Brand New Brand (2020) – Kaye Putnam


Get a Proven Step-by-Step Plan to Build Your Psychology-Driven BrandThat attracts amazing clients to youYour Brand is the Key to…Wake up to leads from perfect clients in your inbox, excited to work with youCharge what you deserve and have clients happy to pay itFeel confident when someone asks, “So what do you do?”Create your dream job where you get to work at your highest contributionMake an impact in more people’s livesBefore you spend any more time and money on social media, marketing, or hiring a team member, NOW is the time to get clear and confident about your brand. It has the “Domino Effect” making everything else so much simpler and more effective.Get Brand New Brand (2020) – Kaye Putnam, Only Price $127Here’s Why It’s So Hard to Define Your Brand1 // Working in your business instead of on your businessIt’s easy to caught in a cycle of feeding the never ending social media content monster, answering a quintillion emails, and squeezing client work in between. If you don’t stop and pay attention to your brand, it grows fuzzier and fuzzier by the day.2 // Too many shiny objects competing for your attentionInstagram stories! Membership sites! Pinterest! … (I think you see where I’m going with this…) The problem with jumping from tactic to tactic is you don’t get the results you were looking for. As it turns out, investing in your brand makes those shiny object tactics work better. You need to focus on defining it first.3 // Resistance to being seenOh, the good ol’ imposter syndrome. “You think, who am I to call myself an expert?” when other people clearly have way more experience – and look – have been featured on Forbes! Who am I to brand myself? (Hint: they started at the bottom, too, and your brand depends on a unique mix of YOUR personality, talent, and skill.)4 // Not knowing which step to take first and nextIf you struggle to put together a clear plan of action around building your brand, you are not alone.  In fact, every single person who responded to my branding survey mentioned the same roadblock.Join KayeTo create unshakable confidence and certainty in your message and brand.As a fresh college graduate, with my Marketing & Psychology degree in hand, I expected to follow the traditional route to “success.” There was one, glaring problem: my husband’s job required us move every 2-3 years. After two moves and quitting corporate jobs, I knew there had to be a better way. I discovered the world of online entrepreneurship. In my first year, I obsessively studied every marketing tactic you can think of and tried to emulate what the “big names” were doing.I bumbled along for over a year. Then, I stumbled on a website in a totally movie-worthy cliche “Eureka!” moment. It described each of the 12 Brand Archetypes. As I read each one, a light switched on. I could suddenly see the psychological foundation under the brands I love to follow. I understood what fueled the demand for their brand.From there, I developed the In Demand Brand Method with the brand archetype tool and other psychological demand triggers. It started out as a simple $700 one-day service and has rapidly expanded into the $5K two-month process I am constantly fully booked for today.Now it’s your turn…When you build a brand rooted in psychology and your unique personality, it attracts the perfect clients for you.As you help more and more people through your work, a ripple effect of impact and possibility is created. The opportunity to help you help others is the #1 reason I am so excited about your future.Introducing Brand New BrandThe only online branding program that teaches you to build a psychology-first brand foundation so you attract clients easily and magnetically…Brand New Brand is going to give you the clarity, confidence, and FOCUS you need to create the income and impact you want. It’s the work that attracts perfect clients TO YOU, so you don’t have to go chasing them down. (Or awkwardly twiddle your thumbs while you wait for them to show up.)YOU are the expert in your brand.But you need someone to draw your most impactful message out. That’s where I come in. I’m going to help you be more YOU.This is a brand incubatWHY PSYCHOLOGY-DRIVEN BRANDING?(WHY THIS WORKS)1. Clients make decisions emotionally2. The market is crowded with “me too” marketing3. Tap into timeless truths to shortcut understandingAlign your brand with the income and impact you desire.ion program, not simply a “course”When you choose Brand New Brand, you invest in learning the exact process I use with my 1-on-1 clients (who pay over $5K for the service). At the end of the program, you’ll have a complete Brand Book to inform all your future brand & business decisions.What makes this program special1// Road-tested and market-validated.I’ve developed the In Demand Brand method working with over 100 brands in different capacities. This has included helping launch a 7-figure agency, bringing a national nonprofit’s signature program online, and assisting many entrepreneurs like you toward brand clarity.2 // Psychology FIRSTWhen you hear the word ‘brand’, your eyes probably gloss over and visions of logos and color palettes dance through your brain. While that’s part of it (and part of the plan), it is sooo far from the total picture. This is NOT a design course. This is a step-by-step brand strategy plan that will bring clarity to your message, purpose, and personality. We start with psychology FIRST and build the tangible elements of your brand from the foundation of those invisible demand triggers.3 // I didn’t throw this together in a weekend.Beyond my 15 years of business and 100+ brands I’ve worked with over the years, I spent well over 100 hours planning, creating, and designing the content. This isn’t a sloppy stab at “passive income.” This is my life’s best work.Which Type of Brand Are You?I’M READY TO REBRANDYou’ve been in business for a while, but your outsides aren’t matching your insides. You want to look and act like the pro you are.I WANT TO LAUNCH WITH VELOCITYBringing a new business or product into the world? Let’s set it on the fast track to reaching your goals.I’M CRAVING CLARITY AND CONFIDENCEClarity and certainty are the ultimate confidence builders. We’ll set the stage for you to step into your greatest work.Here’s What You’ll LearnLearn how to claim your genius, stand out in the market, package your services, and communicate your brand in 4 simple steps.When you complete the incubation program, you’ll:1. Take your brand from an idea to a fully-formed strategy2. Create a Brand Book to inform all future decisions, content, and marketing3. Feel confident putting your brand out there4. Bring FOCUS to your businessNot sure where to start? Or what step to take next?Get Brand New Brand (2020) – Kaye Putnam, Only Price $127How Brand New Brand Works1. You get instant access to all of the 20 video lessons. Watch the training to learn my method for building each piece of a psychology-driven brand.2. Use the 30+ interactive worksheets and resources to think through and apply the lessons to your brand.3. You’ll be continuously building your Brand Book throughout the program. After each lesson, you’ll add your best brand elements.4. You get lifetime access to the content – even when I run the program as a live course with group coaching.I lay it out for you, step-by-step.Create your dream business now.Access my method and step-by-step guidance to build your psychology-driven brand that attracts the best clients to you.Step #1: The 4 Foundational ForcesWeek 1 / Brand Character & Credibility» Personality: Leverage your brand archetype to stand out from the competition and to create a brand that’s true to you.» Point of View: A distinctive brand requires a distinctive point of view. We’ll define yours so you can pinpoint your most impactful message and movement.» Brand Enemies: I’ll teach you my method to decide what is on your “Not To Do” list so that your brand doesn’t go off-track.» Credibility: Gather your proof points that’ll have your clients opening up their wallets without hesitation.Week 2 / Brand Commitment & Context» Brand Fundamentals: Define exactly what you are selling with certainty.» Tactical Goals: Determine how you’ll recoup your investment (time & money) in your brand.» Ideal Clients: This isn’t your grandma’s customer avatar exercise. We’ll get deep inside the minds of your perfect clients/customers.» Different, Not Better: Survey the market to figure out exactly where your brand fits in and stands out.Step #2:Week 3 / Messaging» Tone & Voice: Learn to craft and communicate your distinctive brand voice using words that compel your ideal clients to buy.» Tagline & Bios: Once we understand how to communicate as your brand, we’ll create “client-facing” blurbs – like your tagline and bio» Naming: We’ll create memorable and need-to-have-it names for your business, products, and more.» Stories & Content: Your brand’s stories help sell your brand, your message, and your point of view. We’ll work on creating your unique stories that you’ll tell over and over.Week 4 / Brand Visuals» Typography: Choose a pairing of fonts to communicate your brand personality.» Colors: We’ll cover several techniques to (finally!) decide on your signature color scheme using psychology and meaning.» Logo: Your logo is a first impression and a mark of consistency. I’ll teach you easy ways to do it yourself, or guidelines for hiring out the work.» Patterns & Shape: To build more texture and visual meaning into your brand, patterns and shapes provide meaning and context.» Images: We’ll talk about personal brand portraits and choosing stock images to represent your brand.Step #4Week 5 / Live Your Brand» Presence: Define exactly how you’ll look and sound on each of your brand platforms.» Branded Website: I’ll give you my best tips for translating your brand on your website so you’ll be ready to transition from strategy to implementation seamlessly.» Visibility: Create your unique brand visibility plan for content creation & social media marketing.» Action Plan: We’ll outline your exact next steps so you aren’t left guessing at what to do next.You Also GetMy exclusive Brand Book template for you to use for your brand in both PowerPoint and Keynote.My list of the best brand resources and tools to make building and implementing your brand easy.Lifetime access to the course, including all upgrades and additions.Get Brand New Brand (2020) – Kaye Putnam, Only Price $127 Tag:  Brand New Brand (2020) – Kaye Putnam Review. Brand New Brand (2020) – Kaye Putnam download. Brand New Brand (2020) – Kaye Putnam discount.