Brandon Rosewag – The New Age of Technical Analysis E-Book


Seven – Stock Market Lesson in 7 minutes
This 2 part guide contains the basics of what you need to know to navigate the stock market. If you are lost on where to begin or maybe want to gain some more clarity, then this is absolutely for you. Instead of spending countless hours watching videos and still ending up confused, this guide only needs a small fraction of your precious time.
My intention is to provide value to people who are unfamiliar with stocks/options and also shine some light on how things work. This is not an end all be all guide for you to become a master trader. You will need to continue enhancing your skills through more books, courses, and due diligence. Hard work and consistency are mandatory to get you to your financial goals. Unfortunately, I cannot teach those 2 skills. However, I can show you the information necessary to put you on the right path.
Included in this guide are 2 powerpoints presented in PDF format that you’ll be able to read as many times as you please.
What You’ll Learn In Stock Market Lesson in 7 minutes

Basics of the Stock Market
Getting Started
Basic Options Trading
Basic Fundamental Analysis
Basic Technical Analysis
Rules and Execution
Brief 7 Deadly Sins of Stock Market Trading