Bridget Kulick – Vestibular Rehab Evaluation & Treatment


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Bridget Kulick – Vestibular Rehab Evaluation & Treatment


Learn how to evaluate dizziness
Quickly identify type and cause of patient’s dizziness
Strategies to create effective, diagnosis-appropriate treatment plans for immediate implementation
Develop treatment skills into a dedicated vestibular treatment program

Physical therapists trained in vestibular rehab can provide life-changing benefits to patients who suffer from dizziness and balance disorders. This course will equip you with the tools to evaluate symptoms in patients and determine the cause for dizziness, assessments after functional tests, and the most cutting-edge treatment strategies. You will learn strategies for a thorough, yet efficient evaluation and how to explain the rationale for your evaluation, techniques and subsequent treatments such as canalith repositioning, video goggles, rotary chairs and manual therapy.
Through a unique combination of instruction, hands-on lab, demonstrations and case studies, you will learn…

How to pinpoint where a patient’s dizziness is coming from
When further work-up is needed
What treatment strategy will promote the best functional outcomes for your patient

You will never have to tell your patient with dizziness, “I can’t help you.” You will leave this seminar with a toolbox full of strategies to implement immediately in your clinical practice!
Symptoms of Balance and Dizziness Disorders & How to Categorize

Visual Impairments
Motion Intolerance
Cognitive and Emotional Effects
Physical Symptoms

Peripheral Vestibular Diagnoses

Meniere’s Disease
Perilymphatic Fistula

Oculomotor & Balance Evaluation

Lab and Demonstration

Evaluation Tests

Determine Central vs. Peripheral Vestibular Dysfunction
VOR Testing
Functional Gait Assessment

Advanced Balance and Vestibular Testing Equipment

Computerized Balance Testing
ENGs and Audiograms
Video Goggles
Rotary Chair

Assessment after Tests: Putting It All Together

Creating treatment plans
Evidence-based guidelines

Treatment Techniques

Manual Therapy
Referral for Non-Physical Therapy Treatments

Canalith Repositioning for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV )

Lab and Demonstration
Treatments for Posterior, Anterior and Horizontal Canals
Epley’s Maneuver, Log Roll, Appi Maneuver

Central Vestibular and Non-Vestibular Diagnoses and Treatments

Cervicogenic Dizziness
Migraine Associated Dizziness
Head Injury/Concussion
Neurological Disorders

Documentation of the Evaluation

CPT & ICD-9 Codes

Developing a Dedicated Vestibular Treatment Program

Integrating treatment skills into a vestibular program


Identify the anatomical structures and neurophysiological systems involved in balance/dizziness disorders.
List the symptoms and describe the clinical presentation of a variety of balance and dizziness diagnoses.
Perform an efficient and informative vestibular and balance evaluation.
Create an effective, diagnosis-appropriate treatment plan you can implement right away.
Perform the Epley’s Maneuver and other treatments for BPPV.
Collaborate with other healthcare providers to refer the appropriate patients for further work-up.
Provide patients with outside resources to help them learn more about their disorders.
Develop a “balance-center” approach, tailored to the clinician’s own work setting, identifying key participants.

Bridget Kulick, PT, is a physical therapist with over 25 years of experience in all types of physical therapy settings throughout the country. She received a Masters in Physical Therapy at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia and holds the APTA Competency Certificates in Vestibular Rehabilitation, Advanced Test Interpretation and Cervicogenic Dizziness. She is currently practicing at a hospital in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where she started their vestibular rehab program 10 years ago. Her experience includes owning a private practice for four years, where she specialized in balance and dizziness disorders, and she was on the Board of Directors for VEDA (Vestibular Disorders Association) for 6 years. She teaches vestibular-related graduate physical therapy courses, and she is a frequent lecturer to physicians, healthcare professionals and the general public about balance and dizziness disorders. She is on an advisory panel for a community-wide falls prevention program, and she has been featured on the radio, television and in the newspaper talking about balance and dizziness disorders.
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Financial: Bridget Kulick is employed by Aurora BayCare Medical Center. She is a guest lecturer for Concordia University. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Bridget Kulick is a member of the advisory board and a guest lecturer for Stepping On, a community based program for fall prevention. She is a member of the Vestibular Disorders Association.