
BrainSpeak – BrainStorm Subliminals – Creativity

Original price was: ₹4,050.00.Current price is: ₹996.00.


BrainSpeak – BrainStorm Subliminals – Creativity

Creativity – The Basis of Genius…

Creativity is thinking the impossible, and then daring to achieve what no one else has done before, and discovering completely new horizons. Stifling the creative mind robs us of our problem-solving ability and frustrates the natural drive to grow within ourselves and expand the world around us.
For many, being “stuck” simply means they have not been trained to unleash the power of the creative process on the obstacles they face. Recognizing and celebrating that powerful ability is the first step in discovering your true potential and the joy of true personal transformation.

Let the BrainStorm Creativity Program help you to automatically…


Access your innate creative powers when you need them most!


Expand your imagination and become open and receptive to new thoughts and experiences.


Express your creative power in new ways through new thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Easily allow creativity and ingenuity to become part of who you are!


Remove mental blocks when you really need a creative answer any request or challenge.


Surprise yourself and others with demonstrations of your new depth of creativity and ingenuity.

Two Powerful Tracks!

Each BrainStorm title contains two tracks of positive “silent” affirmations plus the 7.83 kHz Schumann resonance (the vibratory frequency of the Earth) embedded in a high frequency carrier.
This listening format was recommended to us by our original 100-member test group, based on the results they produced during our research and development of BrainStorm.

Track #1

BrainSpeak® Sounds & Subliminals

The first track combines carefully selected, audible sound BrainSpeak sound patterns, with inaudible “silent” subliminal messages.
It is designed to synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain and shift your brainwave patterns to an alpha-theta level – where you can experience deep relaxation, creativity and re-scripting of behaviors and beliefs.
We recommend that you listen to this track with headphones, at a comfortable volume. Do NOT listen to this track while driving!

Track #2

BrainStorm Silent Subliminals

The second track contains the same positive subliminal messages in our specially encoded silent format! You may listen to this track without headphones – anytime, anywhere, for any amount of time.
Because there are no distracting “masking” sounds you can play it through speakers in the background while you work, talk on the phone, watch TV, drive, or sleep.
The subliminal messages re-program your subconscious mind while you go about your daily activities.

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].