to get meetings with…
CEO’S, Founders, The Board of Directors

CMO’S, CIO’s CFO’s, COO’s, CRO’s and another kind of C-Level exec you can think of VP’s, Directors, GM’s, Managers

There are also specialty groups such as advertising, HR, Hiring Managers and Procurement

….and anything else you can imagine like the Superintendents of a School District, even Principals.
How will you get Colin and others like it to respond if he’s flat?-out rejects 99 percent of people who contact them?
In the 1 Lead A Day Insider Series we’ll show you the exclusive interviews that can help get you past the gatekeeper.
No Predictability = Stress and Confusion, Loss Of Motivation

Many companies attempt to grow by hiring lots of salespeople. “throwing spaghetti at the wall” To see what sticks.
If your strategy is to hire a bunch of people and then fire them within 6 months if they don’t produce, think about it…is that how the Yankees build a championship team? Is this how any team builds? No.
A process is essential. A system. You must win.
The glue that holds the team together is what makes them work hard and achieve their goal of becoming a consistent, predictable force every day.
But most companies would rather roll the dice…
They make cold calls to salespeople.

They send salespeople random cold emails.

They wait 3-6 months to find out which salespeople are successful, then fire the rest.

They only notice. 1 Salesperson is responsible for the entire sales team. Then, that person leaves.
This is the sign that you are not a member of the group.-Unpredictable sales team that doesn’t have a process and is entirely dependent on a few superstars. Even if you are a superstar now, wouldn’t you like it to be easier to get meetings?
The bottom line is this…
The COMPANY doesn’t have a predictable sales process.
10 people.

There are 10 different systems.

0 predictability.
Every person has a unique style.

Each person has their own process.

Each person has their own strengths.

Each person has different weaknesses.



“Solution Seller”

Send cold emails

Follow up meeting

Phone Call



“Relationship Seller”



Skype Call



“Classic Seller”

Cold Call

Follow up meeting

In-person Meeting
This is a great way to learn from your mistakes and to try different things. “experiments” You will be amazed at what works. You can save a lot time by following a predictable sales process.
This way of doing things leaves the company in chaos and unpredictability.
One member of the team can leave and the next person must start over using their own methods.

You can’t predict how many meetings will be scheduled.

You can’t predict how many sales will be closed.

You can’t predict which salespeople will produce.
This. Is. A. Mess.
There’s no way to get predictability out of a completely unpredictable system.
This is where the 1 Lead A Day The system steps in.
It’s designed to take each sales person and get a predictable number out of them.

Let’s demonstrate the difference between an unpredictable sales team, and a predictable sales team:


Unpredictable Sales Team
Ben must generate at least one additional lead each day.
He then picks up the telephone for 30 minutes to make cold calls. He then sends 10 email to those he believes might be interested. He then sends out LinkedIN requests for 30 people in a distributor list.
Result: Completely unpredicted. Meetings are created by pure luck. He has to invent re-Invent the wheel for each client. No way to determine what worked and what didn’t.


Predictable Sales Team
Jason must generate one additional lead per day.
Jason already knows who the target customers are and what they are likely to do.

He uses email templates proven to work hundreds upon hundreds of times to request meetings.

He opens his email inbox each morning, and he schedules meetings with those people.
Result: 1-3 meetings scheduled per day. Jason knows how long he must spend to generate these meetings.
NOW…..imagine we scaled this operation up to 10 sales people.

10 X Ben = ? It’s all luck and chance. You don’t know what results you can expect.

10 X Jason = 250 meetings per Month, 35 sales.
Because it follows a predictable system of sales, we can fairly accurately predict how many meetings this team will have and how many sales they will make.
That’s the value of a predictable sales system.
If you want to grow your business but feel overwhelmed by the task at hand,-It’s easy to predict, so let us show it.-By-Step by step guide on how to build an organization that is predictable
    Doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel for each hire.

Can predict revenue and sales far easier because there’s a predictable process to use.

You can use proven methods to scale your business.

This will help you reach your target number more often, as the salespeople know exactly what to do to achieve their goals.

Each salesperson gets 1 extra qualified lead per day.
Let us show how to implement the 1 Lead A Day system for yourself (or your company) to make a sales system that’s far more predictable and enjoyable.
Here’s What You Will Get in Bryan Kreuzberger – 1 Lead A Day