Bruce Kumar Frantzis – Hsing-i Chuan Vo. 2 – Water Fist


This training program teaches the fundamentals of the water fist of hsing-i chuan,

File size: 2.69GB

[6 DVDs – 5 MP4s, 1 M4V]

Bruce Kumar Frantzis – Hsing-i Chuan Vo. 2 – Water Fist

This training program teaches the fundamentals of the water fist of hsing-i chuan, also known as tsuan chuan or drilling fist. The physical motion of tsuan chuan goes from down to up and uses peng, an expansive internal energy. The internal pressures that tsuan chuan generates within the body during execution of the technique, in addition to its basic chi work, directly and positively affect the kidneys and the whole vitality of the body. Tsuan chuan is represented by the water element, and focuses on making the hands able to move around an opponent’s arms like water moves around a rock.
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