Brian C. Watts – Northern Awakening The Evolution of Consciousness


Brian C. Watts Northern Awakening The Evolution of Consciousness
Ancient texts and enlightened cultures throughout history have pointed to this moment in time when humanity will take a major leap forward in consciousness. Consider this book an insiders guide.

This course is now available. Delivery takes less than a day. This is the moment in history when consciousness will make a huge leap forward. Ancient texts and enlightened culture throughout history point to this. This book is an insider’s guide. 1.49 MB

Brian C. Watts – Northern Awakening The Evolution of Consciousness

✶ The Book chronicles the events of One man’s journey to the kundalini, the evolutionary energy that is within all of us, and his awakening. of The history of This energetic process, the ancient texts and myths from around the globe, who firsthand experienced this energy; as well as our scientific understanding of This is the beginning of this process. This is the moment in history when consciousness will make a huge leap forward. Ancient texts and enlightened culture throughout history point to this. This book is an insider’s guide.