Brand Design Mastery-Flux Academy – Ran Segall


Brand Design Mastery-Flux Academy – Ran SegallAdding branding to your services means creating more value and charging more.But even though it sounds like a smart business move, you haven’t figured out how to make it work for you.Potential clients approach you for branding but sales conversations fizzle out because you don’t know how to achieve their business goals, and they can tell.Or worse, you aren’t sure what you’re supposed to deliver for a branding package so you don’t even attempt to sell it to clients.Adding branding to your services feels ridiculous (even if you’re already doing it unofficially) because your own branding looks so amateur.You know you should be looking for clients but you feel you’re unable to piece together a process that you can follow from start to finish.Even when a client does pay you to design their brand identity, you get stuck in endless loops of feedback and revisions because they don’t trust you enough.You don’t want to just muddle through client projects like an amateur.You want to follow a complete, tried-and-tested roadmap, knowing you aren’t missing or skipping any steps.You want to work with bigger clients, do what you love full time, and build a stable business.By the end of the program,you’ll be able to…Offer a full-stack solutionNo more leaving money on the table because you’re limited to web design when your clients need more. You’ll create more value for your clients and earn more money per project.Work fasterStop wasting time making mistakes that can be prevented with a clear, step-by-step process. We’ll show you how to go from strategy to visual identity while making life infinitely easier for yourself and your clients.Advise clients on strategyThere are clients out there who want your expert advice. You’ll learn how to uncover the true essence of a company and use that understanding to define a strategy that supports your client’s business goals.Sell with confidenceDon’t sell yourself short because you’re a “self-taught” designer. We’ll provide feedback and coaching so you can quickly improve your branding skills. Before long, you’ll be able to confidently deliver high quality work and charge accordingly.Are you interested in? Brand Design Mastery-Flux Academy – Ran Segall Download, brand design mastery, logo design mastery the full course, logo design mastery in adobe illustrator free download, logo design mastery in adobe illustrator, logo design mastery in adobe illustrator freecoursesite.Purchasing Brand Design Mastery-Flux Academy – Ran Segall course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.