Brainwave Research UK – InnaPeace – Tesla Terra Tone


The technologies currently available are: Binaural beats (as used by Holosync, among others); and a combination of Monaural tones, Binaural beats and Isochronic tones.Binaural beats have long been the mainstay of BWE programs; but as newer, more effective technology emerges, it’s worthy of serious consideration as a personal development tool.Purchase Brainwave Research UK – InnaPeace – Tesla Terra Tone courses at here with PRICE $77 $32There are a number of Brainwave Entrainment (BWE) programs on the market, and they all claim to make you more relaxed, intuitive, centered, creative, stress-free and smarter.On some level, with varying degrees of success, many I have tried deliver.I say this because some technologies are simply more effective than others, and that there is NO quick fix. Sorry, no magic pill for personal growth!That said, BWE has made positive changes for many thousands of people.The technologies currently available are: Binaural beats (as used by Holosync, among others); and a combination of Monaural tones, Binaural beats and Isochronic tones.Binaural beats have long been the mainstay of BWE programs; but as newer, more effective technology emerges, it’s worthy of serious consideration as a personal development tool.My ExperienceI started using BWE as part of my daily meditation more than three and a half years ago with a program called Holosync. I have experienced significant positive changes including the big one for me, stress reduction!Things that sent me into a panic attack don’t even get a raised eyebrow today.I’m able to take the emotion out of decision making. Creativity and inspiration have gone through the roof. I am much happier, more at peace and “lighter” without the stress.But I had one big problem with Holosync. The emotional ups and downs were sometimes overwhelming.I felt that my growth was coming at a really high cost of day-to-day happiness.It was too intense sometimes. I was still committed to meditation because of the benefits I was having, but the emotional issues were getting to me.I spent many hours with Holosync’s awesome support staff dealing with this!And then, I discovered InnaPeace.I thought, what do I have to lose? So I tried the demo. I knew right away, “this is it”.Wow. A-m-a-z-i-n-g. I feel like I’ve undergone several levels of growth since I started using it.I’ve found that InnaPeace is more… peaceful? That is, I’m experiencing growth without having to manage emotional issues.It’s easy to get lost in the soundtrack.My first awareness is simply the sound of rain – but not a mere soundtrack of rain; rather, I feel that I am in the rain, and in the distance I hear the faint song of wind chimes.I become aware of a deeper sound.A sound like small birds fluttering their wings on either side of my head, shaking water droplets from their wings.I literally feel this sound moving through my brain in a sort of infinite Mobius loop.It’s simultaneously soothing and energizing.I find it very easy to quiet my mind by focusing on the physical sensations in my brain.Absence of thought is accompanied by deep peace and an awakening in my brain that is difficult to describe.It is one of those things that needs to be experienced to be understood.Eventually I become aware of fluttering wings again; as the track ends, the peace remains.InnaPeace elicits a deep, relaxed, very enjoyable meditative state very quickly, even if I’m thinking about a thousand things at the same time.I find that since I began using InnaPeace, the floodgates of creativity have opened even wider than with Holosync.Inspired problem-solving, creativity and memory have been enhanced far beyond the effects I experienced with Holosync.I also find that I am able to enter an alpha and even a theta brainwave state at will depending on what I need at the moment.I feel healthy and vibrant. And stress is practically gone from my life!Best of all, I’m free from the emotional upheaval. I’m growing without the growing pains.And subsequently enjoying the many benefits of deep meditation much faster than before.Your ExperienceWhat benefits can you expect from InnaPeace?That’s hard to say.You have your own needs so it’s impossible to predict where the technology will take you.All I can say is that you will notice an increase in creative thinking, and you will experience a significant reduction in stress.InnaPeace will enhance and accelerate your personal growth, probably in ways you can’t imagine!Meditating for an hour every day is wonderful but time can be a luxury.You can still achieve extraordinary personal benefits in just 7-30 minutes with InnaPeace.I especially love the the 10-minute Tesla Terra Tone track.This track contains a frequency – Gamma – that can’t be achieved with binaural technology.I often use the Terra Tone track when there’s no time for longer meditation. 10 minutes to bliss?Yes!Personal GrowthWill InnaPeace make you grow as a human being? Yes and no.Only you can make changes within yourself. The technology is only a gateway. Even if you’re meditating just for relaxation, you’ll benefit in many other ways.InnaPeace removes the heavy blanket of stress, energizes your brain and allows for more coherent whole-brain thinking.This will have far-reaching effects in your life.Why Choose InnaPeace?Although I have had good personal experience using Holosync, the technology is different and actually less effective since the unique 40Hz Gamma frequency can’t be picked up by human ears with Binaural technology alone.InnaPeace brainwave entrainment tracks have no such limitation so you can enjoy the elusive brainwave state of Gamma.I enjoy doing yoga while listening to InnaPeace over speakers. That was hard with binaural technology and headphones.There’s the issue of emotional upheaval. Holosync is powerful, but maybe its emphasis on Delta is misguided? I believe that where a little time in Delta is good, too much can be too much. Just like cheesecake. Or weight training.To me, the benefits of InnaPeace are clear:Faster, longer entrainment:With InnaPeace, the listener benefits from a pure entrainment frequency in each track – most competing products mix frequencies in each track.Many competing products also waste lots of time ramping down to the main frequency and ramping back up (30+ minutes of ramping in every Holosync listening!) in comparison to InnaPeace’s rapid exposure to pure entrainment.No Headphones:The 3-way entrainment approach uses Monaural, Binaural and Isochronic tones that allow you to listen with and without headphones.Effectiveness:The sound quality of InnaPeace tracks is crystal clear and uses a pure entrainment frequency per track for maximum effectiveness and better experience.InnaPeace main tracks do not mash many different frequencies in one track, as most other products do.InnaPeace tracks incorporate one pure frequency on each track, producing a universal wave clarity that is easy to entrain with. If you expose your brain to multiple frequencies, the brain can’t entrain effectively (which one does it choose?)In my quest for the best brainwave entrainment product, I’ve compared many products.I’ve researched the ways the technology works and the differences in quality.Some competing claim their tracks contain “harmonically layer[ed] precision-engineered window frequencies” – but a ‘window’ is, by definition not precise.And, it generates chaotic waves!Support:The support I have experienced with the Brainwave Research Institute has been outstanding.Many competing product offerings give you a set of audio files and wish you good luck.The Brainwave Research Institute stand miles ahead of the others with a fine selection of professional support coaches who are always happy to help out.They even have an online journal to track your growth and progress.Get Brainwave Research UK – InnaPeace – Tesla Terra Tone – Anonymous, Only Price $32Tag: Brainwave Research UK – InnaPeace – Tesla Terra Tone Review. 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