
Brandon Olson – Rankdaddy Academy 2019

Original price was: ₹716,400.00.Current price is: ₹16,434.00.



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Brandon Olson – Rankdaddy Academy 2019
Discover How We Took A Simple 6 Step Process, Made A Few Simple Tweaks, And Turned It Into
A $50k Per Month Powerhouse Almost Overnight…

Are you tired of punching a time-clock week after week?
Feeling frustrated with never getting ahead on the bills?
Do you desire more time freedom to spend with your family?
From: Rank Daddy
RE: Rank Daddy Academy
Dear Entrepreneur ,
If you crave lifestyle freedom, recurring monthly “mailbox money”, or even if you just want to eliminate stress and uncertainty about the future, then this is the most important letter you’ll read all year!
Here’s why…
Ive helped over 3,000 people just like you discover their IDEAL lifestyle business using the internet!
And on this page I will share with you the EXACT steps you can start taking today to achieve amazing results!
Rank Daddy has a ocean of SEO success stories.
In 2 weeks, my girl and I will be sitting on the beautiful beaches of Thailand. Meanwhile back in the real world I will still be making money, thanks to the methods taught by Rank Daddy. 
– Heath Friend
Most people know their is a ocean of wealth being created online but….
The path to the internet promise land is not a clear one.
Most professions like Doctors, Lawyers, Mathematician, Pilots, Engineer, Pharmacist, Nurse etc all have a clear and structured paths to a successful career.
When it comes to starting a internet business we are left to figure it out on our own….
Relying on Youtube, Amazon Best Sellers, and a endless onslaught of course gurus offering a “quick n easy” automated fix….
Which all end up saying the samething.

You need 4 things to make lifestyle money online:
1. A Website (but it doesn’t have to be yours…)
2. An Offer (basically, a idea to buy)
3. Floods of Traffic (Eyeballs are crucial!)
4. Consistent Conversions (Getting paid!)
These 4 elements can be aligned in TONS of different ways to create a online business.
Some cost A LOT to start and have a ocean of competition to deal with….
Others require buying & storing your offer in your garage, which is just annoying, right?
But I am going to share with you the irresistible lifestyle friendly business that is completely digital w/ little competition.
When done right, this profession routinely out earns top jobs like Doctors n Lawyers without costing you 10 years of your life in school or $100,000+ in student debt only to still be on a timeclock…
Through much trail and error, Ive been able to profitable run a thriving online business that earns over $50,000 per month while working only 2-10 hours per week.
WaNna know how?
Well, Ill tell ya….
Basically, I solve the #1 problem for business owners using the internet.
Search Engine Optimization – SEO.

OR in simpler terms….
Getting their website to the top of page 1 of Google search results and keeping it there!
[Recall, #3 Floods of Traffic]

To business owners, page 1 of Google is like placing their business in the middle of Time Square w/ unlimited amount of customers all around them…
As a business owner, can you imagine too many customers?
[#4 Consistent Conversions]
So many, that you’re forced to hire more staff, add to your fleet, to stop all other forms of coupons and advertising, and raise your prices!
These are the types of “problems” that I create for local businesses. Daily.
Unfortunately most business’s online presence is more likely to be found on page 8 or 10 aka the “Sahara Desert”.
No eyeballs, no customers, no sales….
Leaving their business PRAYING for relief.
That’s when Rank Daddy swoops in and saves the day!
So, when I’m responsible for expanding their business and deliver a flood of new customers, how do ya think they feel about me?
That’s right, they LOVE me!
And they’re ecstatic to send me a check for $500 to $2,500 month each and every month.
Was it easy to get to this point?
Not at first.
Remember there is no clear path to make this stuff work, just a lot of theories and ideas….
Probably like many of you, there’s been a whole heap of trial and error along the way.
Plenty of “fail safe” courses purchased.
Spending thousands of dollars just to discover your at a dead end!
Now, after 3 years of trial and error, tweaking, and developing a system which can be duplicated and scaled, I’d say it’s worked out pretty good.
The SEO process I developed builds and ranks websites quick, and easy, with minimal cost and maximum results.
Each website I created was like a digital employee, earning for me 24/7.
Allowing me the time-freedom to enjoy family time without worrying about the bills month to month.
Every-time it worked, over and over.
I was ranking client websites like clockwork. (often in 60 days or less)
So I started sharing my system with other marketers in SEO Facebookâ„¢ groups.
What happened?
The same insane results.
They were ranking their clients, and scaling their SEO businesses and creating lifestyle freedom.
This was it. This was the structure path I needed when I started.

I became so confident that I began offering to partner with other SEO agents, they would bring me clients and I’d run em thru my process.
They did nothing but collect the monthly fee.
I was taking only a 50% cut, and assuming ALL costs of ranking, yet I still made a Killing.
Now, I only spend about 2-10 hours a week running my SEO empire.
I’ve dialed this system in so precisely that those 2-10 hours are really just checking in to make sure my system is running smoothly and no adjustments are needed.
It’s really quite amazing.
I mean, not to long ago I was having to slave away 40+ hours a week at my old job herding unicorns and milking dragons. NOW THAT’S HARD WORK!

I always felt that there had to be a better way to create true lifestyle freedom.
Punching a clock for 40 hours a week, for 40 years till you can retire just seems so outdated now a days, doesn’t it?
I mean, technology is all around us to make life easier and there are over 68 million small businesses in the USA, that’s why SEO Marketing is here to stay – huge demand and limited supply of REAL solutions.
There are SOOO many businesses that need help with their SEO
rankings I had to create my own Academy to keep up with the demand.
Turns out my process is simple to follow as well!

RD had given me motivation and confidence to take SEO to the next level. I plan to be out of the JOB by the end of the year.
– Trena Cook
Met with a corporate event planner this morning, writing up a $5,000 invoice today. I know Rank Daddy’s system works, and will make tens of thousands for my client. Go get your money!!!! 
– Sarah Ann Dirks
Now, for a limited time my Rank Daddy Academy access is being open for new students, but only for the next 100 students to join.
I don’t need your money, 
I need your success stories, 
that’s why you need to get Rank Daddy Academy right now!
In Fact, Here’s Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get…
* You will discover EXACTLY how to rank and bank for your clients who are HAPPY to send you a check for $500 – $2,500 per month!
* You will understand the fundamentals of a profitable SEO business and avoid wasteful spending that gets no results.
* You will skip all the mistakes and hiccups so many others experiences and FINALL have a clear path to SEO success.
* Keeping up with all the changes and updates to SEO can make you dizzy, but when you are apart of the Rank Daddy Academy you wont have to worry because we keep you up to date with the latest trends of “whats working now”
* You will have a step by step guide to avoid “overwhelmed mode” and be able to execute the Rank Daddy process quick and easily.
Here’s The Bottom Line With Rank Daddy Academy
You will get the complete step by step process to rank and bank websites on Google.
In addition to the Academy, you get all the insider knowledge from the Facebookâ„¢ group and community support for day to day questions.
Rank Daddy Academy is the complete guide to creating lifestyle freedom using SEO services.
Rank Daddy Academy Includes: 
Section A: Core Infrastructure
When building a website, there are a couple things Google sees as important, when determining what your site will rank for. Don’t leave this to chance, If your core infrastructure is done incorrectly, or not at all, you could be missing out on a lot of traffic, and customers.
In Section A You will know exactly what to tell Google what you want to rank for with video tutorials for multiple platforms like Weebly and WordPress.
Section B: Crafting A Buzz For Business
Media attention is the fastest way for Google to notice your site. Imagine if, over the period of 7-10 days, 500 trusted media websites were referring people to your site and seeing your offer.
Section B teaches you that. TV station websites, radio station websites, newspaper websites and more, each publish a professionally written article containing a link to your site.
Section C: Creating Digital Business Cards
Traditionally a business card was a quick and easy way to get a business’s Name, Address, and Phone number.
Today nobody is using business cards, instead they are creating DIGITAL cards allow for Google to connect businesses with traffic from customers looking for their services.
Unfortunately, many business owners have NO IDEA how critical it is to have a digital business card.
In Section C we turn you into a super hero who saves the day for all your clients by showing you step by step how to create digital business cards for your clients and get them ranked in HOT spots like Google Maps.
Section D: Flower Power Mario 
Wanna know how to BLOW AWAY your competitors?
Supercharge your website with Powerlinks which help to glue your website to front page of Google and leave it there.
In Section D you will learn the exact strategy Rank Daddy has used to repeatedly dominate the competition in EVERY category imaginable.
Section E: The Secret Ocean of Wealth
You have done everything right up to this point and still rankings are competitive.
Section E unlocks the secret to leap frogging the competition and securing your spot in the Google rankings.
Your clients will be amazed at what you are capable of and happily stay a client for months and years to come!
Section F: The Network That Grows Your NETworth
Want to go next level?
That is Section F. It shows you how to establish a network of authoritative websites used to build links to your money website(s) for the purpose of ranking higher in the Google search engine.
A money website is the website you intend on ranking i.e. the one that actually makes money. This can also refer to a client’s website.
Simple put, expand your network of money sites and watch your NETworth expand with it.
Section G: Dominating A City 
There is no better feeling then ruling a city. By that we mean DOMINITATE page 1 of Google.
Section G is built to blow the competition away. To separate yourself so far from 2nd place it could be YEARS before anyone threatens your top spot.
The best part is you do the work ONCE and reap the benefits for months and years to come!
You will get exact instructions, step by step, and examples of how Rank Daddy has been using this tactic for YEARS!
Section H: Rank n Bank w/ Ease & Speed 
This one is to good to even mention on this page, once your on the inside of the Academy you will see the “shortcut” method Rank Daddy lays out to quickly establish your SEO agency.
Profit Accelerator: Intro To Rank Daddy PRO

After you graduate from the Academy, you will want to consider Rank Daddy Pro. In this module you get to peek inside of this all-inclusive course will teach you how to expand your agency and create new profit centers