Brent Dunn – Pop Ads Domination


People that fail to find profitable campaigns on PopAds all make the same mistakes….They create a few quick campaigns, run $25-100 in traffic and when the campaign fails, they write off PopAds as a source that “doesn’t work.”But,Purchase Brent Dunn – Pop Ads Domination courses at here with PRICE $100 $35 Brent Dunn – Pop Ads DominationPeople that fail to find profitable campaigns on PopAds all make the same mistakes….They create a few quick campaigns, run $25-100 in traffic and when the campaign fails, they write off PopAds as a source that “doesn’t work.”But,Why do some people absolutely crush it and others throw money out the window every time they set up a new campaign?I’ll tell you exactly why and what the secret is…Like any traffic source, PopAds has many “quirks.” If you don’t understand them, you will ultimately end up losing a ton of money.How do you learn these “quirks”?By testing endlessly to see what works and what doesn’t.This would require you to spend hundreds of hours on the platform testing and tweaking campaigns to learn the ins and outs.This is exactly how I learned to find success on PopAds; but it took me thousands of dollars before I understood it enough to repeatedly create successful campaigns.After spending more money than I’d like to admit on PopAds, I can confidently say I’m now an expert.Luckily for you, in PopAds Domination I reveal everything I’ve learned along the way. This will help you have a much higher chance of success when running campaigns on PopAds.In an industry where everyone has access to the same tools, offers and even traffic, you must carve out as many competitive advantages as you can to succeed.Fully understanding how a traffic source operates is one of those advantages.Trust me. After taking this course you’ll understand the platform better than the majority of your competition.But,Be honest with yourself.… Are you ready to master PopAds at an expert level?This course is an investment into your performance marketing career and should be treated as such.I do not guarantee that you will make a profit, because honestly that is dependant upon how much work you are willing to put in.What Topics Does the Course Cover?1. Understanding the type of traffic you are buyingAs performance marketers, our job is to match traffic with offers. What that means is we need to find people interested in our products or services.Instead of going in blindly like most advertisers, you’ll learn not only how to increase your chances of finding traffic that converts for your offer, but also how to avoid competitors stealing it from you.2. How to fully take advantage of the targeting options PopAds provides.PopAds has TONS of targeting options which can be overwhelming.In this course you will learn what each targeting option does and the best time to use them.Knowing this section alone will likely allow you to make your current campaigns profitable.3. Structuring campaigns for efficiency and scale.When working with PopAds, it’s important that you setup your campaigns in such a way that allows you to find and edit them quickly.I teach you exactly how I’ve managed hundreds of campaigns at a time on the PopAds platform by showing you how I structure my campaigns from the ground up.Take CourseFrequently Asked QuestionsAre there any guarantees that after taking this course, I’ll have a profitable campaign?If you not only complete the course but take action with the information you learn, there is a high probability that you will have a profitable campaign.Will this course continue to be updated and will I get free access to future versions?Yes! Like all of my courses it will be updated on a regular basis.Once you are enrolled, all future versions are free to you at no extra cost.How much more is in the course versus what you already put out in your guide?I’ve provided you enough on the guide alone to take steps towards profitability.The course, however, is in video format which I reveal several extra tips that I would never say publicly.There wouldn’t be a competitive advantage if everyone knew them, right?Will this work for someone brand new to the “online marketing” industry?This course is specifically made to teach people how to have success with PopAds, therefore, if you do not have a basic understanding of buying traffic, this course isn’t for you.This course will help you get rid of all the “BS” and accelerate your chances of success with running PopAds campaign specifically.Can I afford this right now?At the end of the day that’s a question you have to answer.The better question is, are you serious about wanting to find success with PopAds? If yes, then it’s more likely that it would be more costly to not take this course.I was wondering if you are going to have “over your shoulder” videos?Absolutely.In the course I setup everything in real time after explaining why I am doing each step.Do you offer a refund?From what I’ve seen online, knowing there is a refund is an excuse to quit.I’ve seen people take 60% of my courses in the past, then demand a refund because “It didn’t work”.So, no there will be no refund available – not because I need your money, but because everything this course offers including the price serves as a motivator to finally have success at this.How much time will this take?The course is just over 2 hours long in content.It’s JAM PACKED with valuable info, so be prepared to review the course multiple times.Purchase Brent Dunn – Pop Ads Domination courses at here with PRICE $100 $35