Brittany Lynch – Launch Your Blog This Weekend


Take a leaf from the Ideal Me Playbook to discover The Foolproof Formula for Launching a Profitable Business Blog In A Weekend

Launching a profitable blog isn’t magic…
You might think that owning a successful blog requires something unique. A unique talent or a finely crafted idea that inspires readers to pay attention.

But not so.

The truth is that there’s nothing magical about building a highly profitable blog. You don’t need any dose of celebrity, or any remarkable skills.

That’s simply not how it works.

Brittany Lynch – Launch Your Blog This Weekend

Take a leaf from the Ideal Me Playbook to discover The Foolproof Formula for Launching a Profitable Business Blog In A Weekend

Launching a profitable blog isn’t magic…

You might think that owning a successful blog requires something unique. You might think that a unique talent, a well-crafted idea, or an aptitude for writing are necessary to make your blog a success.

But not so.

The truth is that there’s nothing magical about building a highly profitable blog. You don’t need any dose of celebrity, or any remarkable skills.

That’s simply not how it works.

The right formula is all that’s required.

I’m going to reveal something right now that you’ve never heard before. This is something that successful publishers have known for many years. A fundamental truth about blogging.

Yes, celebrity status is a plus.

And no, writing skills won’t hurt you.

The right blogging formula is what you need to create an audience and get it to pay attention. And I’m going to give you the information and insight that I’ve learned to architect a successful and profitable blog.

Today that’s what I want to talk to you about.

Before we share that formula, a quick question…

Why not start a? Blog? 

Maybe you’ve already decided to start blogging. Maybe you’ve thought about it privately for years, but never taken the first step. Or maybe you’ve never thought about it at all.

If you’re in that last group—you’re likely wondering why you should keep reading.

So why should you consider starting a blog?

You can be heard.

You have a voice. Your voice is valuable. It has the ability to entertain, inform, and help people. And that’s important.

Right now your voice doesn’t have a platform.

It is unlikely to reach your future audience.

When you publish a blog, your voice will begin to be heard.

Your audience will grow if you use the right blogging strategy. Then as your audience grows, it will echo and spread—first to hundreds, then thousands of people.

Your Followers on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter will explode. With it you’ll discover that you’ve suddenly become influential within your niche.

Earn a steady income.

This Ideal Me will receive 200,000 pageviews per month with ad revenue between $20,000 and $30,000. $2,000-$2500.

While 200,000 pageviews may seem like a lot, keep in mind that 90 days ago, we were only getting 100 visitors to our blog every day.

A blog allows you to experience the world. Explosive growth 

And ads aren’t even the best way to monetize your site (we’ll talk about these other better methods too), but it’s a great and reliable worst case scenario, right?

It’s As Low Maintenance As You Want & You Get Free Targeted Traffic

There is a misconception You must constantly create and publish content to make your blog profitable.

This just isn’t the case.

Ideal Me only releases three new blog posts a week, and 90% of the blog post content isn’t created by us (that’s because we use a cool little technique called the “Content Curation method”. More on this in a second…).

It’s all about creating the right type of content that will have the most impact. has seen a dramatic increase in visitors over the past 90 days. We have had 80,000 visits in the last 30 days, compared to just 30,000 visitors per day in the previous 90 days.

And The best part?
I didn’t spend a dime on advertising. Google and Social Media love the type of blog posts we use. We were able to quickly build up our organic traffic to our site.

And that’s because we use a very specific formula to build up our following and force our readers to take notice.

Once you have the Traffic Your blog It can be sent anywhere you like. To see more blog posts, and to make ad income, to your newsletter optin form, to your physical and digital products.
Creating  a blog is like creating a traffic machine that you’re in control of.

Build Your Subscribe to our Newsletter

At we’re Add 150-300 new people have joined our mailing list Every day at a cost zero

Once they are on our mailing list, we can build a relationship with them and share our content. We can also promote our products to increase revenue and monetize the blog.

Sell Something.

Launching a blog can help you sell more products, whether you are selling digital products (ebooks), physical items, services, coaching or DIY crafts.

Out of all the products I’ve sold online the highest Earnings Per Click (EPCs) and conversion rates are from products sold off of my blog or the blogs I manage, including 6 figure launches.

Take a look at the following:

Example 1: 20,912 Sales in 7 Days Starting From A Blog Audience

Example 2: Sales of $101,262 Starting From A Blog Audience

Example 3: $2.556 in Affiliate Commissions From A Blog Audience

Find new product ideas.