Breast Health Training Home Study – Julie Renee


Breast Health Training Home Study – Julie ReneeQuantum Activations for ImprovingHealth and Re-sizingYOU CAN BE SEXIER AND HEALTHIERWITH QUANTUM ACTIVATIONS &BREAST BUILDING MEDITATIONSNOW:REMOVE BREAST CANCER DNAENLARGE SIZE OF BREASTGROW BACK BREAST TISSUE AFTER MASTECTOMYIf you have had a mother or grandmother who’s suffered from breast cancer and you worry you might also have the cancer gene, or you have breasts you wish were larger, but don’t want surgical breast augmentation this class is for you.A few years ago my long time friend and client Kathryn called me with a terrible worry. She had lost her mother 2 years prior to breast cancer and now the doctors detected she had the same gene as her mum, gram and auntie ~ all of who had died from the disease. She had waited to have a child so at 42 she had a 3 year old and was now facing the medical report putting her on alert she may not live to see her son fulfill his life.Jenny from Singapore had the almost non-existent breast; really she said she felt like she had not much more then raised nipples. Though she was married, she wasn’t sexually active and struggle with her feelings of being a sexy woman.My apprentice Katelyn had gone through a radical mastectomy and wondered if she could grow her breast tissue back. She had been through the worst of it and was working on restoring vitality and her sense of connection with her womanhood.For each of these women an answer to their challenge was the quantum activations. But before I tell you about their outcomes let me tell you why I got interested in this issue to begin with.I was the oldest daughter of 5 kids, though I had shapely hips I had small breast. After breastfeeding my mom would tease I had fried eggs for breasts. Well I was a good sport about it but after my trip to India, and ashram life, which striped any fat from my body, I came back to the states thin as a rail, with no hope of growing full breast. I spent another couple months in the ashram in Oakland and than moved out to Woodside. As I re- licensed to sell Real Estate I begin to meditate everyday seeing my breast grow larger.It turns out that if your mind believes you are bigger, with guided imagery, you grow bigger. The old adage what the mind conceives and believes it will achieve was true even for growing bigger breasts and in a short 45 days I added 3 inches to my breast. Returning to the ashram after a 6-week break the swami exclaimed Veda (my Indian name) you got the breast implants, I never thought you would do that.Though quantum activations we removed the breast cancer DNA in Kathryn, and had it medically documented! Jenny’s breast grew more then an inch the firs month of using a specific meditation for breast growth, and incredibly even Katelyn who had all breast tissue surgically removed, she had added an inch to her breast area in a 2-month period.I share this with you because it is possible to have the breasts and breast health you long for without surgical intervention. You can regenerate tissue and you can remove cancer DNA permanently.Here’s what we are up to in your2 weekly training sessions:Training OneIn this training we remove the nature of the breast illness, identify what parts of the blueprint are affected, removing troublesome programs, emotional anchors, anchors and interference, of which there are many, many new ones. Included in the clearing breast illness: poor DNA, cysts, mastitis, milk lobules, tumors, milk lobules, anomalies genetic lymphoma, swollen glands under arms, lymphoma, fibroids, milk duct issues, nipple issues, cancer, lobular cancer, heat and redness in breasts, and pain.Training TwoIn this training we focus on size. We clear patterns for breasts that are too small or too large and than, using guided meditation, give you the tools to grow or reduce your breasts to your liking without surgical enhancement or alteration. We will also work on firming tissue tightening and toning and giving you some solid techniques for age reversal in tissue elasticity.Here’s what’s included:2 1-Hour Sessions2 Guided Meditations: Uploads with transcripts for improving size and tissue elasticityBonus: 5-minute Quantum Shift Better Breast meditation, with transcripts, to use on the go and move you towards your goal with your active lifestyle. Are you interested in? Breast Health Training Home Study – Julie Renee Download, breast health training, educare breast health navigator training, breast health navigator training, can you build muscle in your breasts, how can i improve my breast health. Purchasing Breast Health Training Home Study – Julie Renee course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.