Brent Phillips – The Formula For Wealth


Learn eight simple secrets to let you get maximum benefit from every program, class, and healing/coaching session for the entire rest of your life. Learn the five primary reasons you haven’t been able to win money using the Law of the Attraction for lotteries…

Brent Phillips – The Formula For Wealth

This is one of the most powerful prosperity programs ever created!
The highly anticipated follow up to the original “Unleash Your Inner Millionaire,” this program goes way, way beyond the usual Law of Attraction material that you’ve heard before.
With The Formula For Wealth, you can use special binaural beats audio technology and embedded healing energy to release your subconscious blocks to wealth, prosperity, and success!
The Formula for Wealth is a complete package that will help you to:
Clear the 347 most common blocks to prosperity and financial success

Learn eight simple secrets to let you get maximum benefit from every program, class, and healing/coaching session for the entire rest of your life

Learn the five primary reasons you haven’t been able to win money using the Law of the Attraction for lotteries, gambling, and the stock market

Discover the seven tools for higher dimensional living that will allow you to thrive and make millions, even in the midst of economic chaos money

Learn how to recognize and avoid the Seven Deadly Law of Attraction Mistakes

Learn the secret truths (that even most teachers don’t know) and bust the six most prevalent Law of Attraction myths

Turbo-charge your prosperity by learning the powerful secret techniques of embodiment

Discover the most powerful and most effective wish board/life map technique ever developed

The truth is that using the Law of Attraction to get real results in your life requires applying the Law of Attraction in a deeper, more subtle way than you have seen particular, you need to harness the power of your subconscious mind.
Typical Law of Attraction books, workshops, DVDs, and audio programs only teach how to harness a small portion of your power – maybe 10-20% if you are lucky.
BUT: if you are truly ready to see serious results in your life now, you need to harness the full 100% power of your mind. You need to use The Formula for Wealth!
How Does The Formula for Wealth Work?
First, you’ll learn state of the art secrets, insights, and applications of spiritual principles that go far beyond what you’ve heard before to make you a much more powerful manifester and a clear channel for unbounded wealth to flow to you.
The block clearing sections of this program use custom designed sub-audible binaural beats that will put you into a deep theta brainwave to actually reprogram your subconscious mind and clear your blocks to wealth, success, and prosperity.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Brent Phillips – The Formula For Wealth